Reporting that it was also fixed for me. Hurray!!!
I had the same problem and now IT IS SOLVED.
I followed all the steps here
(see the advanced troubleshooting!) and I waited one-two days.
Now I can finally play
PS: be patient and things will fix!
I did.
I just tried to log in again and it worked! Both NA and EU are accessible now.
Thank you for the support!
I just redownloaded it and attempted to login today to play and I still got the error. I’ve also ran through all the troubleshooting steps? Is it not fixed?
It’s still happening. I ran all the steps, but I don’t have another PC to run the game. It’s so weird that you can connect to KR and not US. Please fix it.
Still happening 21/01. Can’t log in.
why can’t I playyyy!! says down. I see people have posted 23days ago, and still an outage!?
I tried Power Cycle and then Reseted the Internet Connection, not working, I verified and I have the correct option selected from the Region, I verified and I have all the update and I tried running the repair tool, still not working, we tried reformating the computer and still cannont connect to US server. No block on my firewall. Tried to run the game as an administrator, still not working…
Please is there a way to help us more
Unfortunately, this is something that has to be fixed on Bliz’s end, so there’s not much the players can do themselves.
The last time this happened, people found that repetitive log in attempts seemed to work the best. Meaning, try a bunch of times in a row.
Yeah, that’s what I found that seems to work the best, but I’ve been trying many many atempts, and still not working. We are both experiencing it
Just adding my voice to the choir; just got a couple commanders and when I went to go play them, I found the US servers weren’t letting me in. The brute force method let me into the EU server, and I’ve seen others say the Korean server’s fine, but it’s a hard sell playing co-op across the [Atlantic], when all my commanders are micro-heavy.
Best guess so far is maybe they forgot to list a maintenance, so I’ve got my fingers crossed for the end of the hour.
[EDIT for typo]
Aaaaaaaaand seems that particular hope was dashed.
Finally it’s working after spaming like 20 times my log in
Hey all,
This should have cleared up. For those who were experiencing the issue, can you please give it another try?
Happened to me on 11th of February - support tickets are a joke, but brute force did solve it (facepalm). Like really, this is what Blizzard came to be?
Looks like its happening again. Havent been able to connect all afternoon
I ended up fixing it by deleting the ptr executable as per this thread:
Maybe a longer more comprehensive guide for troubleshooting connection issues is needed? I’ve found a lot of different things to try (ie clearing the cache) but all of them were in different spots
I don’t have a ptr executable, anywhere…
Pareil je peux pas me connecter
9 posts were split to a new topic: Temporary Outage SC2 EU 16.02.25