Blizard has broke FPS again!

In the 1.36.1 i had 250+ FPS Now in 1.36.2 its 100 and spikes to 50! PLS finally fix it. So it doesn’t come back every patch


unable to find games… EU region

The Framerate is broken since the last Patch. It is oscillating consistently every second which creates a very laggy & unenjoyable feel to play. Please fix it.


background frame bug need hotfix patch

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i have exactly the same problem. sadly its close before my raraland closed qualifer games, which will be kind of unplayable for me then…

Same for me… unplayable

Is blizzard working on a fix? or do we have to wait until next patch?

I caved in today and bought the game to finally relive the old times. Started the campaign and realized I can’t even get past Thrall’s intro with how terrible the stuttering is…

I guess the good thing is it’s not just my issue and hopefully next patch makes the game playable.

My FPS has decreased, but my friend did not encounter this issue when using Intel CPU,
I guess you must be using AMD CPU
This is a punishment for AMD users

This is a comparison between the fps of version 1.35 and version 1.36, and you will find that the fps of version 1.36 is very high

Proof video on all versions of 1.36 low fps

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