Who is your favorite CO, one from each race?

As a companion piece to the other topic…

One from each race here! If you will, do mention why you made such picks. Me…

Swann - I really like Terran Factory/ground mech units, and Swann specializes in that! His DLD (Drakken Laser Drill) was really fun to use in that WoL mission. Last but not least, I really do miss Goliaths. Neat that they were playable in the WoL campaign, but not any sort of Versus. Here, Swann (and Nova) has got that covered! Swann also has specialty towers, of which tower play was something that was always my style.

Stukov - Infested Terran was a novel concept that I ended up liking. All of his tech, units, and buildings are a cross between Terran tech, Zerg “tech”, with infested mixed in. His “Bunkerlisks” are quite beefy. Infested Diamondbacks are such a joy to use! He’s also a swarmer (although Zagara also shares that tag and is fun to use in that regard, Stukov simply came out on top). A nod to Goliaths with Swann, bummed that we didn’t get Infested Goliaths (dunno if these exist anywhere, but I’d imagine they have a “Spore Crawler hat” as their AA armament)

Karax - I miss having a Goon/Stalker/Adept equivalent. A cost effective, basic combat unit that can do both AG (anti-ground) and AA. However, having SoA lasers at your complete disposal changes up game play, and well suited my style. I have yet to do the LotV campaign, and he was also my first Protoss CO I played in Coop, so I got to experience that here for the first time! His towers being strong was also a strong suit.

Pre-prestige, I liked his support abilities. Now that I mainly use his P3, his Chrono trifecta are all gone. But now, he does have 3 very flexible Prestiges to choose from.


This is my favourite

Protoss: Vorazun - I just love her DT ninjas so much. At least 40 of them performing Shadow Fury in unison is such a beautiful sight to see. Her black hole calldowns and her Time stop (ZA WARUDO!) is so much fun too (It’s even better with P3).

Terran: Nova - Her Ghosts and Liberators are fantastic but IMO her Ravens take the cake, I have so much fun planting Railgun turrets and shooting seeker bombs. She has many army compositions and are tons of fun and prestiges are extremely useful and equally as fun.

Zerg: Dehaka (obviously) - Powerful army, powerful heroes, powerful calldowns and sweet prestiges. At least for me it is simply the most versatile and effective Co-op commander.

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For Protoss my favourite is Artanis as he has access to some of the spear of Adun’s abilities and can use one of my favourite units from the original StarCraft: the Dragoon. my commander for Zerg is Kerrigan because if you level her up enough, you can solo the mission with her and she has many versatile abilities at her disposal. as for terran, I like Mengsk as you can buy the basic units weapons and upgrade units through kills and I just find Mengsk interesting for a Co-op Commander.

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For me:

Raynor: I don’t play much B+ so his weaknesses there don’t really apply. Otherwise, his mules, rapid production and rally dropping make for a very interesting style for me, you don’t really lose a fight unless you drop the macro ball. Plus I like his selection of units, he doesn’t have any duds and not a whole lot of overlap.

Kerrigan: Kerri herself is a fun powerful hero with a ton of depth to her. Her omega worms give a very unique kind of Zerg rush, and give such a huge amount of map presence. Plus raptorling rushing out of a bunch of them is lots of fun.

Fenix: No one with the same kind of openness to opening builds, Fenix the hero carrys on the theme of flexibility as well. He’s got a reputation for having a pretty static a-move playstyle, but if you dig deeper there’s units and tricks to him that squeeze out a bunch more power and resilience.

Plus, all three of them have interesting prestige with different playstyles between them.

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Zerg - Stetmann. Yes, this is different from my “two-commander” combo I posted in the other thread, but we’re talking about favorites here. Godly hero unit, with versatility of zones and capable of recycling units, Stetmann is great in solo and in team.

Terran - A contest between H&H and Mengsk. Both have overlapping concepts, both have cheap units to die and expensive units for support. Mengsk likely wins the overall value due to his three viable prestige versus H&H’s two, but I love them both.

Protoss - Karax, with his arsenal of team support and defense, and P3 wizadry. I haven’t maxed prestige with Fenix yet but he’s a close second with higher aggression and color scheme.

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Artanis for Protoss… master race! :open_mouth:

Zerg: Dehaka. Dehakaburger explained why beautifully.

Terran: Tychus. Insanely strong early game, playing around with different Outlaws is fun, lone wolf is one of the greatest prestiges of all CO’s, very versatile against almost (hello there, double edged) every mutator.

Protoss: Karax (I guess). That’s actually a tough one for me, I don’t particularly enjoy any of the Toss CO’s. Zeratul is extremely strong, but just as boring imo. Karax is my choice pretty much for his p2 only, pure static D doesn’t do much on most maps.

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Terran: Nova - she’s overall strong, versatile, and a great unit selection makes a her a blast to play though the only contender is P2 Raynor for me since rapid fire mech is so cool.

Zerg: Zagara - strong early game allows you to establish a good tempo no matter the map and the ability to snipe objectives in the blink of an eye never gets old.

Protoss: Alarak or Fenix? I can’t decide - both of them epitomize a brute strength playstyle and both have fantastic raw power but still have decent utility though I have to suppose Alarak is slightly better since he can expand in the first few minutes of the game to get going faster.

