M1 EU here :
Defending a hidden dark shrine + 2 gate opening against a patch master 3, the Toss makes literally nothing from it.
The time i cross the map with some tank marines and Raven the Toss has more economy than me and rekt me with zealot charge
I took no losses from the pressure and the DT and put down my B2 as i reaper expanded
I would like to know what league are the sc2 balance team in ??? Obviously they dont play their OWN GAME and they are low level.
Mr. MyOh, is this the same M1 Terran that last week complained that a big-bad Protoss dropped 2 Zealots in his base (that M1 Terran had left unprotected) and…lost?
I have no time to search into the forum…
Please note that the minimum MMR to go to Master is 2014 and in EU 3202.
While it is a mistake to leave the base completely exposed while attacking, can terran really afford to keep enough units to shut down drops in the current 2-base all-in tvp meta?
That’s a good and tricky question for the strategic/tactical minds of terran Mentats. As long as attack and defense are treated separately (huge mistake that in a real war sends somebody in front of the firing-squad) this issue will be obfuscated.
Both are part of the strategy to win the game and the slighest imbalance (attack over defense and vice-versa) can and must cost the game.
Finding the right-balance between attack, defense and resources used for static-defense is the most difficult task that a SC2 player (be this Terran, Protoss or Zerg) has to do.
Sure, and attacking with 100% of the forces with no defenses left behind (and usually without even upgrading) is a M1 strategy. The when you are rect’ed, came here to whine and ask Daddy Blizzard for more buffs.
Fun fact: Of all the three races Terrans have the most formidable defender’s advantage and the cheapest…
One turret in AtA department does the same damage of 2 Cannons (75 —> 300).
Not every single pro game. Just the odd ones that catch my eye. I did see Maru do very well in TvPs in GSL Season 1. Anyways, I do think Protoss needs a nerf because they dominated GSL S2. A WP nerf is on its way apparently, which should suffice. Anyways, it is clear you don’t want to post a replay because it will result in criticism of your play.
One suggested balance tweak would be to add a graphic to twilight council showing dark shrine is complete or building - that way both would have to be hidden to be completely hidden, making it harder to pull off a total surprise.
Or you could just play a bit more conservative early game vs P
A Cyclone on patrol along the edge of the main base should be enough to shut down Prism drop (either by killing or by shooing Prism away), or at the very least warn you that the drop is happening. Especially if it has Mag-Field Accelerator upgraded.
If you want to be extra sure, you can add another Cyclone or a Mine or few Marines just in case. In any case, you don’t need more than 5-6 supply to defend main base if your army is in natural.
People used to defend with cyclone but i think the early protoss third base caused most players to drop that in favor of stopping the protoss from snowballing ahead by 2 base all-ining their early third.
Now, take that and calculate how much Supply a protoss/zerg has to dedicate for the same protection. Other factors such as the map-awareness (T>=Z>P) play a important role but better ignore that because the problem get’s complicated exponentially…
I never scan before 07:30 to avoid getting behind in economy. When I lose the reaper, or I can’t get valuable info from it, I’m usually in a big trouble. P has obs, Z has creep and overlords. Please stop with this false myth of Terran scouting being better than other races. All they have different forms of scouting with inherent advantages AND disadvantages.
That means that, for a given situation, one WILL be better than the other. Whether the average of all situations means the scouting for a race as a whole is equal is a more complex question to answer (it may even be impossible to answer).