Precisely, when 18 Lurkers burrow in front of your face you have the options to:
a) move an Overseer in position (that takes time) considering that you have one ready.
b) move a detector (that takes time)
c) move an Oracle and use Revelation.
All those options are not instant (click Scan and that’s it)…
Terran can look wherever he wants. For a little while and loses mule that could give 250 minerals. Scanning is last resort or used in cases where raven would probably get stuck behind and killed as its slow/unwieldy (Creep)
Protoss meanwhile has invisible observer thats cheap, fast and hard to spot or sentry which can make multiple illusions to guarantee full scout while Zerg just sees his side of the map thanks to creep, can infiltrate your base with changelings or just zip around with speed obs.
I wouldnt say instant “I wanna see whats here” is better scout than consistent vision of enemy base/army Protoss or Zerg can provide. They are all very strong tools. All used in different ways.
Are you telling me that you don’t have an observer following your army all the time? Even the AI knows about that.
Moreover, Terrans whine all the time about getting behind in economy against the other races, do you think we can easily afford to spam scans everywhere until late game?
Sure, because observers are BattleCrusers that can’t be snipped. In a lot of scenarios Revelation is better than the observer.
Your surprise resembles to that of a protoss that to a terran that complains about Storm, replies: “Are you telling me that you don’t have a Ghost following your army all the time? Even the AI knows about that.”
I have at least 20 matchups as a 4000MMR P lose to 3200-3400MMR T recently just because only one tiny miss,and Terrian just make units at home and F2A,or make f#$king BC or stupid raven all in with OP block
Now,let’s stop find the noob problem or improve skills of ourselves ,just cry with terrian whiner together.
Ok, so do you confirm me that you are smart enough to have detection (obs or revelation) with your army all the time? Then why do you whine about Terrans that can insta-scan lurkers?
Defending a hidden cloaked banshee opening against a patch master 3, the Terran makes literally nothing from it.
The time i cross the map with some stalkers colossi and observer the Terran has more army units than me and rekt me with marauders.
I took no losses from the pressure and the banshee rekt my probes.
I would like to know what league are the sc2 balance team in ??? Obviously they dont play their OWN GAME and they are low level.
You wouldn’t believe how much stuff a simple bunker, filled with 4 marines and counter-repaired by a few SCVs can hold off, when placed strategically well enough to protect your worker line and the most important production- and/or tech-structures. Paired with a turret it becomes inpenetrable for DT-harass as well. And all that for pure mineral cost.
Karma is a …itch.
Those are the same people that gloated when we lost the MSC: “Geee now you have to protect your bases with actual troops”…
They don’t like when the shoe is on the other foot, especially that this is not the result of any imaginary protoss-buff but something that has been on place from the begining of SC2…
Wut why people want post replay, do you realize that posting replay doesn’t change balanace, even if you play bad one game, it is still broken. Yes you can get better, but balance is still issue and it is not fun to play game, because it is boring… Check replaystats in gm protoss winrate in pvt is 59% from 4600 games… Check any terran gm tvp winrate…