Stetmann P3: Oil Baron

Would love to hear about this one. Wouldn’t the cost increase affect his early game? Or is Gary as good an answer as 42?

SuperGarry alone is strong in the early Game which you should always rush, regardless of Prestige

If you get Ultras out with 3/3 upgrades they can annihilate infested maps.

But to get more benefit out of that prestige you have to play effective with stetzone heal and shields

So there is a downside in the early game regarding your army but in the lategame the units will become superstrong.

You can look at it that way;

P1 for massive early army and mapcontroll, not being able to rush supergarry is a huge mineral and gas bonus for your units and upgrades.

P2 for annihilating Attackwaves and Bases, almost no downside whatsoever.

P3 for a weak earlygame but superstrong lategame if you use your army with Gary at stetalites effective

I didn’t get this Prestige because P1 and P2 were both good already, and I could not get past the fact it look like Alarak P1, but much weaker (why would it be time-limited?).

P3 is not as good as P2, exceptions are the infested maps.

You get Super Gary as always, but you get Ultras soon after, unless it’s a mass air comp.

And then you just let them do their thing, only babysit if they are lower than 50% hp, if there are many anti-armored, siege units, charge at them for stun.

By the way, even his static defense benefits from the prestige, however you already have ultras or mechacarrierlords for defense.

Fun occasional infested map prestige that offers a slightly amusing strategy. Although said strategi(es) delay map completion. That’s the best P3 offers.

There is literally nothing good about this prestige, except the mass poking memes.

Now that’s intriguing, consider I’ve never used his MechaBattleCarrierLord due to it only hit lands even after all the upgrades. I presume P3 makes it shine.

I’m reading all kinds of opinions here. We can probably all agree that P2 is stronger overall, but how is P3 compare to P0 and P1?

I’d say P3 is weaker than P0 but stronger than P1.

I say that because Super Gary is a force that carries you from early game to late game. And despite the larger zone in P1, it lacks this key function. Yet, the zone can be made up with experience, proper placement, and Self-zones.

P3’s less power than P0 for the obvious reason of cost. Nothing more. It’s benefits doesn’t justify the cost.

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It’s a yes for the most part, depends on how you abuse the stacks. But usually vs protoss you really struggle to get stacks.

Also the Temple of the Past map is terrible for this prestige, as you can’t really abuse stacks besides pushing for the bonus or clear the map.