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Terran - Mengsk, he has a bit of everything in his kit, rarelly gets boring as you can have diffrent playstyles besides the prestige option, also nukes solves any problem.

Zerg - Stetmann, P3 preferably, ultra go chomp-chomp, overcharge statlite for shield is good for everyone and great at map control.

Protoss - Karax, been my most played commander for a long time, difficult to get into, but feels rewarding when you win, got a lot of sinergies between commanders and prestiges unlocked more strategies for him. There’s no such a thing as “caught off guard” as him, cloaked units? Beam them.

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Protoss: Alarak.
Zerg: Stetmann.
Terran: Mengsk.

Terran: Tychus
Protoss: Fenix
Zerg: Dehaka

Terran: Swann: Siege Tanks are my favorite units and Swann’s are the best. Herc Micro is fun and his defensive playstyle can be very rewarding in the right situations. Love having a full base to macro too.

Zerg: Kerrigan: Kerrigan’s super strong and fun to use. Balancing her hero micro with a full base to macro with and Omega Worms to abuse is just a lot of fun to me.

Protoss: Artanis: Classic Protoss units. Pure macro CO, Guardian Shield is a literal lifesaver vs many mutations. Just all around super fun Protoss CO.

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Zerg: Stettman becouse he can support his ally with his stetzones, be it either fast movement, healing units - even during combat or regenerating fast Energy for spellcasters.

Terran: H&H, I really like the mobility and map control of this commander, especialy his earlygame which is superstrong thanks to magmines.

Protos: Vorazun and Fenix

I really like the Idea of attacking from the shadows but vorazun is sadly heavely gas starved which is a real downer for me.

Fenix becouse he is super versatile with his units compositions and he can completely control attackwaves with his stasis skill from his arbiter form.

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Well I almost agree with you

Z: Stukov, but only like his mech, have played them since the very beginning with its launch. When they were trash, b4 ascension or prestiges even existed. Can do a lot of things with him like moving my structures, not to worry about space due to overlords, tons of fun with his mech, idbs, iban, ilibs, itanks. A spam from barracks on emergency moments. Apo + Aleks are super duper cd. Istructure also very useful. Mech P1.

T:Swanny. Never liked the hercutank thing but always tried all the rest, from goliaths, wraiths… But my absolute fave have always been cyclones+hellions+scivessels. Also full mastery on drill, super early attack, super early upgradex2, tons of cd per game. A super agressive Swann, don’t use tanks or static much, maybe a few on DoN and only on my side for some defense. P0 for me.

P: can’t really decide between Fenix and Karax.

Fenix: I can do whatever I want, break my rocks with 2 canons. Going full scouts, full adepts, full adepts + zealots + energisers. Those are my fave comps, hero helps a lot. Don’t remember which P I used, lol.

Karax: guess it was P2, army Karax, cheap and super strong units. Full immortals + energisers his best comp to me. CD help a lot.

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Heh… I recall someone saying when Bunkerlisks were 300/0/4, all he needed to do was move the psi emitter every now and then to point them towards objectives and enemy waves. It required so little of his attention that he was watching Netflix while playing games! :open_mouth:

I never did Herc-Tank either (something more than one Swann player has sworn by). Having P3 got me to try that more often. I guess I could try to see how it works on non-P3, but may be spoiled by the buffs offered by P3. Although TBH, I also want to retry Wraiths. Hard to tell if the stutter micro or whatever is working.

Also neat to see more people doing laser drill mastery (I cut back on that for his P1 though). It seemed the Vespene one got too much of the spotlight.

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Vespene drone is the one you can’t go wrong with.

But Drill mastery you need build order and rush it’s upgrades.

It’s very good for the calldowns, try it out on Oblivion Express, where if you line it up, you can one-shot the first train

My one gripe with drone mastery is allies who delay their geysers. For both their mains and their expansions. This means the discount is less effective as I’ll have enough mins anyways when I can use it (not that this will cause us to lose the game, but in that case, I may as well just saved the resources AND time on faster DLD)

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Guess it was me who you recall :joy:

Haven’t played for a while but managed to reach all the P I wanted on my comms.
Regarding the wraiths spam you can do that micro thing but even with just a click you are good to go if you got a critical mass of them, just need to be very careful with vipers, storms and ravens.

And yeah drill ftw!!
Maybe I give drones later but I waranty my agressive game instead of a “supportive role” as Swann. Basically majority of my games I’ve always lead unless teaming up with some rusher, but never need a carry unless I was lvlling up a comm.

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Terran: Raynor. P1. Not gonna lie 100 hp marines and 400 hp firebats are kinda ridiculous. It turns raynor from a fragile high dps army… into a durable high dps army. The loss of mules is annoying, but you lose less units, so burn less minerals. And it means you always have detection.

Zerg: Zagara P1. Hi yes I have 400 zerglings with another 400 on the way, and they all delete armor. Also hundreds of free banes and scourges means its really really easy to wipe waves.

Protoss: Karax p2. Not gonna lie Karac P2 feels like having an army that just has it all. His zealots are absurdly tanky and cheap, and it feels like you can throw them into anything, even baneling waves, and you barely lose any. You get yamato spam for cheap, and mirages for AA. Its a little gas tight, but when you get cheap uberzealots. Well… i dont mind having a spare mineral bank and 10 warp gates.