Zeratul mass hysteria?

As was mentioned, the second attack wave is bugged on that map to be significantly larger than it should be. Although its been in for so long im not sure how accurate it is to say its bugged at this point.

Anyway, none of the attack waves on that map should have hybrid, since theyre part of the mission objective itself. If youre seeing them as part of a wave, you either have a mutator going or something has gone horribly horribly wrong with your attempt to clear them out as part of the objective.

Well, Big hybrid does not get stun and they have very strong ability. A few cannon is not gonna cut it. Legions have to be void or archon too.
Cannon in mid game is meh at most: They don’t have the shield that let them project safely and they are still relatively small in number. using Legion also significantly cut down the Cannon amounts and if you only use like 6 projection during the end game, it is not really a “Cannon strat”.
I would say it is a Zeratul/Legion cheese strat or Armytul Strat.


Like I said, by the endgame on most maps, you should have well more than 6 cannons out. Like, what are you even doing if that’s all you can muster?

Well over 100, even if you use several legion deployments.

Probably deciding that he can’t make any probes past the starting 12 because then it’s “probe strat”.


You won’t get over 100 if you use several legion deployments. Assuming that you have been using it over the duration of not having cannons, you won’t be able to come close to 100 even if you mine it all out.


Cannon is not as dead as it seem.
After 15-20 matches playing as Zera Cannon Lord, I can confirmed that his cannon is still viable but the problem mainly come from the early game eco and how good you are solo-ing early wave and obj with Zera and his Legion.
Also, you won’t be able to build any other unit except shieldguard for recharging cannon, which is different from pre-patch Zera.

All the thing about Brutal + and nerf wouldn’t have happened if only we keep the unit at SC1 value.
That way it make Hybrid truely a boss unit and Hard is really hard.

If there was something quite cool about all this Zeratul mass hysteria is that they stopped with the Stukov mass hysteria xDDDDDD


It’ll come out again, no worries.

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This. This right here is the problem with balancing in so many games. I’d rather have a game tuned around OP characters because everyone is OP, not by balance through homogenization. At least then they have something that makes them stand out instead of everyone having kits with similar functionality so nobody gets upseeeet.

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While I do agree with you, in fact I think even Amon should be op, you’re responding to a 6 month old post in a topic necroed by a troll.

Hey, I’m just going with what my thread updates tell me!

EDIT: But actually, yeah, we should delete our posts given the bizarre one that originally necroed this thread.

Tychus dispellable heal is good for easy-mode healer Tychus so no, it wasn’t good. If only invis would be dispelled it’s ok, but dispelling heal is kinda not.