Zeratul mass hysteria?

What are you talking about? Yes, they were. Cannons could ROFLstomp most mutations with minimal effort. They were like buffed-up Swarm Hosts with no gas cost and global range.

Manual casting requires me to invest my APM into casting it, when I could be using that APM to micro units, cast other abilities, or switch back to my base and do macro. So if you’re not a WCS pro or Google DeepMind with inhuman APM, auto-casting is usually a benefit.


Please, don’t even try to convince me that you’re only playing co-op with Black Death, Fatal Attraction or Mutually Assured Destruction mutations. There’s no chance I will believe that. And guess what, against everything else army is stronger (assuming you have some skill).

Yes-yes, tell me more about microing Zeratul units and macroing for this commander. What on earth you have to micro besides Zeratul jumping into the wave and do his Whilrwind? And what do you have to macro in the middel of the game if you just build second base, probes for it, 2 Gates, Cybercore, 2 Robo, Robobay till ~5 minutes, hotkeying your Gates and Robos and literally never go back to base again.
And you’re contradicting yourself again when saying “Zeratul is too easy form me” and right after that “I can’t manually cast the damn shield because its too hard for me”. Why do use use tactics for noobs if you’re so skilled that Zeratul is “too boring for you”.
And again, I didn’t say easier, I said better. And that is so, because shield lasts 15 second and cd was 60 seconds. So if it is on autocast you have shiled only for 15 seconds and 45 seconds you have nothing. Previously I did so too, because I thought it is OK. But now when cd increased to 180 I do it manually and I can have shields on in every fight (usually have 8 sentries, so 120 second of shields on every 180 sec, but there are no fights that last for 180 seconds, so totally fine).

If both army and cannons can beat Brutal, but only cannons can beat mutations, then cannons are stronger. It’s quite simple.

I’m not contradicting myself. You seem to have this notion that your skill level has to either be a Bronze who barely understands the game, or a Grandmaster player with astounding APM, and there’s nothing in between.

I already told you why I like the nerfs. They make Zeratul a little more challenging and interesting to play, by making his army and his calldowns a little weaker. It’s really that simple. There’s nothing left to say here.


No, its quite stupid. If cannons are stronger than army against 3 mutations (maybe a bit more, I can’t remember them all), and army is stronger than cannons against dozens of other mutation and in regular Brutal, than army is stronger than cannons in general.

Yes, you do. And you are wrong cause I’m judgung from a point of view of Platinum player.
In what way did army get weaker?
Did stalkers got weaker? - A little. Can this difference bo compensated by little more effort - Yes.
Did sentries got weaker? - No. Did sentries got more skill-dependant? - Yes.
Did immortals got weaker? - A little. Does it matter? - No, because they still throw air enemy units a screen away.
Did calldown got weaker? - No, they got stronger. Did calldowns got more expensive? - Yes, by 60 %. Does it matter? - Only for first summon, because you have a ton of minerals in mid-late game.
So nothing you said makes sense. Is there something left to say here?

No. That’s what I said. There’s nothing left to say here. You’re wasting your time.

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Black Death, Blizzard, Concussive Attacks, Diffusion, Double Edged, Fatal Attraction, Fear, Heroes From the Storm (!), Mag-nificent, Micro Transactions, Moment of Silence, Twister, We Move Unseen…

Have you checked the mutator list and mutation stats lately?


If thats all you have to say, then OK. I finally have my answer.

Black Death - Yes, I mentioned it
Blizzard - No
Concussive Attacks - No
Diffusion - No
Double Edged - Probably, never tried
Fatal Attraction - Yes, I mentioned it
Fear - No (maybe with some nasty combos)
Heroes From the Storm - Really depends on other circumstances
Mag-nificent- No
Micro Transactions - Never checked the prices (Why would anyone go Zeratul against Microtransactions?), Probably
Moment of Silence - No
Twister - No (if i remember correctly what is this mutation about)
We Move Unseen - No

OK, lets say 5-6 mutations versus dozens of other (don’t know the total number).
Have you tried both army and cannons vs all this mutatons?

Your counterargument is literally just “no.” No evidence. Literally just no.

How the heck is moment of silence, something cannons are literally immune to, not a counter? This doesn’t read very informed.


No further discussion needed, you dont even know what those mutators do in game, mate. Im not theorycrafting, I have actually did nearly every single muta in last year. You dont even know what are you talking about.

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If argument is “Yes”, than counterargument is “No”. Thats how things work.
What kind of detailed explanation do you want from me if you don’t even know that Moment of Silence affects everything including cannons?

I also completed every single Brutation last year (except buggy Heroes of the Storm on Void launch, that one on Hard). Does it change something?
I know that Zeratul’s army don’t care about Blizzard, Concussive Attacks, Twister, We Move Unseen if at least a bit of micro is put in.
And also Diffusion and Moment of Silence affect cannons too.
Fear only matters if some other aoe damage effect involved - in other case all enemy just die before being able to do something.
Mag-nificient is easily deactivated by Zeratul running here and there.

So if you can only accuse oppenent in ignorance to continue blindly hate Zeratul’s cannons and have no real arguments to reinforce your words, I’m completely fine with this.

It doesn’t though. Here’s a video of it not affecting cannon projections:

Also, the description is very specifically:

When a Heroic enemy unit dies all player units around it will reflect on their sins, unable to attack or use their abilities.


Well, this is exactly the problem we are facing here. Theorycrafting, lying and pretending those claims are facts.


OK, you’re right here. I got wrong memory of this mutation.

Well, you don’t need to be so self-critical.
Yes, I made mistake in 1 mutation (really big one). Now its 7 vs all the others.
Nothing to say more?

Nope, you have prooven your knowledge enough (“Probably, never tried, if i remember correctly, I got wrong memory of this mutation…”).

You also dont understand concept of cannons imunity to mutators (while army is not immune, which means cannons are stronger option, yet you simply say “no” without facing this simple fact), and you also dont understand concept of free units (which cannons are, as you can never ever loose them).


Hmm, how shall I put it so you finally understand the real concept?
Its like if Heavyweight box champion have 1 arm broken, he will still beat random
sixth grader.
The point is that army is so much stronger that minor mutations like Concussive Attacks don’t have enough impact to make it weaker than cannons.
I really hope this will help you to understand.

I mean… its not. Like, what more do you want? You are objectively, factually mistaken here. Zeratul’s cannons had so much more margin for error and power than his army, which is especially impressive given that his army is already pretty self sufficient.


Well, speaking about margin of error.
With army, you F2 + A-click and you have to intentionally make really big error to lose it.
With cannons, if you miscalculate time and place (or run off cooldowns), all your projections are dead before they even finish warping and this means Terrazine harvest bot or Aurana is dead, Shuttles or Trains are gone and you have big troubles or even lose the game (not that big of a deal on map where you’re not limited by something like this).
And besides, we’re speaking about players that are so skilled, that Zeratul is just “too boring”, so no real errors happen there.

I mean yeah, if you deliberately get your projections killed, they don’t work, but if you use them remotely intelligently, then you just win.


And if you have no choice? If you just defended one wave and have to defend another immediately? Or if enemy is literally almost killed the miners ship or shullte almost gone?
Army is much more solid option, cause its always where you need it (prisms) and not will be gone on cooldown in the most responsible moment.

By the time you were facing multiple attack waves from many directions, you should have had more than enough cannons so that you don’t need to pop every single shade to fight off any given attack wave.