Why is this unit so OP?

nah observers are better, scan can only be used to guess where the army is and you loose 250 minerals each time you do, and if you do manage to locate the prottoss army with a scan, they will at least know they have been spotted unlike with an observer

Also getting your army spotted with prottoss is better than getting it spotted with terran because of siege units, prottoss can catch your army off guard or force you to siege up in the middle of the map to delay you, or pick off units with blink satlkers

Either mech fails vs toss.

At this point, complaining about storm just tells everyone how bad you are. Ghost EMP exists


i dont even use ghosts, liberators work against everything toss has on the ground so i think they are better than ghosts.

No you do not. Scan is for free, is unstoppable, and cannot be countered. Scan is the best for of Detection in the game.

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scan is not the best for detection in the game, that is why prottoss players who go dark templar in mid dia have higher winrates vs terran because scan works once, in a limited area, and takes a min to come back.

and sure it doesnt directly consume 250 minerals but by scanning you are missing out on that money

the reason terran has mules is because they cannot make scvs as fast as the other races so by not dropping mules you are falling behind

Its like forcing zerg to spend larvae then


what do you mean? please explain

You pressure zerg so they make units instead of drones. Similarly, you force scans instead of mules.

yes but there is risk involved in moving out on the map you might take a bad trade, observer is just bs

Then stop screwing up a simple observer takedown

Or just leave the observer there


? what do you mean, i was saying there is risk to move out on the map to force larva out of zerg.


Then scan and kill it

yes but the scan cost 250 minerals and the observer cost less than that

The observer costs robo time and 75 gas and is the best way to scout without oracles

and also sometimes you dont see it and you dont know your opponent knows that your moving out and it can cost you the game, thats the part i dont like

I don’t like when I don’t see the medivacs from a 2-1-1 come into my main since it can be game ending. We should make medivacs slower.


211 hasnt been viable for a while and the counter play for that is at least fair. again my problem with the observer is that this game is supposed to be an esport not an eyesight test, its more of a design problem for me.

It shouldn’t affect you in your league. Most players in sub masters don’t look at their observers unless they’re actively moving it. The speed just rewards players who can react fast enough and save the observer.

Basically counterplay

based on you saying you dont like 211 i doubt your masters currently first of all, and second of all yes they do look at my observers thats why blink stalkers pick off like 3 liberators in the center of the map.

I didn’t say I was masters

I don’t care about my gameplay, my balance concerns are from the perspective of a spectator

As for the looking at the observer, they do see it, but you can often take it down before they realize you’ve found it