What's the most brain blasting discovery you've made in co-op?

yes, I don’t normally see them on normal/casual

You can use Irradiate to protect your Zerg allies from enemy Zerg units. The “no friendly fire rule” overrides the damage it’d normally do to ALL bio units, despite explicitly targeting them. Both the targeted unit, and those in the vicinity of the “green cloud” will be safe.

You can’t target your ally’s units with Nova’s Snipe :sunglasses:

I still wish they were listed separately under the list of players. Sometimes, I want to see an attack force, but can’t b/c no vision, and no other enemies in vision. Or, there are, but they belong to a different “player”/faction, so I still can’t see them anyways.

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Something really funny happened in the brutation.
So the roach was rushing into one of the bots then when my creeper killed it, it flung to the Terrazine field while melting.


I know I’ve said this in other topics way past, but may as well add it here: Zeratul’s Statis Beam can be used to reveal Fog of War… which then you dump Legions and/or Avatars directly onto objectives or enemy bases. It’s basically my mainstay with Telbrius for longest I can remember, and Statis Beam is so terribly slept on I feel lol.

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That is one way to use the Stasis Beam, too bad it’s still underpowered ugh.

If Kerrigan is using the P level where she loses her access to Omega worms, if she has an ally Abathur, he can build them for her.


P1. And Yes :arrow_double_down:

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Zeratul Avatar devolution wave can be extremely annoying when you use it while destroying a base, generate a ton of workers and fail to kill them all, then a few minutes later, the base was completely rebuilt thanks to the “help” you accidentally gave Amon with extra workers.


There was a Versus match where 2 low league players (someone dubbed it “plastic league” :smiley: ) got all of their workers destroyed, but they couldn’t make any more since they were over the supply limit, so they just duked out the rest of the game with their remaining combat units.

Any better player would’ve just killed some of their combat units to free up supply, make workers, gather, and rebuild, but they clearly didn’t think of that. Did make for an interesting match, and unique since this is the type of thing you wouldn’t see in the pros.

Swann’s Concentrated Beam also works similar. Ditto with Mengsk’s ESOs.

When I’m leveling up Prestige, some of the descriptions for units in command card are incorrect. For example, Swann’s Hercs say the Prestige makes them load faster and teleport, even though I was using his P1!

lvlin mengsk pres now so can’t tell what they*ll do BUT

royal specters are hillarious, especially when combined with multiple academies you can spam nukes, you can f.e. drain the shields of those shutles with emp and kill that things with nukes :smiley:
also nukes are handy to kill lurkers or sieged tanks, bunkers, stuff … :smiley:

stetman fast zone + mengsk detector thingies speed up workers so you make crazy money :smiley:

HnH bombers give vision and can attack into fog of war, so you can drop that spacestation afterwards iirc

get that droppod upgrade for mengsk solders, drop one into enemy location and launch your nucular annihilation, thins out or straight kills archons on CoA f.e.

i like to bind the bomber landingpads on a controlgroup which makes it easier to access them, also get that bomber DoT upgrade

“Wolves of War” units leave small amounts of minerals when dieing and you have HnH as partner and that recycle thing online …

Zeratul: “I’m having a vision, the next artifact is…on Bel’Shir?!!

Zeratul: “I’m going to get it. See you in a few days guys, play nice while I’m away.

Do I need to comment on the fact that I could not share the image I truly initially wanted since the replay went that way? :rofl:


On Mist Opportunities, once the bonus is under attack, the timer pauses. Noticed this when my ally said he was going to try to get the bonus objective with just 22 seconds left! It would take his infested walkers about that much time to get to the bonus objective (he was Stukov), but got it! I checked the replay to see how he got so much DPS, and turns out, the timer stalling let him squeeze it in.

Uhhh, why are there two Zeratul icon? What happened to Nova’s :confused:

That happens from time to time in the replays. Not exactly sure what triggers that (I think if you leave the current player on one of them too long, or after a certain point in the game?).

Also odd that there’s usually a number next to the player (1 or 2, which is what you press on your keyboard as the shortcut), but here, it’s just an ‘e’ with an accent aigu (that goes from bottom left to top right)

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It happens quite often when watching replays, when you change your view to another player, both icons become the same.

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Clever workaround for AZERTY keyboard :wink:

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Came across a weird bug.
Apparently Zweihaka standing on the cliff prevents him from attacking.
He can only nod.


When playing around with Karax P1… it is actually quite hilarious what a probe can get away with doing when following your ally into a base to set up offensive cannons. Additionally once the cannons go up enemies will just outright ignore the probe while you set up more.

Got to watch out for those siege tanks though.

When I visited the Collections tab after launching the search of a game, and changed portrait, my portrait wasn’t changed until next game.
But after the game, instead of going to the score (mission result) then Coop tab, I was transported to the Collection tab, then going to co-op loaded the score, and finally the discovery: I was still on “random commander”, it had not moved to the commander I player.
I wonder if it was just an usual random end game bug, or if it’s a lead to find a method to stay on random commander and more quickly start the next game afterward. :thinking:

edit: Just going on Collections tab doesn’t seem to be enough, but when I tried again to change my portrait, it worked.
My experiments made the Collections tab bug like hell :smiling_imp:

edit: aww, it’s no longer working. Did I accidentally point out something so easy to fix that it…got fixed?