This game has the nastiest community in the universe

I think this is a problem you’ll need to solve outside of warcraft. Probably even outside of video game community. Have you ever tried meetup . com?

There were a lot of people who whinged about queuing against AT in the past:

And not just in warcraft. In starcraft also:

That’s why Blizzard made the queues separate. I think it was a mistake.

The upside of separate RT and AT queues, is that as RT you aren’t placed against an AT.

The obvious downside of RT and AT queue separation, is that a) AT queues are dead, and b) exactly what you are saying: in RT, more often than not, you get a deadbeat ally, and then you’d have to be thrice as good to carry both of you to victory. I’d say a difficulty level of that is comparable with queuing against an AT, with the difference that having a deadbeat ally, even against an RT, doesn’t carry the same reward and joy as queuing with a good random ally against an AT. In RT queues, even if you win, you will most likely never see your deadbeat ally again, and not that you’d want to anyway. While with a trusted AT partner, even if you lose a game, you’d learn and improve and take it to the next game. But these days it’s a ‘no player left behind’ all the way, and at a casual level, Blizzard panders to the lowest common denominator, because the whingers’ currency is as green as the elite’s one, but is much more numerous, and so Blizzard are going with quantity here. And its a sad shame, because there already is an option of custom games if people don’t want to play against an AT, but if they really want to play competitive, they should definitely be able to do it as AT. In fact, its AT who should have a toggle option, either to play against both RT and AT, or if they are feeling up to it, only play against other AT. But currently that’s not the case, and unfortunately is unlikely to ever be…