Trap vs Serral Finals Dreamhack last chance

BuT I ThOuGhT ZeRg CaN EaSiLy DeaL WiTh SkYToSs Eh??? SeRrAL BeAts KoReAn SkyToSs EaSiLY. ZeRg StILL Op, NeRf LuRkEr!!!..but but but…wait…what happened? Serral lost…?

Let me guess: “SeRrAL iS AcTuALly a BaD pLaYeR. He played poorly” :clown_face:

Trap literally won 3/7 games turtling + a moving void rays/carriers and spamming storms. What an absolute joke of a finals. Trap won by simply abusing Protoss sky death ball a move. Easily one of the easiest wins ever.

You know there is a HUGE problem with the game when PPP leaders like Playa who’s entire sc2 playing history is centered around abusing skytoss is no where to be found.

The next balance patch has got to be the BIGGEST nerf in the history of the entire game for Protoss to even remotely balance the game.

By the way I’m not a zerg player.


Topic #1 and #4. Cheers.


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there will be no balance patch. blizzard fired whole sc2 team

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I guess they’ll patch it in a year, just like they did with BL infest :clown_face:

I dont think you can use a series that never had any game go to a proper zvp lategame as proof skytoss is unbeatable.

The arguement can be made that serral tried to break trap because that was what he deemed his best chances to win, that being due to late game favoring toss or serral thinking traps defense has vulnerabilities only serral himself can asnwer.

Also using a single series as proof of imballance is kind of reaching.

You seem to forget that trap is one of the best players in sc2 as well, so him beating serral in a bo7 even with serral being favored should not be a complete shock.

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On the other hand, Serral won the games by massing units and doing amove with basic units such as roaches and queens.

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If this is your view on one of the best sc2 players and their play then you clearly have no clue what youre talking about.

It’s not my view, it was a sarcastic commentary using the exact same point as the whinner.For some reason Serral only does perfect executions, never does wrong, while other players are the ones making mistakes,fanboys should start looking at the games instead of the names,plenty of mistakes and wrong choices everywhere.

Just an example, game 1, Trap shades, Serral had roaches, sends some roaches to a wrong position and loses drones for free (5:40).

Game 2, makes mutas against double stargate, that’s a noob mistake unless you are preparing a timing, something he wasn’t doing.

And that’s just some fast examples, so screeching about a single unit on hold that sometimes can happen as an example is pretty ridiculous.

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Don’t be so pessimistic, I am sure when something drastic happens like when one race has half the gm representation of another bluezerg will finally deem it necessary to patch the game!!1!1 Owait…

you are such a protoss fan boy its insane. Just admit how broken protoss is. If we all agree maybe blizz will do something about it

“trap is one of the best players in sc2 as well” :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:


WhEn A PrOtOsS WiNs EvEn A SiNgLe PrIeMieR ToUrNaMeNt, iT AuToMaTiCaLLy MeAnS hE iS HiStoRiCaLLy a ToP PLaYeR AnD CaN Be CoMpArEd WiTh AnY PLaYeR tHaT CoNsIsTeNtLy WiNs.

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Won gsl super tournament, several top 4 finishers in gsl code s including 2. places.
Currently ranked best protoss on aligulac.
2019 2. highest wcs points in korea.
He has had some inconsistent results and often not made it to top of tournaments, however he has for a long time been among the best protoss players in korea and if winning a gsl super tournament doesnt make you one of the best players then i dont know what delusional world you live in.
Sure serral is a better player but its not like trap is a mid tier gm player or that serral is so much better its always imballance if trap wins.


Who cares abou history?, what matters is the actual performance, and Trap is the top player in KR right now according to Aligulac and has been one of the top players for a while.

This worked because Serral went Hydra/Ling/Bane and was completely all in, and Trap’s defense was immaculate; IIRC he didn’t lose a single templar to banelings, and was trading 2-1 in resources. Hydras are garbage vs carriers (especially with no carapace upgrades vs +1/+2 carriers, which was the case in all the games where Trap had them) and storm, so when trap got to carriers, he could just push across and win.

When resources lost are 10k to 20k, and the player with less resources lost is on 3-4 bases with a major tech advantage vs a 4-5 base opponent, yes, they can a-move across and win. Early in the game, if Protoss makes one wrong move, and Zerg capitalizes, the game can often end immediately, which isn’t true in reverse, as Protoss needs time to set up enough production to switch gears and go all in, while Zerg doesn’t.

It really came down to Serral choosing the wrong composition to play against Trap when he saw the Voidrays in those last few games. If he pulled back earlier and advanced tech to vipers/infestors, and transitioned earlier while starting carapace upgrades, things may have been different. Trap’s defense was just way too good for a Hydra/ling/bane all in to be a good choice.

And keep in mind, the series was 4-3, and Serral was up 3-1 at one point. It was extremely close.

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But if they say that. Then have admission serral protected by regional lock. And all his wins invalid…


Big :turkey: will do it for free… transfuse nerf revert. And infested terran revert. Problem solved…


Yes it’s quite scary in fact. Trap was able to hold an allin from Serral while storming his own void rays and floating enough resources to start up 3 new stargates. A few moments later he amoved a few carriers and it just killed serral.

The ramp-up of protoss army strength is just crazy. There was probably 60 seconds between holding the allin and having an unstoppable army.

And no offense to Trap but I do think Serral had far superior play. Like in game 1 Trap could hold position his archons to hit/soak banelings while the zealots ran away but his archons were running away with the zealots as banelings chased. That’s just not how Protoss micro is supposed to work!

So what these games have told me is that if you play Zerg to its absolute peak potential you still lose to Protoss who are playing sloppy. And that’s not good!


That’s the definition of all in, you fail and you are in a lost game.

It was a fight on an open field against a lot of units, Trap decission was fine, you can’t really soak anything unless the banes are on attack move, if you hold position, you donate a couple of archons, he chose to hit and run trying to hit the banelings while retreating to a choke point but at that point the game was already unwinnable for Trap.

[quote=“Blowko-1439, post:17, topic:20188”]
Trap was able to hold an allin from Serral while storming his own void rays
[/quote]That’s pretty false, held the all in barely hitting a single void with a storm that was thrown to stop a baneling attack.Another void got stormed because it started attacking and the storm landed on it and it was already low HP. Trap did what he needed to do, keeping the HT alive, void DPS is terrible against queen-hidra ling bane, void is a defensive unit used to roam the map to keep the Z at base, void dps is 16.8, less than two stimmed marines dps.Damage dealers in that composition were chargelots HT and archons.Now, Serrals micro on that last fight (the one before his last attack that had no chance), he started eating some storms, then when he attacked had banelings behind his hydras and ate another four storms

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Yes and the problem is that a Protoss can defend an allin while storming his own void rays and floating so many resources he can start 3 new stargates. And his micro was obviously nothing spectacular in fact it was quite bad.

This is not the way I want to see Protoss win tournaments. It’s too dirty.

Only one time in game 5.

It’s called transition, you need to save minerals to make carriers, and wasn’t saving that much, it was a 4 base eco, and at the moment of the attack had a normal amount of bank, you can check the VOD,minute 9:23 had around 1600 resources, Serral had similar amount.

Serral took too much damage from storms, and Trap had a good micro a lot of times, saving every HT IS spectacular, he also warped HT and morphed into archons forming a wall to avoid banelings during defenses.