Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

Haha what ? So you say it’s easy to beat lurkers with gate/robo. Show me. Just one replay how you’re doing it champ. :slight_smile:

No, in most engines Z depicts depth. X is horizontal and Y is vertical (height). Essentially 3d is extension of 2d with Z coordinate which serves as depth, however it’s up to individual interpretation.

What is this ? Who would play this ? Stop trying to invent dumb things nobody likes.

Okay. Tell me how many friends you made on this forum by sharing all the things you created. How many people like you ? I’d guess not one buddy. Terrans and protossess are making jokes out of you and your fellow zergs take all you say with a grain of salt. That’s your reality. Stop lying to yourself.

And yours:

has also 5 hearts. Even bigger LMAO. People don’t give a f about Premier tournaments equally as they don’t give a f about protoss overrepresentation.

Check mate bruh