Zeratul mass hysteria?

The point is about Cannon strat is dead, not Zeratul hero/legion being useful after the buff.

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If people are using it successfully, its not dead. Or do you not understand what “dead” means?


But that is not cannon strat, do you know what “strat” mean?
If you clear the whole map with just Zera hero/Legion, then it is a Hero/legion strat, not a cannon strat.


The fact that it is not literally exclusively cannons doesn’t mean it isn’t the cannon strat.


It like if I build one or two ambusher among the cannon strat, do I call it cannon strat or Ambusher strat?
Do you want me to further give an explaination of why it is dumb to say so?


Cannon strat. Yet you seem to be having trouble with that concept.

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“I am gonna build 1 cannon among the ambusher army and call it cannon strat. The world is too dumb so they probably won’t notice.”
-Kelthar 2020.


On loger maps, where you cant speed things up, you stil have like 8-10 monoliths and 40-50 cannons in lategame…

Edit, hell, you still have like 30+ cannons with 100/100 in lategame on longer maps!

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Yes, I suppose if you completely forget how words work, it would look like im saying the opposite of what I actually am. On the other hand, youre doing a really terrible job of arguing your point if you feel the need to strawman me like that. Lest you’ve forgotten, youre the one arguing that using Zeratul’s hero unit and top bar invalidates the strat, not me.

You still need to wait 90s for each projection. Attack wave or objective, you still need to decide for these.
Also, there is a limited amount of mineral per mineral patches so there is a capped amount of cannon you can have.
Not to say that it relevant when you actually have that much cannon though. Map already end by that point.


Well, Raynor with mules has hard times to mine out, so unless you are going to play 3hours game and mass 200+ cannons, this is really not big issue, I think…

The point is, you definetly dont need all your cannons and monoliths to stop any atack wave or kill any objective. usually 2-3 pre-placed monolyths and Zeratul himself is enough to kill any Zerg wave, terran bio, or toss gateway. You need some cannons to kill the rest. Only people who just hold rapidfire button and project like 48 cannons and 9 monolyths to kill single atack wave or destroy a shard have problems with cooldown in my experience…

Actually, you can only have around 140 cannons assuming you mine your two bases. The rest will be monolith.
And yes, Monolith is powerful but they can’t clear or stun hybrid. With attack wave come in with 4+ hybrids, I don’t think a lone Zeratul and a few cannons are enough.


By the time youre seeing attack waves with 4+ hybrids, you should have far more than “a few” cannons.

He was saying under circumstance that you only need a few monolith+Zeratul and cannons for attack wave while the rest are doing objective.


The only maps that have attack waves with that size of a hybrid presence are defense maps towards the end waves. In that case, defending the attack wave IS doing the objective.

I wasn’t on any defense map and still have to handle that much Hybrid regularly. Don’t know what deciding the Hybri but possibly just my luck?
I was playing as Mengsk one time and 2 Hybrid come in at attack wave number two with a bunch of Battlecruiser. Possibly a bug but it was funny.


Those big hybrid waves are on ToP, SoA, ChoA and maybe on VL. They are annoying, but single legion with few cannons usually killes them without problems

On attack maps, they spawn as part of the garrisons, but not the attack waves. Youll still see them, but youre never going to run into them marching towards your base at the same time your army is off doing an objective, except on Scythe of Amon (which is a dumb map anyway, for other reasons).

The only map that has an attack wave remotely that large that early is Chain of Ascension, and hybrids aren’t part of the attack waves on that map. Sounds like you had the mutator going that upgrades units when they get kills.

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Was it on ChoA? That 2nd wave is bugged

Yes, it was Chain of Ascension. Was funny though. Me holding a few trooper gazing upon the glorious Terran Armada and like “wtf?”.