Trash-tier Prestige Championship


I think the main reason behind this is that your overall army strength becomes greater and you donā€™t loose any biomass any moreā€¦ meaning as long as you pick everything up, it will inevitably accumulate, leading to 125 biomass on every unit.

And that in turn means +25% HP, +25% attack speed, +25% energy regen, +25% life leech, etc. Applied to a big enough army, the benefit would outweigh what 6 ultimate evolutions may bring in terms of tankiness and DPS.

The main problem of many prestiges is they nerf early game and buff late game while most of commanders donā€™t really need any buffs to late game as they are already facerolling anything on full limit while struggling early.
The same issue here, literally nothing can stop right Abathur at ~150 supply and ~2000 total biomass, but before getting 1-2 brutalisks he is super vulnerable if enemy is mass air or toxic nests are out of position.

I was going to say it. P1 Abathur harms his early too much and buff his late game.
Heā€™s already a monster in late game, I would prefer seeing a buff to early and a nerf to late game prestige.

Dont forget you still needs to collect those 125 biomass (even if you got +45% double biomass chance), how are you doing versus terran siege tank in early?

Ah, I couldnā€™t remember what stats biomass effected. Seems like vipers might be fun with P1 if theyā€™re sitting on 125. I donā€™t really care for them much normally. That and an army of 125 biomass ravagers. Still, UEs are such a big part of the commander.

The benefit it gives Abathur early game is the ability to spam ā€œdisposableā€ unitsā€¦ if you lose a unit you donā€™t lose the biomass it collectsā€¦so losing a unit is not as bad in the early game. (as long as you have economy to keep it up)

You are maybe right, it just doesnā€™t fit to my playstyle I guess.