why do you write like this? this is the internet, nobody wants to read a book, just get to your point… did you forget to mention that it would have also been nice to have had in the past, too? what about yesterday? or in an hour from now? why did you have to keep repeating “either in the present or the now or the maybe later time frame”
whats do you think is broken about the multiplayer experience? you know the beta is far from complete and that many features are missing from the beta right? you should probably hold off on judging the game or requesting new features until the game is release, which is only like 3 days away now. At this point, its not like blizzard is going to read your post and think “oh, we need to get on this stuff now before we release the game”
I would try to answer your questions but Im not about to read a 5,000 word essay when I cant even figure out what you are asking for within your first 2-3 paragraphs. Most of your requests like for 6v6 already exist, but they will never be part of the Ranked Ladder system
Next time you want to discuss “Matchmaking” you need to be more specific about the differences between ranked and unranked. If you ever played the Classic original TFT game, you would know that many gamemodes are not played much anymore, Ranked 3v3 was unplayable for many years prior to the beta because not enough people play the game anymore, But you can always play and host private unranked games which is how people play 6v6. So asking for a Ranked 12v12 gamemode is like asking blizzard to make 10million people play the game, and thats just not going to happen
instead of writing a book on all your various ideas, you could try reading other forum posts that share similar ideas, such as this one…
now this is just dumb, you get Icons and Ranks in WC3 for winning, I dont even understand what you are saying, why would we get gold for winning?
blizzard already sold a bunch of dumb skins for other games in the pre-order bonus “Spoils of War” and ya know what? most people hate it, because why would we buy WC3 if we want content for other games? If I want content for hearthstone, I can go buy stuff for hearthstone, but dont force hearthstone or wow or any other crap into this game
this just seems like incoherent rambling IMO, do you think you work as a director at blizzard and are giving advice to the devs? none of this has any relevance to anything. THE GAME RELEASES in 3 DAYS THEY WONT DO THESE THINGS NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN AROUND HERE YEARS AGO
thats brilliant! why didnt anybody think of this before? what would we have done if WC3 shipped without other ideas to consider for implementation? you just saved WC3!
You know that combining AT and RT is the most unfair unbalanced way to play a game like this? its completely unfair to allow AT players to go against RT players, and if they allowed that it would cause less people to play the game. There will never be an AT/Ranked 2v2v2v2 gamemode, thats what custom games are for
Try reading some other posts and actually learn about the game before writing your next book please