What's up with the Viking? no buff?

That’s good to know, thank you

Storm could be removed and it really wouldn’t change anything. I mean that. At least not make anything worse. It’s an irrelevant spell. There’s been no “holding Toss together.” Toss never wins anything…

There are no golden armada with storm comps. Maybe against Zerg, but that’s still dumb. Air + disruptors is far better. The only real argument anyone could have for the templar being useful is if they’ve found a way to make templars work vs vipers. I haven’t…

I’d say going storm vs Terran is far more of a gamble and less consistent than going disruptors. You’re going to get emp’d a lot of the time. Your warp prism will get sniped. Like… what’s the payoff? At least with disruptors you know you can always force the guy to lose dps via dodging shots.

If a guy has BCs, he’s going to win. If a guy has mass vikings, and you went air… you’re probably going to lose. The templar is one step away from being the tempest.

I’d say the colossus is the backbone for Toss.

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I having more fun Pvt than TVP at the moment, TvT and TvZ are a lot more fun and easier to win.

Than again I need more practice in TvP.

Man, I keep telling you man let’s focus on the Topic “Vikings”

Show me a P vs T game where you won, if you don’t mind. Nothing interests me more than seeing one achieve this task. If you’re not lying and you actually won a game, it’s time to commission a statue. You must be good.

P have big economic advantage … and there is none counter to disruptors … But is true i saw mass BC vs P only from special … and that isnt enough information … but if that is good every pro would do it …

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I don’t need to prove anything, I just want talk about Vikings, with all do respect man, if don’t want to contribute at exchanging information about this topic, please don’t bother.

I absolutely agree with everything with you just said.

There are so many ways to beat Toss. Every unit is better than what Toss can muster late game. Going BCs is just for style points. It’s like Zerg still dominates with IT being removed. The BC is the IT… It’s imbalanced, but surely not needed to win.

Every Toss unit has 1000 hard counters, except for the disruptor. Truly baffling, I agree.

and here is proof

Proof of what? I’m losing every game while having a 4k army value adv. I’d hope to god my race has an economic adv…

Can you specify, what moment should be looking for, and on what?

I want to see exactly what are you talking about, I love HM :slight_smile:

sorry bad timing … it stars at 1:43:00 (i will fix it )… its a game and analysis after that

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This is hilarious, but the guy is the A word. “Omg… I’m up 30 supply and I’m just forced to do an all-in.” Lmao. Grade A comedy. Let’s now breakdown how I masterfully micro’d to overcome an insurmountable supply adv for myself… I mean… “Toss imbalance.”

Good freaking grief man. If your Terran opponent takes 4 bases while you’re still on 2, guess what… you will feel forced to all-in, too. But if you’re up 100 supply… I guess it makes sense and doesn’t matter. :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

He “accidentally won” in spite of Toss imbalance. No idea why these guys even play SC 2. They’re all lotto winners…

How dare a Toss player attempt to take a fourth base to try to stay a base up, like you NEED to. Jesus. Another pro who clearly hasn’t played Toss before.

Opps, I was looking at 0:clock430:, give me one moment, bare with me, sir.

Nice game, thank you for posting, I think the Protoss could ve microed just a bit better, back and thourgh until he get’s couple of shots with collosi while protecting tha collosi with stalkers.

Also HM had an excellent concave, and he was all in.

But it is just one game you have to see hundreds of game.

HM, if he was actually “all-in” could have pulled scvs and won even easier. Most standard game ever. So weird to cry about it. Then again, it’s HM. Dude acting like the most predictable result ever was a shocker.

Point is they cant buff viking … balance in TvT is very fragile.
if the do not want to give it spell resistace … then they need chage other units …
give tempest same range as viking (but make it better vs BCs maybe)
and remove PB from viper (they will still have FG that is fine )…

any other ideas how to make viking usable in late game ? …

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Also Protoss was greedy, and he punish with killing the probes.

Agree with that.

A spell resistance is the way to go I think