The REAL REASON you are LOSING games!

Your opponent played better the you in that game. That’s the only reason.
They may not beat you next game, or maybe they will. It’s not a balance issue, its not cheese or any other reason.

They played a strategy that was better than your strategy in that particular game. Thats it.

  • Unless you lost to Terran; Terran mad IMBA.

Not true, balance affects every one. If two players are of same skill. Imbalance cause one to win. I beaten 5400 with my 4700 tos. And i have like 60 PvT win rate and beating a lot of better Terrans, while losing in PvP PvZ…


Im looking at every replay I lose. In 90% of the cases the Protoss player did not play superior, worse they had some successful (decisive) battle while being bad in the rest of the game. Sometimes their A move into your base doesnt make them retreat, it is just lose. There is nothing special about such victory. nor skill nor micro, just good AOE damage (storm + colossus)

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Yeah maybe it affects you. But usually at the pro level we are talking about no more than 5% differences. And usually abilities that anyone who isnt M1+ could hope to even use effectively let alone master. None of us in this forum are going to kill an adept 1v1 with a reaper for example.

The game isnt balanced around anything other than the highest level so you just need to emulate and practice strategies that the pros use against use and more importantly find out what holes you have to increase your win rate. You will go up regardless of whatever small imbalance there is at the top. As many people have correctly said… just correcting your macro and always spending your money will get you to platinum if not diamond.

Wrong, many times I manage to throw games against worse players.


Hmm… Balance affects all levels of play. However the lower the level of play, the more room for simple play improvements to override those balance advantages or disadvantages.

I think when beastyqt is doing a bronze to GM series with mass sentries or with 1 base only play it tells you clearly that for 99% of us balance is a factor but it’s a negligible factor, not one to be taken seriously. However if you enjoy watching pro games and see serious balance issues at the highest levels, then yes it’s totally appropriate to whine about balance stuff.

If protoss was this easy you could just play it to Grandmaster, but you can’t. So it’s just clear you don’t actually understand the race fully.

SC 2 compared to brood war, is more of the game of counters, and luck is a big factor as well in SC2.
Not mentioning the problems of PvZ and TvP, feels like TvZ is the only some what balanced non mirror match up right now.

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I think I can agree in pretty much all cases. Except for swarm hosts. There’s always room to play better. But in ZvP, there is literally nothing you can do against swarm hosts in the early/mid game. At best, a decisive base trade.

You can’t just go around telling the forum the truth. People want to blame anything except themselves for their losses.


100% of the games that I’ve lost were games where I’ve f10n. That’s the real reason.

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It is much easier for Protoss vs Terran than it is for Terran. Im not literal that it requires 0 effort to go high leagues although for someone that cannon rushes or proxies to upper leagues like last years… no wonder why Protoss got such fame of A move race

It’s not the fact your opponent played better it’s mostly the pile of mistakes you did that gave you the loss. 99.9% of the whiners here are losing just because they are bad but blaming balance is way easier cuz otherwise they have to admit they are terrible and made tons of mistakes.

Like opponents arent bad and as if they dont make worse mistakes, specially Protoss with more forgiving mistakes

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There is almost no luck in sc2, everything happens as a result of something. Getting attacked or harassed when you are at the middle of the map is the result of bad scouting. Getting your mineral line destroyed is not bad luck, is lack of scouting and army positioning. Losing a big battle is not bad luck, it can be like that because you had worse positioning and fewer upgrades…etc.

What is on the game is snowballing and momentum, any decent advantage can be turned into a great advantage moments later.


believe already that he/she plays better.
Because he/she uses the strategy part of the RTS against you.
The hardcounter on a lot of glass canons is aoe.
You have been outplayed.

I watch a lot of is it Imba or do I suck on YouTube and it helps me understand the mentality of a balance whiner.

Clearly in thier mind they are the better player and should of won the game. Through analysis from a real pro we come to find out that in reality they do indeed just suck.

Instead of just complaining on the forums send your videos to Harstem.


Sup who. I miss your posts.

And yeah, I gained the prestigious title of zerg whiner by consistently pointing out to terrans that they have some good strengths too and trying to teach them the right things to do instead of whining about ‘zerg op’.

Only thing I’ve ever actually ‘whined’ about was tanks and BCs, both of which are mostly design complaints because they changed the meta drastically when they got buffed and I really dont agree with that direction of design. And cannons I guess? Same reason.

#zergwhinerclub I guess?

I do think balance affects players at all levels but usually the reason people lose is that they play worse than their opponent did. Usually it’s macro.


Hey Ace!
Ye it’s been a bit, I caught the ban

Yeah it doesn’t take much to be a zerg whiner, basically just don’t buy into the “Terran hardest race” whine.

Fight on, continue the good fight!

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i have not lost for years.