Zeratul mass hysteria?

Do you know what a mineral dump means? Those commanders have a very gas heavy army, which is the real cost of their units and float thousands of minerals. Those minerals are either spent on static defenses or top bar abilities. It’s their design.
You aren’t sacrificing any of your army if you use Legion as Zera or Air strike as Nova. They are both extremely powerful abilities on a very low cooldown so you can use them repeatedly, as long as your mineral bank holds.
Do you play Mengsk? Because fast dying troopers and weapon upgrades are the exact same mineral dump design. Or reapers with H&H, etc. Both of those have gas heavy expensive units as the core of their armies with expendable mineral units, they just aren’t placed on the top bar.

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When the fact that said “reasoning” is coming from someone calling fellow AI players noobs just says all that needs to be said. No ranking system of any kind or leaderboards yet everyone has to be a noob if they don’t like your point of view in a public forum right?

Now go back to your Nova missions ~ :rofl:


I absolutely love these changes. Zeratul needed these nerfs/buffs BADLY.


Haven’t played with any of them, but Zera’s Legion costs seem to be more on par with Nova’s Griffin Strike now. Not something you spam continuously from game start to game end, but something you really need to save for, or use more liberally starting from midgame.


I actually bought Zeratul after this change. He’s actually interesting to play now instead of being a total faceroll commander.


You did not have to build cannons you know? What kind of ocd is that if you cannot stay away from a build if it’s not fun for you, only because it is strong?


Well, it wasn’t just cannons. His whole army was a snoozefest. An extremely simple tech tree, game-breaking calldowns, and an army that can just a-move to victory against everything, on every difficulty. He had a strong early game, strong mid game, and strong late game.

Zeratul just didn’t seem to have any meaningful weaknesses or limitations. And that’s boring. Like, I enjoy playing Tychus partly because he’s got really simple macro, but I like that he also has some weaknesses and flaws that I need to compensate for during my gameplay; namely, that he only has 5 units (Most of which are interdependent and don’t function well on their own) and he can’t be everywhere at once.


Yeah, so for everybody who didn’t play/bought Zeratul cause “brain-dead”, “too easy” and blah-blah-blah and now have full pants of happiness and eager to start playing as this commander. What kind of mental block stopped you from not building “broken” cannons, not turning on sentry’s shield autocast, using avatar cd mastery instead of legion cost?
Cause out of that nothing changed now. Sentry/Immortal/Disruptor still annihilate everything.


I don’t like gimping myself? Not to mention that Immortals and Sentries got nerfed too.


You know, I don’t want to insult you by any means, but pupposely doing things that you don’t actually want to do without any reason sounds like some mental disorder.


Okay…? Well, if I have to purposely sabotage myself in order to enjoy playing a co-op commander, I might as well just play a different character. So I’m glad the nerfs came out.

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Preach it brother!


Clearly a troll at this point

Ah, the classic “If someone has a different point of view from me, they must be a troll” argument. Charming.


So you don’t want to handicap yourself, but if Blizzard will handicap you, you’re completely fine with that, right?
Don’t you think that that doesn’t make sense?


Some people really really really need their cannons :c

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And its not sabotage, its called “using another option”.


You are obviously only happy about the nerf because others now have less fun aka trolling

The distinction is that the game itself changed, and not just my behavior. Self-imposed limitations force me to adopt a sub-optimal strategy, passing up obvious paths of advancement and choosing not to make a winning play. And I hate doing that, especially in a strategy game.

If the game itself has changed, then it forces my strategy to change, but I don’t have to purposely make a bad move in order to have a challenge.

If you’re choosing to pick a bad option, using a poor strategy just to make things more difficult for yourself, you’re self-sabotaging.

Err… no. I’m happy because Zeratul isn’t a complete faceroll character anymore. I can play him without falling asleep.

But you’re contradicting yourself because cannons were never better than army and shield autocast was never better than manual casting.

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