Why it's a waste of time to play vs protoss, illustrated

Dude. I recently cited 2 research papers, one from university of georgetown and the other the cognitive science institute, making similar points to me. This trolling is just bad. You think 6 authors with masters degrees are wrong because they said something similar to me? What planet are you living on dawg because it sure isn’t planet earth.

We can have a discussion about the data but only once you show you are willing to be even slightly realistic. Calling me biased for being able to read graphs only demonstrates you’re a waste of time to talk to. We can pull open GM win-rates for PvZ and see if the balance is good, and it’s not. People get demoted out of GM and are no longer counted in GM win-rate statistics. You account for demotion and zerg has a flat negative win-rate at every point in the game except the 3 minute mark where proxy hatch or 12 pool hits. The longer the game goes on, the more zerg’s win-rate goes down.

This one in particular https://i.imgur.com/hTSOcP8.png is flipping hilarious because anyone who knows how to read a chi squared chart would have their jaw hit the floor at how overpowered protoss is.

“You are bad at making models”
“You should be fired from your job as a computer scientist”
“You are biased”

What tf is this guy talking about, man? What planet is he one because on Earth we can read graphs and see protoss is overpowered and it’s literally that simple. :rofl:

“Uh, I have eyes. I, uh, use those eyes to read these graphs.”
“Uh, you do realize the data agrees with me, right?”

It’s like I am arguing with a 5 year old. Legit.