Trash-tier Prestige Championship

1 vote for Swann P1
The trash of the trash.
If I get multiple vote, it would be: Stukov P2, Nova P2, Vora P2, HH P3, Strett P3, Alarak P1.

Vorazun are trashier her p2 are just gimp yourself really hard

It made her weaker then level 1 vorazun with any other prestige ( p0,1,3 )

Get -50% dmg include shadow guard it take full minute to clear the rock with trash shadow guard and DoT that come with p2 can’t kill need to finish it with unit

Mind Control unit also get -50% dmg

Swann no top bar but atleast his unit don’t get gimp like vorazun


Exactly on point.

None of the other commander’s disadvantage actually makes the army weaker by as much as -50%, not even close. Not Fenix’s less bulk P2, not Abby’s less effective biomass P3, not any lack of mobility like Kerri’s P1, not Swann’s no topbar P1, etc.

You can play a few games (or the entire thing) as P2, then compare your experience with P0, P1, or P3. The amount of work you can (and cannot in P2) done by the same amount of DTs is astoundingly noticeable. Where you can carry a noobie ally with Level 1 Vorazun becomes “I can only do me and at most help out with a Blackhole or two at best for you” kind of deal.

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So if the dps is 100 would it make a good change?

What do you mean…? Who’s DPS?

Or is this another one of those messed up reply things due to forum.

Switch Mengsk to Dehaka/Fenix/Alarak/Swann and it would be at least a bit agreeable, all of Mengsk prestiges are good and doesn’t completelly force you to play around the prestige every game.

Swann’s third prestige is pretty good. It’s not spectacular, but it is good.

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Fenix P3 looks awesome imo. Perma Champion blitz

Throw my hat into the ring for H&H P3. I’ve said it a few times already, but there needs to be an incentive to building platforms that cost double beyond the fact it’s uncapped, because if you don’t go very far beyond the cap for various reasons, it’s nothing but a disadvantage. Either increase the duration, the DoT damage, or the radius of the napalm, or all of the above. The fact the prestige is only worth it if you go all in is just silly design, and even then it’s debatable.

Wait, you’d disable the rest of H&H’s topbar kit just to uncap strike fighters? At that rate, I’d rather just play vanilla. At least mag mines and calldowns can hit air units.

Agree, no way i’m giving up the rest of my stuff for uncapped bombers.

Personally, I would keep the disadvantage as is, but change the advantage to the ability to switch payloads for fighters. Either current bomb, or AA AoE missile barrage for 75 damage. Make it work through a toggable button on platforms, for all platforms at once.

Swann p1. It just doesn’t work well at all.

I mean the P2 advantage.

Currently it does 20 damage per second (dps). What if it does 100 dps? Would that make it better? Big and tanky hybrids will still need a lot of time to take down for example the Behemoth Hybrid that can siphon life and has 2k Health so it may last 18s.

Or if the damage per second is based on Max Health, would that be better?

Like instead of 20 damage per second, it deals 20% of the enemies max Health Per second.

There is also problem with vs buildings so some more fixing need to be made.

I had a similar idea, but a bit more of a compromise for people who would say being able to switch is too OP or “if you can’t use a huge part of your kit with P3, lol just deal w/it.”

What about an option to turn your fighters into kamikaze pilots? Fly into air units and explode like a giant Scourge. Either with a longer cooldown than normal bombing, or with a 100-200 mineral cost to rebuild the jet at the platform. It’d be like a bunch of Russells from Independence Day!

I see, no I don’t think it’s the 20DoT that’s the issue.

It’s more of the lack of sustain overall:

  1. In terms of repeatability of casting spells (with super high cost units).
  2. In terms of topbar repeatedly as well (as often you really need that Blackhole).
  3. In terms of objectives (without an army that deals enough damage, -50% hurts a lot lol).

Sound like a tough acorn to crack. I give up. Can’t think of anyway to make it better except removing that disadv with something else.


In any case, Vorazun P2 doesn’t have enough votes recorded. Add mine, please!

“Call in the Fleet” can stay because it’s orbital as well as Horner’s ability, but this buff IMO is really great.
When you have like over 20 stacks of Striker Platforms you barely notice the 60 second cooldown (more over you can easily afford it).
And besides against air there are always the reapers, Wraiths, Battlecruisers, Vikings and even Mines.

Obviously you would think your own suggestion is really great, or you wouldn’t be suggesting it. That goes without saying.

I just hope Blizzard doesn’t agree, because it would be even more unattractive to me than the current P3. It would strip away so much of H&H’s versatility. At least as P3 stands now, you can at least sort of play vanilla if strike fighters aren’t viable, but with your idea, if you’re against an air comp, you’d even more handicapped.