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“Find me telekinesis examples that aren’t high Templar and aren’t taldarim so I can arbitrarily dismiss them too.”

Yeah ok buddy, I’ll get right on that. I already know all too well that you’re impervious to evidence.

Telekinesis is moving objects with your mind. I don’t care what your definition is.

High Templar are fine. Likely even. Just not their levitation because thats A: incredibly mild and B: as you noted possibly a function of their equipment and not their native power.

And The Tal’darim dont work for reasons ive already gone over earlier in the thread. The Terrazine is an outside factor affecting their abilities and therefore prevents them from being useful data.

Ah, so that’s why people have problem talking with you seriously. Gradius when you communicate, it’s important to listen as much as talking. Maybe even more if you’re in a group.

Yes, Gradius you need to care what my, and the writer’s, definition of Telekinesis is.

It seems yours and WireBender is just that; use your mind to move the object however you can. So by your definition I can use my mind to mind control a Terran and have them move the object for me and you would count that as Telekinesis (Dark Archon can do it). I can even create the electric current with psi-storm and maybe move some metal with inductive magnetic.

There are plectra of way to fit your definition of Telekinesis, but not mine. Had I not check this first, we would have another pointless argument.

Anyway, you don’t need to care what my definition of Telekinesis is, but you need to check what the writer’s is. Otherwise, you’re just making stupid complaint with no value.

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Telekinesis - the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means

~Telekinesis Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

The last part of that definition is key. A mind controlled marine or a psionic storm is not telekinesis because it’s now moving an object via physical means.

All you’ve proven is that, once again, you struggle with basic dictionary definitions of words and can’t comprehend the most rudimentary of arguments.

With Alarak and High Templar, the movement of the physical object is a primary effect. I’m sure, you disagree for whatever bizarre reason, but I don’t care tbh.

Okay, then by your very own definition all your examples are NOT telekinesis.

(- -)

You realize that just now? I’ve already stated from the very beginning that I need to know the basic dictionary definition of the word.

No, that’s not in your definition. Now, who is having trouble understand the dictionary definition of the word?

It said without contact or other physical means. It does not said anything about the movement of the physical object being a primary effect.

What…? That’s what it is though…How does that not fit my definition? -_-

Moving an object by throwing a ball at it is not telekinesis because it involves physical means. Throwing a lightning bolt at an object isn’t telekinesis either because it’s physical too. That’s how most sci fi writers use the word. Pretty simple distinction that you’d have to be an abject idiot not to understand.

If youre only just selectively reading parts of Spirit’s posts, its no wonder that youre always confused. Theyre clearly talking about the dissonance between you claiming it needs to be a primary effect of their ability and the actual definition you claimed to be following, not contesting the definition that you gave.


I actually never said it has to be a primary effect, just explaining that there’s nothing physical about their abilities at any stage, unlike other examples like mind control or psi storm.

The fact that it’s the primary effect and totally not physical means there’s no room for leeway here. It’s 100% the definition of telekinesis and there’s no way to weasel out of that.

You kinda did here. You made whether it was a primary effect the crux of your argument rather than whether any physical effect happened.


By the way, I would like to point out that the primary effect is not moving object in the case of Alarak. He sends out shock wave or energy blast that deals damage as a primary effect. The movement is not only a byproduct, but also a very physical means. It’s not throwing ball at it, but close.

If you want to ignore the rest of my post, sure.

I have to find creative ways to explain the basic meaning of words when it comes to spirit.

Or maybe the damage is actually from being thrown 20 ft in the air… :thinking:

You know, like what Nuroka did to Alarak.

If youre trying to make a point about the clarity of your posts, pointing to how some parts of it mean something radically different than others is a pretty poor way of going about it.

Are we talking about Alarak’s Destructive Wave ability, or something from the short story?

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Another example: In the creep short story, Gruu activated Ruom’s teleportation mechanism with a “mental push”.

Not a weapon, but a pretty precise movement. But the real question is, how will this evidence get ignored? My money is on “I don’t consider that comic canon because it’s too old” or “it wasn’t that strong”.

I literally said “The last part of that definition (without contact or other physical means) is key.” What’s unclear about that?

You and Spirit want to catch me in a contradiction so bad that you’re just skipping actually reading my posts.


Im not entirely clear on what you mean by this. Is it explicitly telekinesis or just “psionics”?

Well Destructive Wave seems like its pretty clearly a series of explosions or psionic storms that happen to move things rather than explicit telekinesis. I wont speak for the short story, but as ive said before, the Tal’darim are given new strength and effects from the Terrazine, so they arent useful as representatives of the protoss as a whole.

The story makes it look like he activated a mechanism in his suit via telekinesis. :man_shrugging:t2:

Arent most protoss devices controlled via their telepathy though?

Yes and I guess I can’t rule that out, but, in this instance the protoss literally calls it a “mental push,” making it sound like he telekinetically flipped a switch. And I don’t think the teleportation on the zealot suit is supposed to be something the zealot himself controls (it warps back when it detects damage). And I don’t think protoss are supposed to operate each other’s devices (it’d be weird if a zealot could turn off another zealot’s psi blades for instance).

That would be weird, but at the same time it would be significantly weirder if a small physical nudge was all it took to activate the teleportation device. Theyre supposed to be tied into vital signs. There is absolutely no reason at all for it to have a physical switch to be pushed for a manual activation. In fact, given that its designed to react to a specific form of physical trauma, i’d say that doing so would be actively detrimental, because it greatly increases the possibility of a misfire.

A “mental push” is also common language not just in Starcraft, but in general, for acts of telepathy.


Please try and better understand argument against yours. A comment like this make you look stupid. Getting thrown into the air doesn’t deal any damage. It’s the fall that kill you. And do I really need to explain this? We saw the Zergling die BEFORE they hit the ground.

And yes, I agree that Nuroka uses the same principle to ‘throw’ Alarak. Since the Destructive Wave is not a telekinesis, then neither is Nuroka’s.

While it would be weird for the Protoss to temper with each other Psi-Blade. It makes perfect for the Zealot to save each other by activating the teleportation device. If I see my comrade badly injured, but the device fails to activate itself… Seriously, do I need to keep explaining the rationality here?

Someone doesn’t understand gameplay/lore segregation. :point_up:

Blizzard isn’t known for their attention to detail. I’ve actually made maps and I guarantee you they had the damage effect go off instantly because it was easier to program it that way. It’s obviously a telekinetic blast though.