What's the most brain blasting discovery you've made in co-op?

On DoN (Dead Of Night), The Infested Structures ALL have the Light tag! I never noticed this till later on (I just assumed all buildings have the Armored tag)! With somebody like Swann, this makes Hellbats better to take them on! As a bonus, when broodlings spawn from killing them, they’ll make cake work out of them as well! Great overall for the hordes of Infested walker to boot.

On a related note, I now send out Karax Colossi on this map as well since they get bonuses vs. Light

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This happened once a while back and mostly by accident - most of us are aware that the Archangel bonus on Void Thrashing will fly over to the other side if it’s damaged a lot but not killed quickly. Once it’s healed up enough and re-attacked, it will again attempt to fly back to the side where it initially was. Not sure if this happens on an infinite loop until the bonus timer runs out.

This is unrelated to official Coop mission but it is interesting nonethess.
When you pick Turkey Shoot mutation in Maguro Maps, your maximum supply is added to your partner and can potentially go up to 400 supplies maximum.
Without Sharing is Caring Mutation, which limits your supply by your given supply limit, you can go beyond your limit and cut loose.

Stukov’s buildings, when uprooted, move faster when they are chronoboosted by Karax.

Well technically by any Chrono Boost, not just Karax. Or did you mean Chrono Wave?

Yes, that. When I hear him activate it though, I hear Karax call it chronoboost.

Yeah, he does say that (as far as I know). It’s been like that forever lol. There’s far too many chrono’s - boost, wave, beam, field, :stuck_out_tongue:.


Dehaka building does that too! But while Stukov Building gets faster by Waves, they don’t :frowning:

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It’s also confusing in where the game sometimes refers to “unit” actual units, to things without the Structure tag, or to ANYTHING (even buildings).

Yeah, there so many of these little bugs. The most notable to date still is probably the “our enemy is (race)”. Then they say it’s Terran when it’s Zerg or what not.

Coop in a nutshell from day 1 though lol.

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Stukov Queens “Spawn Broodling” can hit Shuttles in Void Launch.
In Brutal, 2 hits would leave the ship with 0 shields and 100 hp (from 300 shields and 400 hp), not bad.
I discovered that while playing around in Casual (when 1 hit instant kill the shuttle), so I don’t know if the overall abilities of those units make it worth it.

If you use Tychus Odin Barrage, then the nuke research finish, you can use the nuke on that same Odin summon.
I haven’t paid enough attention to see if it interrupted my ongoing barrage, or if both were perfectly overlapping.

It doesn’t interrupt, the timing is fine if you aim for ~10.5min. Although it’s practical use is unfortunately limited.

This happened to me once, a long while back: I used barrage and while it was still barraging, nuke research completed. The barraging fully completed but Nuke was not available / greyed out once the barrage was done.

In general, you should try to barrage + nuke with the first Odin. Start nuke research by 9-9:15. Call Odin at 10:15 and use barrage quickly. Nuke research finishes by 10:30-10:45. Use Nuke. Cannot rinse and repeat.

I tried playing on the US servers.

Can’t say any more :cold_face:

maybe it is already in here maybe not … couldn’t infest stetmans signal savant stetelites as stukov ._.

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The most common gap* between a mutation and its repeat is 69. Tee. hee. hee.

And, mutation week 69 was “What Goes Around” with Double-edged (dmg you do is dealt back to you) and Mutually Assured Destruction.

Examples of the 69-mutation gap:

  • Train of the Dead on Oblivion Express, week 1 and 70
  • First Strike on Chain of Ascension, week 2 and 71
  • etc. (the first 45 mutations excluding ‘Wheel of Misfortune’ repeated from week 70 to 117, then there was Wheel of Misfortune again followed by Bannable Offense.)

CtG’s mutation db doesn’t count the 1-day mutation of “Sudden but Inevitable” as a mutation week since it was just 1 day.

If the mutation cycle is a full repeat of everything including previous repeats, then Frostbite (week 50) on DoN (and the ~15 mutations after it) will make their first re-appearance in week 285 - which will be the longest mutation repetition gap, 235; if ‘Sudden but inevitable’ doesn’t repeat; week 286 if it does, with a gap of 236.

I was surprised to know that China Server is protected. You cannot access it from anywhere (including Australia) Unless you are inside China or probably near it.

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Zeratul’s Legions can’t be used to claim locks on Lock and Load. Bit odd, but you can recall that they used to get Time Stopped along with the enemies back in the day.

Apparently Diffusion insta kills Tyrannozors

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