Zeratul mass hysteria?

I know what I’m talking about. But what are you talking about - not sure.

I mean, by your own admission you don’t, since you’ve never actually played the strategy.


Let me summarize it.

1/ You almost never played cannons - no experience at all

2/ You have very little idea about mutators and mutations and how they work

3/ You are bringing numerous “What if” scenarios about pre-nerf cannons in game, even if you openly admitted you never played them. Yet using this theorycrafting like argumenets.

What the hell is going on here? Im out.


Where are you getting this awesome thoughts? They are completely wrong.

  1. Well, I tested it in regular Brutal when Zeratul was released, understood that amry is just stronger and played it in only some mutations since. In what way does it mean that I have no experience at all? Do you even understand what “at all” means?
  2. So, I mistaked about one particular mutation, yes, I admit it. Does it mean I know almost nothing about mutations? - No.
    You mistaked about how shieldguard works and I’m not trying to say that you have very little idea of how Zeratul works.
    You screwed up basic math and I’m not telling you can’t count.
  3. Can you read? Espesially “outside of specific mutations” phrase?

Wow this back and forth with Che. :laughing:

Let me cut through alllll this real quick: cannons were dumb because they could achieve what zeratul’s army could with the same amount of speed/effectiveness (if not more) while requiring zero thought or effort. Instead of worrying about your unit composition, your army positioning, micro, gas stores, ability use, etc, all you had to do was:

  1. Make cannons.
  2. Spam cannon projections at objective/attack wave.

The end.

It was dumb. It completely bypassed the vast majority of mutations. It’s a very good thing they got rid of it.

All that being said, having waded through this pointless back and forth, it’s clear Che is just arguing semantics to be a troll. Y’all can continue arguing with him, but I suspect it’s not worth your time.


This part is completely wrong, army is much more quicker and stronger.

And this one too. I’m defender of justice and hater of stupidity.

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I want to focus on what you said but this is really hurting my eyes, y’hear?


What are the buffs to Tychus’s healer Nikara? I’ve been hoping for Nikara buffs since launch, but I am not home right now and can’t try the game out. If you could tell me, I’d much appreciate it.

Here’s everything concerning Tychus. Would you also like to hear a Tychus main’s commentary and thoughts?

  • Blaze’s weapon range increased from 0.5 to 2.5.
  • Blaze’s splash width increased from 1.6 to 2.
  • Blaze’s splash length increased from 2.5 to 3.
  • Kev “Rattlesnake” West’s Moebius Agggression Blend upgrade now provides 15% additional attack speed, down from 20%.
  • Lt. Nikara’s Restorative Burst renamed to Reinvigorate Burst. It now provides affected units with 25% increased damage.
  • Lt. Nikara’s XM-77 Matrix Generator damage absorbed increased from 200 to 400.
  • Vega’s Dominate ability base duration increased from 150 seconds to 240 seconds.
  • Vega’s Moebius Psionic Motivator Gear now increases attack speed by 75%, up from 50%.
  • Vega’s Type-88 Persuader Gear now increases Dominate’s duration by 200%, up from 100%.
  • Medivac Pickup now cloaks units for 10 seconds, up from 5.
  • Medivac Pickup no longer instantly heals friendly units. Instead, it restores health over 10 seconds. If the unit takes damage during this period, both the cloaking and healing effect of Medivac Pickup will be removed.
  • Odin cooldown Mastery increased from 1 second per point to 2 seconds per point. Maximum benefit increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.

Edit: Highlighted direct buffs by bold text and indirect buffs by italics.

yippee ki yayyyyyyyy

Ghost Riders In the Sky.

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Amen brother, he is so engaging now

I love how you call nerfs “indirect buffs” :rofl:
Are you Blizzard employee?


Well, they are indirect buffs to Nikara, being nerfs to other healing or supportive abilities.

And I wish I got paid for crusing and bruising around here.

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Sorry about the delayed reply.

Yeah, a detailed analysis would be great. Blaze looks better now, which I am glad for. Pyromaniacs are fun.

Although I luff the Nikara more than ever now, because her kit now closely resembles Mercy from Overwatch, which is my favorite hero from that game.

I think the buffs failed to address one of Blaze’s biggest weaknesses, which is the gap before he actually starts firing. That alone can cause him not to hit his oil spilled enemies, though the situation is better, I’ll admit. Though not satisfied, I will gladly take these buffs.

I am not too keen on this nerf for two reasons. First of all, and this is the minor one, I feel like Kev did not need a nerf. This is a small change, and I understand their reasons - bringing Nikara up, yet it still rubs me the wrong way. The bigger reason why I dislike this is the triple Gs. Just look at it. Agggression.

Now this is good on multie levels. The increased damage tackles one of Tychus’ biggest weaknesses, which is low maximum damage output - this was further enhanced by Nikara not contributing to team damage. This upgrade will also turn basic attack reliant Outlaws better when paired with Nikara (Cannonball for example). But the real deal is the rename, she needed that.

This makes her better against burst damage, but shouldn’t have that big of an impact. Overall solid direct buffs, though they didn’t do anything the community was requesting as far as I know (self-heal, better AI, etc.).

This is a classic case of overbuffing a unit. Now Vega can control a unit for 12 minutes, which can be a good chunk of, if not the entirety of the game. Vega didn’t need too much pick-me-up, she wasn’t picked as much as others, but wasn’t weak. I find it amusing that she got better buffs than Blaze.

