Let’s put your reasoning into another context to see if it makes sense. Sally takes a Tylenol to treat a headache, but it doesn’t work. Sally tries taking an Ibuprofen, and it works. Your conclusion: Wow, sally is more skilled at taking Ibuprofen!
When the matchup changes and there is a corresponding performance change, that means the matchup is the cause. To correlate performance with player, you have to change the player. We’re not doing that. We have a player punching 700 mmr higher than his typical performance, but only in one matchup. The performance is matchup dependent, not player dependent.
The correlation between symmetrical matchup performance and asymmetrical matchup performance is very high. It’s like 0.97 or 0.98. It’s been awhile since I calculated it. The point is, matchup performance is just player skill. Individual matchups don’t vary enough to be distinguishable from a player’s skill in general. If a player can beat a 6900 zerg, he should be able to demolish a 6600 protoss because 6600 is way weaker than 6900. That’s not what happened. Protoss won the PvZ because the asymmetry of PvZ gives protoss an advantage, and that advantage doesn’t exist in a PvP, because it’s symmetrical, so he lost the PvP.
The only variables that affect a mirror match are skill and luck, because the players have access to the same tools. Asymmetrical matchups can be affected by the differences between the races. Protoss in general are very strong against zerg. It’s not like Stats is the only one experiencing insane performance boosts with protoss.
What Stats proves is that one of the excuses, used by the “balance counsel,” is totally wrong. They said carriers only affect GM and that only “bad” players are struggling with carriers. They are so flipping wrong. That’s why Stat’s performance is so interesting. It shows, once again, the balance counsel’s intuitions are totally wrong. They just don’t know what they are doing. They think toss is underpowered and that’s a literal inversion of the state of balance.
Frankly it’s amazing to me, as a scientist who is fascinated by human psychology and sociology, that “experts” can have beliefs that are so radically detached from reality. It’s amazing. We’re talking flat-earth levels of delusion from people who are supposed to be the world’s smartest people when it comes to SC2. How do you explain that, scientifically? That’s why it’s fascinating. It’s a case study in human bias specifically how it applies to experts.
The best explanation is that game knowledge isn’t predictive of SC2 performance. That’s the only way to explain this. They are good at SC2, but they don’t understand SC2, so game knowledge isn’t what causes their talent at the game. So being talented at the game is a distinct concept from understanding the game, and that’s interesting. So, what is the skill that SC2 requires? It’s multitasking. You don’t need good game understanding, you just have to follow a build order & have good multitasking, and that’s it. That’s SC2 in a nutshell.
PiG was doing a cast wherein he talked about a conversation he had with a professional protoss. This protoss refused to play on the new maps. He didn’t like them. PiG convinces him to try a map that is insanely busted in favor of toss, and this protoss demolishes his zerg opponent despite not having played on the map. He was able to do this because PiG pointed out that there was a particular attack that can be done at a certain base which was virtually unstoppable. So this protoss, a PROFESSIONAL, clearly can’t look at maps and theorize strategies to win. Professional SC2 gamers are literally APM spammers who have near zero game understanding. Literally.

A lot of streamers outside of SC2 understand this. Asmongold is a good example. He said he isn’t going to stream SC2 because, more or less, it’s too emphasized on mechanical skills like multitasking. The guys who designed League understand this. That’s why they took the RTS genre, dialed the multitasking back, and, BAM, they have a super successful game. Players like games that emphasize unit interactions, micro, aka tactics & strategy, and that’s not what SC2 emphasizes: it emphasizes multitasking. That’s why league is literally over a thousand times more popular.
Because they buffed the economy in LotV, unit interactions don’t matter. Unit retainment is what drives the need to micro. If you have 10 marines, then every marine matters. If you have 100 marines, then individual marines don’t matter. This is why the micro in modern pro play is so incredibly bad. The strength of the economy makes unit retainment much less important, and that means it’s not necessary to micro your heart out to get maximum value out of each individual unit. In HotS, there was a terran who killed 8 zealots with 3 marines. That’s amazing. In this GSL, there was a terran who threw away 5 medivacs, full of marines, to a single parasitic bomb, and he won the game none the less. Unit retainment is irrelevant, that means players don’t have to micro, and the lack of micro makes unit interactions in current SC2 extremely boring. Do you want to know why SC2 is dying? This is why.
If the game is to survive, they need to be realistic about balance, aka nerf protoss, and they need to nerf the strength of the economy so that unit retainment is important again. If this doesn’t happen, SC2 is toast.
I am a game developer and I am putting these ideas out there because I like SC2 and I don’t want to see it turned into a meme that the gaming community laughs at. I don’t have to do this. It takes time, and it’s against my financial interests. It would be smarter for me to make my own RTS game than to give out free game design consultations. I guess at the end of the day I don’t feel like I’ve lost anything because the pro players will never take this advice anyway. They are too biased. SC2 is toast. That’s just reality. Game developers know this and that’s why there are new RTS games entering the market. Other companies smell weakness. They know SC2 is in a bad spot and can’t retain its player base. Players will switch games if the current memery is allowed to continue, and it will continue because APM spammers don’t want to nerf themselves. That’s really what it boils down to. Pro players won’t vote against their own financial interests.