Trash-tier Prestige Championship

Not sure this is necessary at all. If biomass is capped at 150 per UE or 125 per UE, the half as effective biomass on the rest of the army is already a self-limiting nerf. Essentially the player runs either:

  1. Same few UE with army that are “less than 1/2 biomass effective” (as the later bonuses give bigger break points).
  2. Run more UE by focusing biomass onto each individual army.

Either one of these options would give you no issues in terms of the supply cap. As option 1, even with the same supply 200/200 (but only 3/3 UE), would work half as effective. And option 2, the amount of biomass to even reach 100 (or 50ish army supply… or about 25 roaches) is 25 x 125 (or 150) biomass = 3125 (or 3750) biomass total. That’s a lot for just 100 supply, to reach 200 supply capped would triple this number into 9375 (or 11,250) biomass.

It’s interesting how most of the Prestiges that seem to be the most meh or the ones people take the most issue with in topics, are the ones that simultaneously buff and nerf a singular aspect of a commander (Abathur P3 making UEs unlimited but making them cost double, H&H P3 making Strike Fighters unlimited but cost double, Alarak P3 permanent Death Fleet but trashy stats, Swann P1 Laser drill autoattack splashing perk but lose the drill abilities, etc).

While on the other hand, the ones that seem to be the best designed or are favored by folk are the ones that trade off other aspects of a commander in favor of boosting a particular aspect (Nova P3 losing Combat Suit for enhanced Stealth Suit capabilities, Nova P1 making mass bio feasible at the cost of mech charges, H&H P2 making Horner units easier to max but limited to two Han Galleons, etc).

I feel like a lot of these problem Prestiges would be solved by aiming the nerf somewhere else within a commander’s kit, such as Abathur P3 costing resources and/or supply for UEs, or Swann P1 removing ARES Drop instead of sacrificing Laser Drill abilities.


I’ll vote for vorazun p2, swann p1 is close but it just affects the top bar, at least it doesn’t gimp the units or turrets.


Abathur P3. Needs to be addressed. Abathur has always been a speed run commander. Even with a lot of knowledge on pulling, I can’t make it work to be anything close to effective as no prestige used.

I’d argue that with Alarak P3 I can at least see the utility in if you play the right way with it. H&H P3 is just a complete misfire.

karax P3 solo brutal without any units (except observer) and static D
you may change your idea after watching it

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Swann prestige 1 is really bad, just can’t make it worth anything.

Drill still has slow attack animation, its DPS is low (20/30/50dps), still requires constant line of sight, AOE in which it slows/damages is small.

I would love if that prestige was deleted and a brand new one brought.
Perhaps something to do with Swann Wraiths and Cyclones and Thors since those units get used a lot less than Tank/Goliath.


I think this exemplifies excellently how people’s perception and ability influences a particular prestige.

While there are definitely comparatively worse prestige, some are much more so niche oriented. How a player can make it work is absolutely on that player.

I don’t think Karax’s P3 is bad at all, I think it’s great. And I think anyone who thinks they can just do nothing but upgrade SoA and strike all game (without doing anything extra, such as Cyber wall in this video) is kidding themselves.

And that’s again why I said it before that “collecting subjective views” is not very appropriate. Looking at it now, Swann’s P1 is far worse yet anyone who has remotely even tried Vorazun’s P2 will know it is not even comparable to her P2.

Yet, the collective data so far doesn’t portray even this simple comparison (of just two prestige). Based on its data so far: Swann P1 > Vorazun P2 > Stukov P3 = Nova P2 = HH P3. Just simple take a look at these, how is an endless stream of literal infested (the fantasy of all bunker-fans) just as bad as “high cost no reward HH’s platforms” or “Strikless griffin Nova”? And somehow, the just as bad “Abathur P3 Limited Less lol” isn’t getting any votes.

Anyway, I think the data speaks for itself. Meanwhile, I am glad that at least some discussion regarding specific prestige and their solutions have been going on in this topic (as a side topic).

Is there talk about karax p3 being bad? I think that’s his best prestige.

P3 alarak is extremely bad in game destoyers deal 3(+2) damage … not to mention the brutal health nerfs. The mothership is mhe at best…

Doesn’t seem to be updated. I voted which should bump it higher than it is, but I also haven’t read all the messages so who knows. But it is pretty terrible.

No, he just decided to include only 1 choice,of his choice. I did mention in my list of bad prestiges aba p3, but only swann p1 made it to 1st post.

No u mention it first and according to 1 vote per person i choose the 1st one

Yes, thats what i said. You decided on some rule out of the blue. After people, me included, already posted with no such rule in existence.

I change because having more than one is too distracted.

If you want to change your vote, you can always do so.

Han & Horner P3 like wtf, I actually end up with less than 10 strike platforms before the game end because cant afford em.

Yuuup. Unless you go ALL IN on platforms to the detriment of getting more Horner units. Well, I wouldn’t say less platforms than normal, but definitely not enough to warrant the cost.

Which is why they need to make it worthwhile to go ALL IN for P3 Strike platforms… let them do 75-100 dmg to air units in their strike radius… so you have nothing but Han units (minerals) and strike platforms (and probably a raven or two… no need to even do wpn upgrades, since that doesn’t boost the strike platforms)

I vote Virazum P2.

But is a prestige trash if it is a straight up buff that makes the orginal commander obsolete like Artanis P2? Why would anyone pick standard Artanis again with this?

I personally consider the best prestiges to have clear upside with a balanced down side.

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I’d much rather they do something with the napalm. I really want it to get more play with one of the prestiges. At least you can just spam reapers to kill air units if you need to.