Why is this unit so OP?

Scan costs you 0 minerals and 0 gas.

If you have 1000 minerals, you don’t lose -250 mineral for doing scan.

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Does your existing mineral count go down by -250 mineral per usage?.


that argument is stupid considering you get the minerals in the following min, so it is costing you that much

starcraft 2, unless your cheesing is about thinking in the long term, every worker you build takes a full 50 seconds to pay for itself, upgrades dont give you any benefits until much later after you paid for them, the observer cost 75 min and 25 gas and a mule would net you 250

and you cant just leave it there, if you do that prototoss will be at such a huge advantage because of terran siege units.

Answer the question.

Do you lose -250 minerals every time you scan?.

Does your existing mineral count decrease by -250 minerals every time you scan?.

Can you not scan if you don’t have 250 minerals?.


no? i dont understand how that means that you dont loose the 250 minerals, i guess technically you dont “loose” them but that argument is about my word choice and not about what i actually meant.

Was there even any Meta ever to this game, since Observers existed?

Observer rushing still keeps so many good players, tournament winners, in Bronze League to this day!


i know you werent talking to me but the problem imo is not that it is op its just that i feel like its inappropriate to put an eye test in an esport rts game. not spotting the observer can literally cost you the game and i think they should make it either easy to spot or completely invisible

Im going to put zerg tips in here and this is honestly why, the observer is good and not op.

If you dont see an army or air units by 5 minutes, build AA at the mineral line of each base. Add overseers, like quite a few. One at the front of the natural (Normally where I see zergs alike building their army balls) and put it in overwatch mode. Next morph another overseer and keep it with your army. As long as the toss cant scout you without losing a observer, your fine. Also dont worry so much as thinking “If they see my army comp im dead” No not really, if your zerg just remember your the reactive one, not them. You are the race that can literally kill anything else out there. If your terran the rules change a bit, build a tower at the front and back of the base to cover entrance and mineral line, same with toss. BOOM, observer only useful for following army to deal with cloaked units. Now if the observer could create a warp conduit field to warp in units around it like a prism, then maybeeee nerf, but tis fine as of now.

the thing about it with terran is, as you know liberators tanks and widow mines tank time to seige up, and as you can imagine if the prottoss player knows where your army is they can position themselves far away from their base to delay you, or attack your army when your not ready.

Spending 300 per base is bad compared to the 25/75 for an observer. Plus, these things track down banshees and can give you advanced warning about drops. A cannon isn’t gonna stop a terran doubledrop

75 minerals for a spore I think, at least thats what my last ladder game had. Might be wrong. But if your at 5 minutes and you were previously macroing properly while holding off harassment, 300 is nothing. Even more so if they left you alone to macro up. And it pays for itself when they attempt to liberator or phoenix harassment and your queen+spore shoos it away. Vibe in his bronze to gm shows it easily when doing a skeleton crew of roaches, spores and just drones until he hits 80 workers.

Raven might be useless as a spellcaster for the most part now adays, but its still good for detection when you need CC energy for mules. So shoot down the observer. You obviously want a defending force at home dont just all army as terran, zerg and protoss to an extent are the only ones who can do all army through most leagues. Typically a terran using a good number of tanks will want to set them up away from the fight and try to kite using a small hitsquad into the tanks. Libs do take time to set up but with the upgrade they get increased range. Widow mines should always have their tunneling claw thing upgrade for increased burrow timing. Protoss also, without a strong air group, or enough archons, cannot engage marine, marauder, medivac, tank, liberator and widow mine without suffering a total full army casualty or major losses, and their units are also much more expensive to remax on then a terran’s.

a raven cost a tech lab and i would rather be able to make medivacs then a raven in the early to mid game.

Unless your doing some kind of proxy or all in, I wouldnt really recommend doing MMM against protoss. Their units are just better quality in comparison. Your better off doing battle mech or classic mech. Also you cant stick on MMM forever, so you might as well be thinking long term and not “Im in early game so only do early/midgame stuff.” No, set up your long game before you attack. Your not going for a kill your going for damage. If you kill 3 stalkers and lose 2 marines thats good pull back. If you snipe a nexus or gank a immortal again fall back. Get that tech lab, prepare your mech and sky terran, get your upgrades and stop worrying so much about having TY levels of MMM. Because thats the only reason you should be worried about putting a tech lab on a starport, (I always build 3 after my barracks/factories are built) is because, your just trying to go bio the whole way.

Scan are better than Observers.
Change my mind!

Even though you cannot, as it is factual that Observers did not deserve the nerf, and could actually use the buff of not costing supply, just like teh Uncounterable Scan, and the Overseer.

An obs cost 25m 75g and trading minerals(more like potential minerals) for gas is always worth it.

This isn’t broodwar, you know. Mech is bad vs protoss.

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Lol not really. When all those storms drop down on your MMM ball tell me how effective bio was against toss. And are you talking about battle mech or standard mech? Big difference between cyclone, hellion, battlecruiser and thor battlecruiser siege tank.

All units fall to the almighty observer.