Hacking and StarCraft

Well, redhotmoon is back at it. He doesn’t need to be using SC to DDOS but he uses it to see who’s logged in and when he sees one of his targets, he threatens them with DDOS then he does it. I’m starting to believe those who say Blizzard doesn’t care. I hope Blizzard proves me wrong.
Just to be clear, this would not have been possible (DDOS) if Blizzard patched up the holes that let a player see other player’s IP addresses.


You do not seem to get it… Starcraft is a Peer to Peer game. this means you are directly connected to everyone else in the game while playing for the purpose of exchanging Starcraft game data. There is not anything Blizzard can do about it because that is how the game was made. Only those who HOST games get their IPs listed in public so that others can join the game. If you do not host games he would have to enter the game your in to get it. If he already has your IP simply change it and its gg until you two are in the same lobby again. At a cost of higher latency you can intentionally set your ports wrong if you host in order to get to host with a proxy and your ip protected longer. and if your so sure you can see ips join my game and tell me mine Amapapo I bet you can’t

Guys can someone reply to this (preferably a Blizzard representative) ? a while ago I’ve got my topic about CoachAI false flagged & removed, without giving an appropriate/clear reason:

What do you say about that ^^, Matt ? Is there is anything I can do to harden (more) any malicious use of it, I don’t want this useful project to be forgotten, all I’m asking is a topic about CoachAI here.

Please I want to hear from Blizzard.


Can you read this I couldn’t contact or send it to Blizzard for support.

"Hello Blizzard,

I have something important to report and hope you guys will take action accordingly as I believe it will be a big concern for the blizzard community.

Recently I join a game lobby of “Cat and Mouse Jungle” in Starcraft Remastered at approximately around 2:30am on 2/16/2020. The lobby was full and everyone was waiting on the host to start but he was afk. A player by the name of “TrailBlazer” joined the lobby and start threatening players to leave or he will start collecting IP addresses in the intention to DDOS every single person in the lobby. I thought he was joking at first then he started naming out/calling out IP addresses from different location. He even named my city and state. Shortly after my internet went down and I figure it was him. I believe this will be a big concern for the community if this person continues this routine. I hope you guy will act accordingly and catch this person if possible.

-A long time valued Starcraft Player"

@Matt Sherman

Hey I’ve been trying to contact and send this report to Blizzard. Hope you can check on this and notify them the info.

"Hello Blizzard,

I have something important to report and hope you guys will take action accordingly as I believe it will be a big concern for the blizzard community.

Recently I join a game lobby of “Cat and Mouse Jungle” in Starcraft Remastered at approximately around 2:30am on 2/16/2020. The lobby was full and everyone was waiting on the host to start but he was afk. A player by the name of “TrailBlazer” joined the lobby and start threatening players to leave or he will start collecting IP addresses in the intention to DDOS every single person in the lobby. I thought he was joking at first then he started naming out/calling out IP addresses from different location. He even named my city and state. Shortly after my internet went down and I figure it was him. I believe this will be a big concern for the community if this person continues this routine. I hope you guy will act accordingly and catch this person if possible.

-A long time valued Starcraft Player"

I’m going to post a note here. Watch out for for a player named “Timmeh503”, his new idea of stopping hacking and ddosing is utterly ridiculous. So many looneys on Starcraft.

Hi I’m not seeing the option to disable “prefer port 6112” in the SCR settings anywhere. I’m not sure to what option you’re referring.

@Grant Davies / @ Blizzard Remastered Team. There is a new GAME BREAKING glitch that came out with the new patch on the 7th. While fixing the Drone gas exploit bug, you broke the Stacking worker glitch with Gas, now workers stay glitched on gas forever no matter what.

Link to the thread here.

I discovered this last night.

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Holy macaroni !!! that is a big deal !, i tried this myself is crazy, unstoppable, please fix… its very annoying.

Must be done from main menu of starcraft (where you select single multi or map creation)

Yeah I know the feels. I got ban for cheating in single player vs AIs. But hackers in SC online on multiplayer Real hackers, who can DDoS, can get away with this sh*t every day. But me cheating in single-player mode using Blizzard Cheat codes = Ban forever. Which is kind of funny, on 4/9/2020 I even got DDoS, lol I been banned only for 2 days. Amazing… Hackers get away with everything, while I cheated in single player. I think real deals hackers are more deadly then me cheating in single player mode. But hey guess “cheating is =hacking” but I thought hacking was hacking. :man_shrugging:
Good luck!

How can you be banned in single player??? Aren’t these cheat-codes made for playing vs AI?

You won’t get banned for using cheat codes in SP. You’ll get banned for running third party software known to be used for cheating, regardless of what mode you’re in.

Dear Grant,

A general feature of all gaming keyboards is recording macros.
Is this considered as cheating in SCR?

I understand that its not considered cheating as Blizzard even authorized Razer to make a “on the go” macro recording feature for the Razer Marauder model made for Star Craft.
h * ttps://support.razer.com/gaming-keyboards/starcraft-ii-razer-marauder


I’m pretty sure you will not get banned for using macro keyboards, you just cannot use them in tournament play.

current laghack on ladder how is the progress going? found a fix yet? it has been reported by 100s off people by now since a week or two.

Thank you for such a maintenance
But I got banned for testing cheats on SP in custom game
Please unlock my account
This is not fair
I didn’t play SC Online for more than 4 years
Also I have clear resume on my account

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Sounds believable. LOL

It doesn’t matter where / how you use hacks, what matters is that you use it. Read 4 posts above yours: