Don't mix Arranged Team with Random Team. Why it is a mistake to do so

No way, man, being a casual is my thing!

Thanks for the offer though, truly. :slight_smile:

itā€™s ok, no worries. Random team and arranged team should be seperate otherwise it kills the setting that most people play (rt) nowadays. Itā€™s a setting where there is no pressure and just about fun. AT like 1v1 is about only winning and there is a lot of pressure. RT players just play for fun and try to figure out cool strategies to win.

but you dont even understand what it is you are hating on

Iā€™m not hating on anything here. :slight_smile:

ā€¦My choice of words could probably have been better. I had a specific tone in my head while thinking those exact words and just typed the words. Iā€™m sorry.

i think its sad you dont give multiplayer a chance though :frowning:

you just have to learn the basics first

Iā€™ve tried multiplayer. I suck. And Iā€™m too casual to ā€œgit gud.ā€

Iā€™d rather play multiplayer with someone as equally casual as me.

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or somebody like me, who is capable of helping you :wink:

Heh. Well, I dunnoā€¦ I mean, Iā€™d be lying if I said the offer wasnā€™t appealing, but I also have other games I like playing. Becoming a god isnā€™t on my agenda.

thatā€™s what rt is. a bunch of casual players playing each other. Arranged team is ā€œgit gudā€ people.

Itā€™s like if the two settings were Gyms, RT would be the planet fitness, and AT would be golds gym. imagine mixing the two.

Except Iā€™ve been playing RT on the Beta by default and I keep getting my rear handed to me because they already have their heroes and units built before I could even build mine.

Same issue in Classic, too.

Im not offering to make you pro, what Im saying is, if you were to just give me a few hours one night (not tonight, some other time) I could teach you some basic beginner stuff (like proper base builds/timing). I would only practice with you against computers, not other hardcore players, and you could take that new knowledge to help improve your playstyle in singleplayer or campaign modes, as well as maybe possibly have a better understand of some of the more elitist conversations that take place around here

You know what, that doesnā€™t sound like a bad idea at all.

ā€¦I donā€™t want to main one faction though. :frowning:

when I teach new players, I usually teach them Human because thats the race I know best, and its the easiest to teach IMOā€¦ but you dont have to stick with only human, its just for learning the basics

I would have gone with human first anyway.

For the Alliance!

well like I said, probably not tonight but some other time if youre interested, do you have reddit or discord?

Discord. Reddit isā€¦ shudder

Sent a friend request instead. Couldnā€™t figure out how to message someone whoā€™s not on my list.

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