I have bought Starcraft Remastered when it came and I’m playing it without any issues.
However, I decided to reinstall my Windows - It is Windows 7 Ultimate, the same as the previous one
After reinstall, I installed the Blizzard Battle Net application and reinstalled Starcraft - in new location on a new disk.
After installing and starting it, the game starts normally, it recognizes my Battle net account, I can switch between old and remastered graphics (with f5).
However, I have the following issues:
- The top right panel has nothing in it. Only the panel frame. Otherwise, it shows some information
- When clicking any of the bottom right menu items (options, hotkeys, credits …), the only thing that happens is that the screen gets darker and the game does not respond to clicks or keys. The only thing I can do is close it with alt+f4
- When entering multiplayer:
-when Battle net is chosen, there are no gateways and the OK buttons is grayed out
-when LAN is chosen, there are no LAN options to be selected, only the OK and cancel buttons are active - When creating a LAN game, after selecting the map and game mode and pressing OK, the lobby screen appears, but all fields are empty - i see only the panels frames
- When joining a LAN game, again, the lobby screen appears but all fields are empty - i see only the panels frames
Single Player has no issues, or at least I have not found any
One interesting experiment:
When I go to game options in the battle net app and choose "launch 32-bit client, all the issues are gone.
When I switch to 64-bit client, the issues appear again
As I have read about similar issues, people say to turn Antivirus and Firewall off. However, I have no antivirus or Firewall - it is a clean Windows 7 installation.
I have disabled Windows Defender and Windows firewall, but it did not help.
I am able to boot in the older Windows 7 installation. It is installed on a separate hard drive and the starcraft there is on a separate hard drive too.
How can I run 64-bit Starcraft Remastered on my new Windows installation?
I cound not find any log files in Starcraft folder, which will give some information about the reason for the issue.