What's the meaning of all these? Destroying builds?

Some would say a STRONG partner will ruin their fun. But they can ALWAYS get a chance to carry a occasional noob partner on random hard. So the have their fun sooner or later, not never. If my occasional “thirsty for blood” partner doesn’t like me to be strong, he can just quit, I won’t curse him like some Zeratul haters anyway.
But with a brutally, brainlessly nerfed commander I will never get that fun again. A thousand rematch won’t make him strong as before.

So what? Damn balance. I’d just start modding RA2 again and drop SC2 for a while, hope they get to recognize what they have done.
Adjust? By playing another game, meh. It isn’t like 10 years ago when the few playable games are from Blizzard. We do get choices now.


And there is yet another fact that Zeratul haters choose to play blind at.
People’s skill levels DO vary a lot. I have played with vulture build raynor that makes me almost AFK - but watching spider mines vaporize waves itself is enjoyable. I also played with Zeratuls that suck hard - 10 gateways, 4 robotics with no army at all for like 10 mins and no panel support. The scene haters describe seems as if ALL occasional Zeratul players can make them bored, carrying them, but use our brain, is that SO often, that they have to quit with every random Zeratul ally? The answer is just no. The level of coop players cannot be anything but in Gaussian distribution - few grandmasters, few super noobs, mostly regular level that we play together with. OP commanders still suck hard in noobs’ hands, and average players play OP commanders in average ways: wont make partner bored. Maybe a little more kills, but not overwhelming. Only the “coop grandmasters” fit the scene haters describe, but how often will ya meet them?


I’m confused. I was responding to someone making a statement laughing at keeping over performing builds. I think it’s fine to keep them. I like being able to be bad and carry people sometimes with them. If it leads itself to teammates being mad at me for it and they self sabotage or defect, I just find that entertaining anyway (and could probably hold my own or take enjoyment in trying to fend myself off or preserving them outside of their own control (leave a gas building only))

I am also confused by some noobs I came up to,like I said, they turtle, spawn army and never go out, but when I start to solo everything they blame me for ruining their fun. As if it is Sim city they are playing.

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well, some haters said getting carried pisses them off. But that is mostly a player level problem instead of an OP commander problem.

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This is the problem. No feedback and then all of a sudden nerfs on a PvE? What they hell were they thinking? You’re paying money for these commanders and they nerf them? What kind of philosophy is that? They keep killing the fun in this game mode.

First Stukov absolutely gutted, then Stettman’s infestors, Dehakas mutas, Kerris mutas, the Mengsk nerfs all around are terrible and he’s been out for 3 weeks! Like what the hell is the point of buying commanders if they’re just going to nerf them !


Remember when they EXPLICITLY stated that they wanted to stay away from nerfs because this is supposed to be a fun, laid-back play mode? Then why the hell are they nerfing every fun commander!? The forums should be a firestorm, everyone should be on there expressing their rage at Blizzard for their idiotic choices!

Fun is subjective. What constitues as fun for you may not be fun for me, and vice versa.

So a 50 Mineral cost increase and a justified increase of 2 supply on Infested Bunkers gutted the whole Commander despite the plathora of buffs he recieved in the very same patch? Mkay then.

Mengsk’s rocketlike start was slowed down, but not as much as people make it out to be. It is also a good time to nerf him, as he is very new and people aren’t all that comfortable with their strategies yet. Now you can adapt to a Commander significantly more in line with the others.

They only try nerfing and buffing Commanders that need the changes in their view. The point of buying Commanders is to experience different playstyles of course, but if something is overperforming expect it to be toned down.

True freedom never lasts. When you’re truly free to do whatever you want, inevitably a warlord will use their freedom to impose their will upon others by force.

What do you mean, “no feedback”? The forum was filled with feedback specifically saying “Zeratul OP” and “Nerf Zeratul”.

No feedback to the announced/proposed changes. They just made a vague announcement and implemented changes the next day. That’s never been done before.

Ain’t that the truth? Well said, brother.

All of a sudden a nerf without even collecting ideas and suggestions. That sucks.

That is the game plan Blizzard has given to Mengsk players: turtle and mass ESO. Everything else was nerfed, and the early game ruined.

Ruined is quite the overreaction.

Indeed, and its not like people have been silent about how powerful and problematic his cannons are.

Boo hoo, now you have to manage your early game the same as every other commander.

Because every commander needs to play exactly the same :laughing:

Weren’t you just talking about how Mengsk’s “Only option” is to build mass ESO? Most commanders don’t revolve around building massive quantities of artillery.

Its all the same game. There are going to be some fundamental aspects of play, like saturating worker lines, that every commander operates with.

“Weeeee, Mengsk dead!”


Wait, is this a Mengsk or Zeratul thread? It’s all starting to blur together.

Regardless… “i dun wanna adapt/gitgud, i want muh ezclapwin button!”

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What went wrong in your life that you became such a toxic troll? I feel sad for you. Hopefully the Christmas time will heal your wounds.