Why is this unit so OP?

ok so why are you saying it doesnt matter in my league if you dont even play the game

I didn’t say I don’t play the game

Im saying its far easier to take down an observer in your league than say vs stats or trap. Not saying you’re bad.

Also, the observer speed helps deal with banshees and lets you actually save the observer from dying (counterplay)

no its not because i cant see the observer as easily as maru or innovation who both play the game 70 hours per week.

If you don’t see the observer, then the speed shouldn’t matter to you


wait who said anything about observer speed i was talking about the way the cloak is implemented.

The entire reason the thread exists is because speed got nerfed

If you have a problem with observers themselves then that’s different


didnt realize that lol whoops.

Observer now deals AoE damage to all enemy units around it every .5 seconds.

Lings would not be affected by his proposed change. If they nerfed Thor damage from 30x2 to 20x2 (+10 vs massive), it would probably make no difference against lings until +3 attack, and then only a very small difference. Obviously, that’d be a bit extreme; something like 25(+10 vs massive, or maybe +5 armored)x2 would make more sense.

Not saying whether or not the change is good. I have no idea how it would work out, but it’d make some sense to try. Making thors worse vs many ground units could be a big deal.

Those two are also the only people any balance should seriously effect. If you are not masters, grand master or diamond, you dont need to be concerned with balance because it doesnt effect you. Your skill level is too subpar to the people it does effect. No I am not masters or grandmasters but I understand my place in this whole hierarchy. Also how are you not seeing that thing move around in your base? Are you randomly jumping from base to base with hotkeys or map clicks because your bored? Are you trying to do fancy apm stuff because building up takes time? Well dont. Pay attention to areas that demand your eyes, like when scouting or a fight. Other than that pay attention to your bases, set up towers and detection. Widow mines are cheap, burrow and do major splash damage but you dont hear any of us whining about how they are soooo op (Because their not). You just need to learn to get detection. The observer wouldnt do very well as a scout if it wasnt cloaked.

the, what? beep volume? This has to be a joke or I’m not keeping my ears open for this little sh1ts :smiley:

I’m not sure now because I dont play a lot now and maybe I jave missed some changes,but observer has sound waves while on the “siege” mode and it used to make beeps sounds, looking at liquipedia apparently after patch 4.2 it does not make that sound while on that mode,so Im not sure if it does on the default moving mode or the wave change replaced the sound,if not,that’s a nice chance to nerf the obs and bringing the beep again.

Bio is viable lol. It just requires support and good control.

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That’s why we have the ghost upgrade
(It was a good change, I don’t oppose it

Who goes ultralisks vs mech ???

No one

No one at all

Too powerful, and can even be massed

Replace it with the Arbiter heavily modified to only be a detector, flying tank and high templar-grade attack but can also attack air! The enemies won’t miss it :blush: