When are the US Servers Coming Back Up?

Hi all, so I wanted to start this forum here, to see if anyone or even if Blizzard will reply on when they may have an ETA when the US Servers will be back up.

Currently it has been atleast like 3 or 4 days now and the US Servers are still down!
I don’t know if anyone else is having this problem or if they did and figured out a way to resolve it! Any advice would be great!

Please feel free to chime in :slight_smile:



Evidenced by the many threads with many posts (including the one I linked for you in your bug reports thread), many others are having similar issues as you are.

As for ETA’s Bliz typically doesn’t give them. For example, they have already tried a fix which didn’t work. Had they given an ETA for that, it would have been for nothing. The vast majority of the time they announce a potential fix at the moment it’s released.

Also evidenced by the posts Bliz has made, the issues are on Bliz’s side so we will have to wait until they resolve them. I did see one community post stating that tabbing out during the authentication screen helped them.


For the benefit of those who happen upon this thread looking for the latest information, the thread Leviathan hinted at is here:

Thanks Benjamin!

Yeah, that post of mine was before the TS agents had designated a main tracking thread. :blush:

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Tabbing out during authentication screen worked for me

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What exactly do you mean with “tabbing out”? Press Alt+Tab? Close/Cancel logging in ?

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That’s what I also understand, and (at least for me) it didn’t work.

Hi Dysruptor,

Yes that is what they mean, you have to Alt + TAB out when it you see the loading screen. Wait like a 10 seconds or so before you ALT + TAB back to your load screen. You should than get that message to play offline. Hit Play offline and you may still have the prompt screen up informing you that there is still an outage. Just click ok and you will be able to continue playing in offline mode.

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