This game has the nastiest community in the universe

Worse than League or DOTA. Worse than

To be fair, it’s not entirely the the community’s fault, as the game’s matching has systemic flaws that put people together who shouldn’t be put together.

But every single game, losing players feel the need to blame their ally and say in all chat “so and so was s*it” or other nastiness. No other game I’ve played seems to see players get so mad about losing and it is NEVER their own fault at all, it’s 100% always the other guy. In the last week I can count the number of players who could be civilized in defeat on one hand.

Maybe its a carry over from how mad people are in general at how Blizzard pooped up the game. I don’t know. But when you play, try to remember, we all want to enjoy the game for what it is, and dunking on people (to keep it forum friendly) just ruins everything. Not to mention low tier players trying to tell other low tier players that they’re bad. No such player ever made any claims about being good, and most importantly:

No one that’s bad at the game needs to be told as such. Us terrible players are all infinitely aware that we’re terrible, and taking a dump on us for being bad isn’t going to make us improve.

I expect trash talk from opponents, but its a lot worse when it comes from your side.


you ain’t never gonna get that spirit link feeling in pug consistently
arranged team is what you are looking for
find a solid G who will watch your back as you watch his, and conquer the world together

Not everyone has friends to play with. Why do you think most players are in RT and why ATs would have to wait so long if the queues werent combined?

My friend - just Now you realized?

I think I know what happened: until now you just played in PTR - community, sure are more nice guys & ladies voluntary beta testing features for Blizzard!

Now you switched on real life game, I even assume 4x4 (so 1x1) and you are baffled to meet some of my “friends” over there!

So like on my thread, what is the solution? To leave each game seems not, to accept TK-led each time not, and if other 3x leave - is quite hard to play 4 at once. Hopefully in next patches, you will be able to block chat eg. cursers and worse those message flooders who put a white ‘curtain’ on your screen…

No. but a long string of trying to play 2v2s and being called trash by my ally nearly every game simply provoked me to revisit the discussion. This isn’t about bullying or racism or anything like that, it’s just a near constant vibe of negativity that drains fun out of the game. Sure, I can avoid this with an AT, but I’m craptastic at this game, I’ll be hard pressed to find someone to team up with.

And thats the thing. I know I’m not very good. I really, really don’t need anyone else to tell me I’m not good. It’s not news, trust me. Berating an ally is not going to make them suddenly get better at the game, it only ever makes things worse. So folks, please remember that before you hit enter on that “get gud baddie” message. If you’re bronze tier (in a game with a system like that), there’s a certain irony in someone who’s also bronze trying to call other people bad as if they aren’t bad themselves. I’m like "dude, this is the bottom of the ladder, if you’re in this game, it’s not becuase you’re good at it, you don’t need to tell other people they are bad because everyone here is “bad.”

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I think this is a problem you’ll need to solve outside of warcraft. Probably even outside of video game community. Have you ever tried meetup . com?

There were a lot of people who whinged about queuing against AT in the past:

And not just in warcraft. In starcraft also:

That’s why Blizzard made the queues separate. I think it was a mistake.

The upside of separate RT and AT queues, is that as RT you aren’t placed against an AT.

The obvious downside of RT and AT queue separation, is that a) AT queues are dead, and b) exactly what you are saying: in RT, more often than not, you get a deadbeat ally, and then you’d have to be thrice as good to carry both of you to victory. I’d say a difficulty level of that is comparable with queuing against an AT, with the difference that having a deadbeat ally, even against an RT, doesn’t carry the same reward and joy as queuing with a good random ally against an AT. In RT queues, even if you win, you will most likely never see your deadbeat ally again, and not that you’d want to anyway. While with a trusted AT partner, even if you lose a game, you’d learn and improve and take it to the next game. But these days it’s a ‘no player left behind’ all the way, and at a casual level, Blizzard panders to the lowest common denominator, because the whingers’ currency is as green as the elite’s one, but is much more numerous, and so Blizzard are going with quantity here. And its a sad shame, because there already is an option of custom games if people don’t want to play against an AT, but if they really want to play competitive, they should definitely be able to do it as AT. In fact, its AT who should have a toggle option, either to play against both RT and AT, or if they are feeling up to it, only play against other AT. But currently that’s not the case, and unfortunately is unlikely to ever be…

I think you should read this statement and then the topic title and then perhaps reevaluate what you wrote. Telling me to go out and meet people is the kind of thing that exemplifies one of the problems I have with this community. It is toxic as all hell, and this comment of yours is toxic. as it has no productive purpose other than to offend.

On the rest of that: I disagree with the notion that RT is/should be about trying new things and experimenting. That’s what Unranked is for. Every game played in ranked, whether AT or RT, should be being played to win. Because it’s still a competition like it or not.

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AT should not play with Random team! I do NOT think AT queue is so unpopulated. And even if it is, they should assume it => they choosed to play AT so they can WAIT - like I wait to get a normal game without leavers + disconnections + crashes + teamkillers !
I also spam “Find Match” button and I get 10 looses in few seconds until I got a normal game than last more than 3 minutes.

And if you think: AT wait time is always less than a Random Guy’s wait time!
Because they are more, they wait less than a player who waits for other 7 gamers.

