Don't mix Arranged Team with Random Team. Why it is a mistake to do so

RT is about teaming up with random strangers to try out new builds and have fun, meeting new people.

AT is about honing skills to win. What is so important is RT is a no pressure setting, while AT is full of pressure to win just like 1v1.

It’s like if the two settings were Gyms, RT would be the planet fitness, and AT would be golds gym. imagine mixing the two. Right now, AT is dead in classic and RT is very alive. RT is where most people in classic play nowadays.

If the two are mixed it will be a disaster because you can’t play for fun with no pressure anymore which is the default place people go to escape pressure and have fun (and it’s also the most populated)

As blizzard can see in classic, AT is dead currently on most servers while RT is still alive. People Love RT, it is the backbone of the game. don’t ruin wc3 as we love it.


Need quote on Blizzard’s supposed intent to mix RT with AT.
Need quote on “People Love RT, it is the backbone of the game.”
AT is currently dead since it’s technically impossible for most people to play it (unable to host games).

AT vs RT does ruin RT imo, I really hope they dont allow AT vs RT in the full release


do you even play multiplayer?

No. I don’t. I hate multiplayer.

so why chime in on a multiplayer discussion just to troll the OP?

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I’m not trolling. I legit don’t know what the hell you guys are talking about. I’ve never heard of “builds” in regards to RTS games before; only RPGs.

lmao thats exactly why you should stick to discussing WoW and campaign mode, and not call OP a diablo4 poster

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I didn’t. I said it read like a Diablo 4 conversation.

Next time don’t be so quick to attack, dude. Just explain what’s being said and move on. No harm, no foul.


attack? youre the one attacking the OP saying his post “reads” like a diablo conversation… you clearly dont know what you are talking about and saying “builds” is an RPG term is hilarious


Then explain it to me, dude. Don’t go all f**king elitist like you are.


how about you explain what RPG has the ability to build? are you talking about choosing a class and playing dress up?

Class, questing and faction choices, etc. Yes. That’s a build.

What the hell is an “RTS build?”

im honestly in shock that somebody who plays wc3 doesnt understand that each race has worker units (peasant, peon, acolyte, wisp) and that worker unit is used to build a base… in RTS base building is a big factor in choosing a strategy at high level play

the term “building” should not be used in RPG games just for choosing a class/faction armor or spelltype… thats not building RPG games are about level grinding lol

…Really? It’s that simple?

…My apologies, sir. I saw abbreviations and immediately thought everything was a lot more complicated than that.

Carry on, sorry for intruding.

this thread isnt even about base building, its about AT vs RT, which is for multiplayer

thank you

Could you explain what AT and RT are though?

It may come in handy for the single-player melee maps.

Random Team = you do not pick your allies

Arranged Team = you choose your allies

they were always separate playlists in WC3, but in SC2 you can play AT vs RT which is incredibly unfair for RT players and gives AT players a big advantage

This has nothing to do with single player, which is why its really annoying for somebody who doesnt play multiplayer to come in and talk sht about something he doesnt understand

Sorry for derailing your topic, OP. I’ve just never heard these terms before and was curious about what they meant.

I’m not trolling, I swear.

Okay, now I feel REALLY stupid. Like, that should have been obvious. I’m sorry. x.x

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you know Filthy, I could probably teach you a lot about WC3, if you ever had any interest in learning how to be a non-casual :wink: