Trash-tier Prestige Championship

Shoulda made a straw poll of sort.

Why bother scrolling through all of these just to keep updating the OP. And most people who have commented (even if interested) would have to scroll back up just to see.

It’s just inconvenient, not to mention better to propose x to change y, rather than a “here’s a poll at how trash your design is”. Lol.

Oh, I see in that case, I vote for Fenix p3. It doesn’t change really anything how you play him, it’s the same a+click deathball. I feel the other 2 prestiges don’t do much either, but p3 is the biggest offender.

If I coud choose a second vote I’d be Swann p1. No explanation needed.

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I think one thread that consolidates the prestiges the community is least happy with is useful.

The title could be less inflammatory but the idea is sound.

Hum what do you prefer? A strawpoll telling blizzard there are 40% good prestige or a one telling there are 60% bad prestige?

This is roughly 2 faces of the same issue, just the way you choose to show it. If your message is not striking enough, it will be ignored by devs.

Does this forum allow for 54 selections in straw poll? I haven’t tried it yet.

Anyways, telling Blizzard some prestige designs are bad is fine, but u need to supplement that with reasons why they are bad.

My initial reaction to this thread was meh, but the community provided some useful feedbacks. Then I decided to contribute. This thread morphed into a useful thread even though the title doesn’t suggest that.

If OP decides to change the title then it will be good. Devs will not likely click on this thread because of the title.

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There aren’t such waves. It all comes to execution.

Indeed. Just play like Maru.

Subjectively voted by less than 100 members isn’t represented enough. That’s why providing specific feedbacks is far more useful than “here’s 20 votes on Swann’s P1 being hated out of a total of 78 people who voted”. That’s great and all, but still the devs would look at topics that provide what is more popular as a solution amongst these 20/78 types of people.

Furthermore, if one is hated a lot that’s very telling to show it should be worked on as priority but what about the ones that aren’t? What about 5 votes on Dehaka’s P3? Why, because these 5 people couldn’t make it work. So how should that data be interpreted?

What about the ones that aren’t voted at all? Does that mean they are perfectly fine? Or is it because only 78 hypothetical people voted?

Like I said, this kind of topic is great for another “vent and rant”, but is entirely useless when it comes to what is actually not working and should be worked on.

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LOL pick ANY of Mengsk’s Prestiges. They are all complete garbage. His third one might not win a championship because it could OCCASIONALLY be good, but his other two are top tier bull crap.

Slightly? Your SoA lasers are 40% cheaper, which matches the discount for units of P2. You can use SL and PB twice as much as before. The former can handily dispatch waves, while the latter goes a long way towards softening up fortifications/waves.

Is this merely against your play style, or have your experiences shown it to not compete on par with everything else?

Vote where? And how do you get a datetime to appear like that with multiple timezones? (What’s the markdown?)

Prev posts in thread:

  1. Trash-tier Prestige Championship - #28 by aneroid-11199 #28
  2. Trash-tier Prestige Championship - #29 by aneroid-11199 #29

There is a button in your comment tool bar it’s called insert day/time. :slight_smile:

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Just think of this as a Toilet and everyone come here to take a piss :slight_smile:

We can clearly see which hole need the most cleaning depend on the amount of piss it has. :slight_smile:

To everyone else.

New Rule: i will only accept 1 vote from each person so choose your vote carefully. Think of this as presidential election. One win and go down the Toilet hole.

Remember, folks. In here, your piss counts


Did you even play him? his entire prestige set are all strong some even borderline op ( p1 )

P1 +100% dmg debuff with huge aoe can fear enemy forever with contaminate strike so double damage the entire game is garbage now? train hp 20k = 10k wave can’t even reach the base with just contaminate strike alone

P2 Play like normal mengk royal guard cost just balance it out with gas ( still float mineral even with this ‘downside’ and supply cost increased more like advantage instead because it affect mandate regen mean more supply more mandate

P3 Ramp up quickly with weapon cost only 40/20 just trooper alone is enough to rekt everything not to mention each of them die and exploding and can hit air too it like have army of double dmg marine but all of them explode and do like triple dmg of baneling and hit air

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Personally, I just don’t see it as nearly as valuable as the other talents. We never really found that Karax’s energy was a problem (just the cost of getting to the upgrades). We mostly saw people of the community going on about his unit taxes and making his defenses better. As such, I basically never see any Karaxes using P3, and I definitely don’t use it when P1 and P2 are a thing.

Stukov P1 is ridiculously OP in my opinion. Just mass Diamondbacks. They can tank a lot, have huge DPS, can deal with many small enemies through slime + kiting, have anti air and are mobile while shooting (good vs trains, void thrashers etc.).

I vote for Swann P1, getting rid of calldowns is straight debuff. Can’t see any point of this mastery in current state. It shouldn’t disable top panel and should graduate somehow with drill upgrades, for a start.

Yeah, throwing in my vote for Swann p1.

Take the aww inspiring top bars, and replace it with a tickle laser that only works if you have vision, target the right units, compensate for re-targeting time, don’t lose vision by accident, and finally fight an enemy army that is slightly wreaker. As of opposed to… You know… Killing it outright, along with anything else in the beams path. And it’s not even good for cheesing objectives since it’s not like it’s doing more damage, or concussing the enemy reducing their attack speed.

I’ve tried it with wraiths, but they have to get close to do damage, tried it with cyclones, but your still getting hit from time to time, and I have up keep juggling the laser while also trying to kite my cyclones, AND keep vision on the important targets for me laser. Even tried Herc/tank, thinking the slow would give my tanks more time to fire, but the effect is negligible.

I don’t even think it’d be good on propagators, due to you risking your unit giving vision, and the side effects that they usually come in multiple packs from anywhere, depending on map. And if a prop slips into your army, that tickle laser isn’t going to do anything. Know what would? A big ol pulse cannon or concentration beam.

Ugh, I could literally go on and on about it. Doesn’t even help in early game since most enemy encampments have their units spread out.

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I see. I’ve gotten used to his units being more expensive even before the unit discount mastery was removed. Being able to spam lasers really alleviates the need for some other things offered in P1 and P2.

I don’t think any prestige is trashier than Swann’s P1.
But honorable mentions imo are Fenix’s P1, Nova’s P2, Stukov’s P2, HH’s P3, Kerri’s P1, and Vora’s P2.

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