Mengsk biggest lies

As we could all see if we cared looking people are trying out Zeratul and providing us with feedback about the cannons. And they seem mostly positive to me.

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I am most disappointed about the Mengsk changes and I really fail to see why. Mengsk felt good with a fast and smooth early gameplay. Granted the earth splitter rush is a bit gimpy imo but that was not how I liked to played him.

After the nerf you have those propaganda ships out around the 4-5 min mark and then you need that upgrade also… and when that is done it feels the game is picking up speed a bit… overall not a fun experience tbh.

Also with this horrible early gamespeed the chances of things going bad early game are pretty high now. Maps with fast opening waves, mutators with early pressure, bad macro/judgements early game and random allies that need help early game because they didn’t build anything… all these things as Mengsk, can ruin your early game very easily now and then it feels even more slow then it alrdy feels.

Only good change about Mengsk to me was the increased radius of the detection… all the rest……… :frowning:


Half the things you said applies to all players with all Commanders. “Some maps have very early attack waves” and “some of my allies are not too keen on building units”. Mengsk still has a pretty damn fast economy max.


Maguro plays like a god a only few can match those skills, but this is really nice guide how to manage early game as Mengsk. It might be challenging, but with a little practice, you will have no problem defending anything early. He is soloing any brutal game like a champ…

www .

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Solo is not the issue. Many people agree that brutal is easy even for weak commanders and suboptimal strategies.

The issue is playing a slow commander and watching your Dehaka ally solo the map while you build up your slow paced tech.

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You seem to be struggling with Mengsk REAL HARD in co-op, yet you say “solo is not the issue”? Like, really? :smiley:


You don’t get the point. Maguro’s videos proof nothing. If there was a decent Dehaka in his games his Mengsk would contribute nothing to the first two objectives.

So much effort going through my posts and still understanding nothing, it’s a bit sad tbh


Lying again. You celarly didnt see any of those videos and you are only theorycrafting, while completly ignorring evidence. It’s a bit sad tbh

Well there’s only one option for that. We need a special toggle for *** who do not understand that each commander has unqiue ramp up time. The toggle would match together only specific commanders that have similar pace.

That is the only option as it looks like majority of players are clueless and can’t comprehend that if they pick a slower commander it will be slower in the actual match than their ally’s. Rather than understand this basic rule they ask for nerfs to equalize powers and playstyles across all commanders.

Makes me want to play Stukov with a Swann or a Karax now. Can’t remember the last time I had a defensive map when I played Stukov.

Had that combination this week, the latter on DoN:

Ally Stukov
Karax 172 763
Swann 1286 1994

I love those three so much. Always a good time.

Mengsk isn’t slow early, he’s just not super-fast to hit critical mass.

He still gets his full economy and tech done while his ally is still starting their expansion.

Bunkers are your answer the the early game, and frankly it’s a good thing if mistakes are punished.

Mengsk gets his full tech faster than anyone else.

Dehaka being super-strong in the early game, and at all other points of the game, is Dehaka’s problem.

That’s reason to nerf Dehaka hard if anything, not to make his super-fast opening standard.

Fast tech does not mean being strong fast. Troopers are weak, their weapons expensive, and royal guards gas heavy and need to level up. Fast tech does not change that.


I brought up tech in response to your “slow paced tech” claim.

Troopers build up fairly quickly if you use Mandate on Bunkers, and you don’t really need an early army if you lame it on Zerg.

And he doesn’t need many early Royal Guard to make an impact.

I wonder when this madness will stop. Moving goalposts and namecalling is all fun and games but gets old.


I’ve seen many players trying to max out on royal guards alone. I think there is a level of misunderstanding how Mengsk works and people try to make units like terrans do - from barrack, factory, star port; some don’t even realize that workers and infantry can change roles.

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If anything, I’ve seen more players ignoring his Royal Guard and either under contributing, or cheesing everything with ESO.

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Because ESO wasn’t nerfed, everyting else was. Delayed gas from delayed expo hurts Royal Guard production.