What's the meaning of all these? Destroying builds?

Zeratul once had at leat 4 builds: cannons, stalkers, robotics, dark templars, now two of them are totally dead! Less useful builds to play for what? “balance”?

How do you defend the first wave on Korhal with a no mastery zeratul?

Mengsk units suck hard, now you can’t even support them with panel ability. Early game becomes pain in the ars with weak troopers and very much nerfed economy. You could buy weapons for them without hurting economy too much, but now you wont have enough troopers/weapons in the early game.
Mandate nerf makes you short on panels. Even with bio+royal. While this build is weak and needs that panel support, it gets nerfed.

Stetmann’s only powerful build is infestors. You don’t buff the rest of him but just nerf the powerful one. Just as you destroyed stukov.

What we want in Coop is NOT some damn balance, there is no PVP leaderboards or something like that. We want more playstyles, more available builds, more maps, instead of same maps but fewer choices, less fun.


Also. Stalker build is much less powerful. With that 8 sec cooldown you can still jump in, jump out, run,jump again, but now as the tooltip says it does 46% damage. Triple jump will not do the same damage as before. Even with that cooldown reduce. Less burst damage - more loses


I must admit, that is perhaps my concern with a great deal of these changes. I rather disliked the Cannon build personally, and it definitely needed to be toned down, but never would I want to see it hammered into the dust and lose a build that seemingly a great many people enjoyed. Likewise with the Ambushers, even if it isn’t quite as bad as the cannon nerf.

One of the reasons I actively dislike Zagara is just how one-dimensional she is to play with her lackluster unit variety and non-existent options other than just smash, smash, smash lings, banes, scourge over and over.

I don’t want to see Zeratul’s limited options become even more limited by taking away his choices by virtue of nerfing them into the ground.


The meaning is y’all have to adapt.

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The choice can be LEAVING sc2 if it becomes less fun in such a disappointing way. Not all will adapt. Isn’t there other games to play? It hurts the players and in the end it can hurt the whole blz.


Sure, some people may announce that they are done, they are leaving the game for good, some may even leave it.

I don’t think it really matters. Most players will continue playing and those who visit the forums will probably talk about a “Zeratul cannon nerf revert” for months to come. Nothing new here.

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Whatever. It becomes less fun. Stalker build at least gives you some chances to blink and see the enemy vaporize. It is fun. While with robitics you just f2a. Boring to watch. DTs are good but lack of AA makes them a toy build. Who needs this “balance”? It brings more fun? They can use that effort in buffing Karax, making new maps, fixing bugs. Hell.

Also, cannons are good for beginners. A strong(/OP) partner at least lightens your burden, even at a beginner level.


Same as before. One bunker with 2-3 workers repairing. If you see a ton of zerglings or zealots, buy a flamethrower. Did you need 2 bunkers to defend against the first wave before the nerf?

With Zeratul, spawn your legion on the attackers, then send them to the exp.


That might just be the funniest argument for leaving overperforming builds as they are.


And the worst case is there will always be better commanders and builds than the others so this nerf train could just continue indefinitely until every commander is toned down to some imaginary “sc2 skill” unfun level like Raynor.

If not stopped these not thought out adjustments could very well remove all fun and variety in this mode.

Devs should guard the game, cater for all playstyles, provide sensible adjustments where needed; and not entirely remove viable builds.


meh, that should be zeratul. If not the legions you usually have only one stalker at that time.

Overperforming? How about abathurs evos or dehaka + cds. They are much faster. Abathur + vorazun can clear L&L before zeratul even spawns. But yeah cannons overperform.

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my point still stands. Even it is indeed overpowered, it brings even noobs fun, and a braindead build for people who may want a brainless game. What matters in this mode is not damn balance but fun.


Good thing you have the legions then. Sorry, do you have to delay your exp to defend against the first wave on Korhal? So do several other commanders like Nova, who has to go marine first instead of CC first, since the hero unit only spawns at 4:00.

Don’t get me wrong, the cannon nerf was way too much, but if you complain about everything, even justified nerfs then you’re just making it harder to focus on the important points.


It is hard to think of what others like, but believe me, the forums was full of “nerf Zeratul” and “Zeratul OP” threads because a lot of people didn’t want cannons such as those in their game. Those ruined their fun somehow. I am indifferent about it, just giving perspective.


Even as someone who bought and loves Mengsk, I can tell you that people going full ESO ruins my game far more than Zeratul’s cannons ever did.
When I’m playing a slower commander and my ally starts building ESOs on that spot on Korhal, and by the time I clear the base defenders he’s just about done sniping the void rifts (without helping with the defenders at all), it makes me want to just quit that game.
Or THAT guy who decides to spawn kill enemies on Oblivion Express, both trains and all attack waves with his artillery before you can even get your army to the action.

Of course, people did the same selfish crap with Zeratuls feeling the need to snipe every single attack wave with cannon projection, but at least that required vision so it wasn’t that obnoxious.

Adapt by playing a different game


I don’t need to adapt, none of the Commanders I play got nerfed, I’m gonna happily play Tychus, Swann, Stukov and Karax.

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Sorry I did not mean you personally should play a different game, I just meant players who don’t have fun anymore might leave.

For me zeratul killed the coop fun so much that i alt+f4 as soon as i saw a zeratul teammate on the loading screen.
Perhaps these changes can remedy that, only time will tell.

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