Zeratul mass hysteria?

Literally unplayable, only got 50 photon cannon spawners in 24 minutes and lost 1 probe, losing 50 minerals worth of units in the entire match it’s a new low for zeratul


He kind of can be anywhere at once with his Medivacs.

I wish he had some actual news to split his heroes and use Auto-Turrets instead of teleporting the five man deathball wherever it needs to be.

I don’t really mind the cannon nerf since I don’t use it (and I don’t really play mutations) but it looks weird that a cannon has the same price as a nexus.

Don’t affect structures actually. Next!

Actually, enemies mostly grow based on the number of units they kill and the supply cost of those units. The cannons have a lot of , meaning few deaths, and cost no supply, meaning minimal growth.

And of course, mines don’t hit buildings.


You’re right, I read the mutator details wrong.

That’s what I originally thought would happen, then I remembered that infested civilians, infested troopers, and interceptors technically have 0 supply cost and we all know how well they work out.

Depends on what mutators and how many. Doesn’t matter about the theoretical “well IF you just play well enough to avoid everything” if cannons have 0 risk, and any number above 0 is infinitely more risky than 0.

You wanna say cannons don’t have advantage over most mutators, you’re gonna need to refute all of those.

Editing by mistake happened to this post and I am too lazy for bringing back original text.

Which is why cannons is such a great option, it’s momentum is the same whether there are mutators or not. Like I’ve said many times, the ability to project free units to do your bidding makes them inherently safer.

I just listed out every mutator and how cannons make them obsolete compared to an army, the latter of which could struggle if poorly controlled (or a slip-up happens, which is mathematically likely to happen)

If your army gets hit by a nuke from going nuclear, you’re kinda screwed. If your cannon projections get hit, nothing lost.

But the fact that cannons ignore many mutators do not change the fact that cannons have trash dps (comparing to army), require significant time to be online after warping and actually have limited time of functioning & cooldown for next warp.

You can just hide in the prism and lose only 150 minerals for this prism.

The thing is, anything that costs 0 supply is treated as 1 supply (as minimum). However, each cannon is about 15 times more powerful than an infested trooper, and there are 10 times fewer cannons.

I did learn the distinction between the 2 tower upgrades are: Shade Projection vs. Shade Barrier

Only true if your cannons projection survive during the offline phase and have enough hp. The less cannon you project into the enemy range, the more chance it is for them to die and do next to nothing.

Yes, but why would you be projecting when the cannons are under attack? Even against void rifts Zeratul is able to kill rifts fast enough to create downtime for your base so the cannons are 110% safe.

Because most map have a timer, you can only “take your time” as much as this timer allow you to. Sure, your cannons are safe but it won’t matter when you fail your objective.
The current cannons strat are not viable for various reason but the main one is “Time”.
It is not to say that Zera Cannons are useless though, they can still function as a late game support detector for Zera army.


I always wanted to use Telbrus

90% of the mission is down time at your base. If you can’t line it up, it’s called borderline incompetence. Just don’t send out cannons when a wave is literally walking to your base, and you will be fine.

Your incompetence known no bound:

  • you need to have a critical mass of cannon first. This was already a bit slow before the nerf (mid game is when it start to become relevant), now it was amplified (Only late game assuming you don’t use legion).
  • In 5 minutes(additional time for each objective cleared for most map), you have to use cannons to clear camp to reach objective, defend attack wave(because most of your ally won’t do it for you), and either do main objective or side objective. This cannot be done if your cannons do not have sufficient amount because they will be wiped out. That is not to mention each projection need 1:30 minutes on cd(with artifact) which mean you only have 3 usage until you lose the game.

I am not a huge Zera cannon player but even I know these basic. You on the other hand, can probably apply to Blizzard balance team.
Cannon strat is dead for various reasons and not just these two. It just that it will be too complicated for your smol brain to handle so I will leave it out.
Cannon strat being dead doesn’t mean cannon itself is not useful. They can function as late game supporter for Zera army detection as I said before.

So dead that people are continuing to use it successfully, apparently.

Like, people have shown videos. Ive seen it happen. At this point, youre just making things up and then getting mad when people don’t bite.


Most of them use Zeratul hero and Legion call down. They do use cannon but as a support. Most videos I saw are Zeratul using only 6 and title the video “Brutal+ cannon strat is not dead” or something while majority of it is him going around clear objective with hero and legions.


Even before the nerfs you didn’t have zeratul or the legions sitting there doing nothing for 100% of the game. You might as well say that Kerrigan is dead because people use her hero unit along with an army. Or Nova, or Fenix, or Alarak.