What's the meaning of all these? Destroying builds?

You want to spawn in that expensive legion in the beginning to defend?
Honestly I would just have my ally defend 1st wave. If he doesn’t just gg and queue again.
It’s coop, some commanders are good early game, some are bad. If your ally does not accept that just gg

Those are the people who now can’t do the weekly mutation anymore without Zeratul’s cannons carrying them :wink:

Yup. Let them quit if they want.

Just like what they did to Stukov, making games less fun rather than “balance”.


Those who think Zeratul ruined their fun are so self-contradictory, they want to pass the mutations and his teammate can’t destory their fun? That thought is so foolish and selfish.


Can you rephrase that? No idea what you meant.

The meaning of this is never buy a commander again :wink:

Sorry for my poor English. I mean those who think Zeratul ruined the fun of the game is selfish, they want to pass the mutations and they did better in game. It is stupid that u want to win and you also request your teammate did worse than u did.


It’s about as selfish as it gets, but that is true both ways. It is selfish to cling to a mechanic that renders many mutations pointless and only think about your own fun.

The takeaway is that y’all are selfish and only want yer own fun to be protected, and that’s fine.

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LMAO, if I dislike a teammate I just quit, I never complain that some commanders ruined my fun. If cling is someone’s wish, then u can decide u accept or not, if not just quit, don’t judge, I thought we all live in a freedom society.

Society is the opposite of freedom, and if we assume what you say is true and this is indeed a free society, then they have the right to judge, whine and cry, demand nerfs, declare OPness and so on. It goes both ways.

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You don’t like your teammate’s OP commander? You ALWAYS have a choice to quit and enjoy yourself next time! I don’t like my own nerfed, no fun commander, what do I have? Throw him away so I never get that fun I used to have? Speaking of selfish um hmm?

It is like if someone makes you unhappy, you would make him never be happy again. Think of that.

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There is a difference between OP commanders that you can still work with and contribute to the game, and then commanders who just kill everything in front of your nose without even having to move out of their bases, like Cannon Zeratul or ESO Mengsk.

Blame Zeratul players for being selfish and obnoxious with cannons for the nerf. The ones who wait for you to attack and give him vision and then spam their cannons in front of your army.

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That’s been the crux of the issue. We have some who feel these “viable builds” are unfun, while others require them to be in. By this virtue, we can’t please everyone, and there will be many who will be left out. Not sure what else to do other than make it a numbers game though.

How often does that happen? AFAIK, there aren’t many makes where ESOs can “do it all”.

For Zeratul you can make units, stalkers will work well.
For mengsk put soldiers in bunkers and repair if necessary.
This is not rocket science, play other comanders and watch how people defend and learn from it.

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Everyone who play Zera for a while know how slow is cannon build is.
It takes ~3m to even have a sufficient amount to start spamming them, and the numbers still aren’t enough to do anything to the obj or outpost.
Now, this strat is gone completely from Zera closet.

With how dominate the build was I’m not surprised at the nerfs. People who claim Stukov is dead, well, are morons. Stukov was ridiculously powerful and still is. Zeratul will be just fine the difference is, now he’s not an instant pick and answer to mutations. I’m also glad to see Tychus get some love. Rattlesnake is not the clear choice and Medic now has dps buffs. Blaze also got a buff which works for me because I love Blaze.


Oh and if you’re leaving because the most braindead hero got rebalanced, well, BYE FELICIA!

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Did you miss Tychus medivac nerf?

This game is not for faint hearted pawns.