Why is this unit so OP?

They arent op, just ‘good’

In wol and hots. Then balance team decided to give million counters to bio (all new units are designed to counter bio). Actually I can clearly say It’s just not about the units stats and all… It’s just the units that has been added in LOTV just absolutely wrecks bio… And ultralisks.



That’s all Terran units and Adept did counter bio before with the splash damage.

Then it got nerfed to the raven’s level

Hey, hey, hey don’t go that far. Not single unit in the game was nerfed that hard.

Reaper got it worse tho

Edit: ehhhhh maybe

Reapers are awesome as they are now. I play reapers and marines all day. Btw. stop chatting it’s a serious forum not a chat.

How is anything serious on this forum?

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Zerg tears are serious

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yeah im not a big fan of the observer, number one, it cost 250 minerals to kill it with a scan, and honestly more importantly it gives the toss player too much of an advantage if the terran doesnt spot it.

this is not an eyesight test, either make it completely invisible or easy to see.
bad game design imo

Scan costs 0 minerals. Only 50 energy.

Why are Terrans so delusional about Mules?


I was forced to recall my army. That costed me 3 probes


It does kinda cost minerals because you have choice: extra minerals or scan.

I lost larva because I had to transfuse my hatchery


It costed you time because you still need to pay for probes.

Yeah and energy and time are related

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Ok, great job guys in this offtopic. If anyone still remembers it was a thread about observers nerf and you ruined it. Good thing you have DukeNukem who reminds you what are we talking about…

please explain how it doesnt cost you money.

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thats like saying having 5 workers die at the 5 min mark was only a 250 loss, doesnt make sense