And there is another thing. Even if you play AT (A1+A2) vs Random (Z1+Z2), to play (not intentioned) with the same people all time, I mean TeamA always play with Z1 each game, one after another - is just Not fair and can be upsetting. Even if you win, can be boring that all the time Z1 is there in your game - he curses make bad things maybe even Z2 (his random mate) quits on him…

Ok once or twice to meet Z1, but if 3rd time in a row Z1 is still there - chances are low (statistically) :scream: :persevere: or bad pairing algoritm.

But if more than 5 times in a row you see the same Z1
(and in my case 4x4 Z1 was in my team + teamkilling me :rage: - not even once in Enemy’s team ) - that is really upsetting - ending up to shut down all PC. :boom:

That’s why I want to have a blacklist of at least 1x player that I can Ignore at least few hours ! Is not about exploiting that I want to ignore play against eg. Grubby (with 99% win rate :muscle:), in order to increase my low MMR,

is just about I do NOT want to see the upsetting Z1 player few hours in my life!

Look I really wasn’t going for the AT RT debate here…

Yes ok, but seems we have always same issues due to fact:
“How now system chooses to pair us” - based on whatever Algorithm (now I do not think anymore only MMR is the input, maybe also the region / faction played or other hidden numbers)!

Pairing breaks down also to the topics: AT, RT, always same people in same games => resulting all kind of bad behaviour or just demotivation!

Fkn lol…

Save your breath, they’re still here, and you won’t prove anything to anyone. Just 1v1 until this swamp gets refreshed with a bunch whose skins are thicker than their skulls. Won’t happen overnight, but patience is a virtue, practice it.

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I really didn’t mean to offend. I was just brainstorming the possible solutions to the issue you described. Sorry if it came across a wrong way. I just can’t quite think of anything other than getting a reliable friend to guarantee a salt free team, that’s all. And if you look what they did in dota, they have came up with this low priority queue thingy, where you end up if you generate enough reports from your teammates. There it’s irrelevant how bad you are, your MMR is not affected, and any subsequent reports while in low priority will prolong your stay in there, while those who ended up there by accident will swiftly make it back out into the common player pool.

What if after a warcraft game, if you reported your ally for whatever reason, they would get placed into the same low priority queue behind the scenes? Like they wouldn’t be able to queue against higher MMR players, only against the lower MMR ones? And if their actions during that next game result in a loss and additional reports again, they would end up versing even lower MMR players, until they basically reach a rock bottom, and would stay there until they start putting in actual effort to win? I’m not sure how much development work would that require though, but something similar was implemented, would you be happy with that?

Bruh that’s exactly what’s happening rn. But the point is, what op is crying about, is rare asf at high MMR brackets to the point it’s actually amusing, and sometimes even meme worthy when it happens. An overwhelming majority of the time, only bottom dwelling trash gets to deal with big-talkin small-walkin tkers and just general knobheads. Once you reach a certain level, bois there just ain’t got time for pointing fingers and throwing turds, what they do instead is exactly 2 things: write gg and move on to the next game. That’s it. Post-game tauntrums are symptoms, not the cause of the problem. The cause, is none other than the lil as MMR, the solution to which, is to git gud and lift yourself up by your manbun to the level where folks simply don’t have time to exchange plesantries and move right along to where they belong, to the next glorious match, without even a thought of looking back at what some dawg had to yelp three centuries ago. It’s unbelievable how some units here got time for that! Just write lolumad or ujustbad, and join the next game, is that really so hard as they make it out to be?

If only that was as simple as you make it out to be, they wouldn’t be making these kinds of threads now, would they?

It is stupidly simple if you ain’t trying to change how hominids go about their ways. But once you get into that, you’re dealing not with just pixels, but a whole damn sack behind the screen. And lemme tell you, most salters ain’t even mad at you for not being a grubby and carrying them to win. No, most likely they’ve got other, much more pressing issues at hand, often irl, and their talk is just an attempt to vent out their troubles while staying relatively safe on the other end of the cable. Getting upset at that, is like putting a lid on the boiling kettle, and closing the vapor outlet. If you don’t know what happens then, I ain’t telling you, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Fair enough, I don’t know, and doubt if I want to. There just got to be a way to have meaningful and enjoyable team games without limiting the already scarce and decreasing player pool further. I just can’t think of one. Maybe someone smarter comes along and discovers it…

That’s cause there isn’t one. But sure, whatever, they can try looking for it all they want. While those in the know just get their MMR through the roof and enjoy trash free bliss like no tomorrow. To each their own.

You know toxic behavior isn’t limited to the ally right

You can just /ignore them. In WoW you don’t even have an option to chat with opposing faction in PvP. Otherwise that would be a cursefest and bans would fly left and right.

If only there was a full silent mode option for all Blizzard games, where you cannot hear anyone or speak to anyone, and let the tip of your sword do the talking, 99% of toxic comms would just naturally resolve itself. But we are not given that option. Instead we get social contracts that get increasingly stringent to the ridiculous extent with every patch shoved down our throats, while those who just want a deaf-mute experience are completely ignored. Is this what you would like to happen in reforged too?

It’s not that simple, the ignore ocmmand does not work. you can mute people on a pergame basis but /ingore /squelch do not seem to work.

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