This, I like a lot. Tychus players now need to adapt and use the Medi platforms differently if they want the full benefits. As long as they use it for mobility it changes nothing.

This is also a good change, because it gives you more reason to pick up the Odin mastery instead of the Medi Platform one. More Odin, more Big Red Buttons. What’s not to love?


It is sometimes hard to pull of, but on right map with good enemy composition, team Tychus-Vega-Nikara (and nux, eventually, to provide cooldown reduction) can end up with decent army (like 8-10 immortals, 4-5 carriers). With damage buff from Nikara and Vega, they doo really good damage (and are very tanky with Nikara as support).

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So important thing before I start, an army has a “momentum” kinda thing. If you have 5 units, and lose 2 of them, the next 2 units you build are replacing the ones you lost. Zeratul, his projections come back to him anyway. So if he engages with projections, and they all die, no momentum lost: projections will just come back, no money wasted, no risk taken. 30 units at 10 minutes could be fewer if you lose them. Cannons don’t run the risk. THATS what beats army.

Ok here we go *deep breath
  • Aggressive deployment: Drop pod comes down? Throw a dozen cannons in front of it. Instant mobility, you lost nothing. You’ll get the charge back in 30 sec
  • Alien incubation: More units to kill your units and waste your money. Except Zeratul doesn’t have the cost, just takes a hair longer, no money or momentum lost. (Projections that die will just come back to you)
  • Avenger: Cannons do 39 damage. Practically ignore the armor. Also stronger units to kill your units and waste money, except Zeratul doesn’t waste money
  • Barrier: Stronger units to kill your units and waste money
  • Black Death: doesn’t affect structures
  • Blizzard: Big AoE to freeze and kill units. Zeratul doesn’t waste money, and has mobility to just ignore them.
  • Concussive attacks: Doesn’t affect structures
  • Darkness: Instant mobility if you’re out of position (something prism doesn’t do if prism is out of position)
  • Diffusion: Damage reflect to kill units, Zeratul doesn’t waste money.
  • Double edged: Damage reflect, Zeratul doesn’t waste money
  • Eminent Domain: Ladies and gentlemen, we got one. Cannons bad for obvious reasons
  • Evasive maneuvers: Stronger units (not by much), Zeratul doesn’t waste money
  • Fatal attraction: Doesn’t affect structures
  • Fear: doesn’t affect structures
  • Going nuclear: Big AoE to kill your units, Zeratul doesn’t waste money
  • Hardened Will: Stronger units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Heroes from the storm: Stronger waves, big AoE to kill all your units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money (although the first waves are scary, it’s not like anything makes them NOT scary)
  • Inspiration: Stronger units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Just die: stronger units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Kill bots: Bad cuz structures don’t count for kills. That’s 2 now (though you could just make probes the whole game cuz you don’t need army supply with cannons) Eminent domain, kill bots
  • Laser drill: more damage to kill your units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Lava burst: High damage AoE to kill your units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Life leech: I guess giving enemies a wall to eat from isn’t ideal. Still, stronger enemies, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Long range: Instant mobility. Stronger units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Mag-nificent: Big AoE to kill your army, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Micro transactions: You don’t need to command an army everywhere: you use only what you need.
  • Mine sweeper: cannons are detection. Instant mobility. Doesn’t affect structures
  • Mineral shields: army-based commanders need to make static defense or leave stuff at home which isn’t helping army. You’re making cannons anyway, and it contributes to your pushing power
  • Missile command: Same as above. Your missile defense is also your pushing power. Tesseract monoliths go through PDD
  • Moment of silence: doesn’t affect structures
  • Mutually assured destruction: Big AoE to kill your units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Orbital strike: big AoE to kill your units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Outbreak: Your defense is also your pushing power
  • Photon overload: Stronger structures, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Polarity: Stronger units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money. Instant mobility if ally needs you and/or caught of guard.
  • Power overwhelming: Doesn’t affect structures usually. Tesseract monolith goes through point defense drone. Stronger units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Propagators: Bad cuz can’t kite, though you can get around it if you spawn early. Three now, Eminent domain, kill bots, propagators
  • Purifier beam: Big AoE to kill your units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Scorched Earth: Stronger units/AoE, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Self Destruction: Stronger units/AoE, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Short-sighted: instant mobility, Zeratul has watchers anyway so vision is meh
  • Slim pickings: Oh, less money you say, well it’d be an awful shame unless you had things that don’t risk money
  • Speed freaks: instant mobility, stronger units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money (ez mutator anyway)
  • Temporal field: Big AoE to stun your units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Time warp: Big AoE to slow, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Transmutation: Structures contribute minimal to enemy growth. Also stronger units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Twisters: Don’t affect structures
  • Vertigo: You don’t need to see to hold Z down and murder everything. Also, annoying camera to make you lose your units, Zeratul doesn’t risk money
  • Void reanimators: Instant mobility to pick off, defense is also pushing power.
  • Void rifts: Instant mobility to pick off, defense is also pushing power
  • Walking infested: more units, Zeratul risks no money
  • We move unseen: cannons detect, instant mobility.

So eminent domain, kill bots,and propagators are three big hard counters. You know how people tend to lose when they lose their army? Yeah, not cannons.
Now it’s 3 vs all the others.


Thank you very much!

Well, yes, but, losing units as Zeratul is just… not happening (1 unit for 2-3 games).