How to avoid Salty after losing?

I will remember a Polt game, lategame TvZ, Z went hidra ling bane, Polt lost in some mid game engage, instead of whinning about being zerged, he went to the replay and came to the conclussion he had -3 tanks in that combat, tanks that would have been really helpful and probably would have changed the outcome of the battle, it was not something easy to see because his tank number was apparently healthy,around 4-5, but in the end it wasn’t enough.

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Nah. Everyone is going to lose about 50% of their games. Happens to literally every single player. Just have to remember that.

Watch a stream from a grandmaster and they sit there and win one, then lose one to some no name player, or three, etc. I honestly don’t understand how people could get upset by something that is mathematically guaranteed to happen even to grandmasters. That’s silly. I take a drink of my diet soda, check my email, and start a new game.

The only sad thing is when people are sore winners, and lol after winning or say you suck or things like that. There’s some low self esteem sad people out there.

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I would not enjoy a game in which I have a 100% win rate consistently, day after day after day after day and thereafter.

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It’s not matemathical, it’s just pairing similar skill players. You win more versus worse players, lose more against better players, stay at 50% against similar players. There is no mathematics there, only your skill decides the outcome.

Yeah,these players are the worst, the ultimate sign of being a sad person IRL and not the average salty player that is just venting the frustration from the lost which is also kind of sad, but they have some excuse.

To answer the actual question of the thread. How to not feel salty over losing: Go to a well known grandmasters stream some saturday and watch for a while. He has an MMR of 6500+ and loses game after game. Let that sink in a bit. Really ponder it. Everyone loses games. No one cares that you lose games but you.

Then…get over yourself.

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I assure you statistics is math. Win rates, averges, rating systems, ratings based matchmaking, tournament qualifications - all math.

Nice! By the way, I do ‘GG’ most of the time even I lose, except to trash talkers. The most important thing is don’t forget to GG for the games that you are going to send over to Harstem for eval. :crazy_face:

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Nice video. TY…:pray:

Yep, exactly. When someone lols and does the sore winner thing after I game, I just pretty much assume they lost their last 4 games, and it’s clear they have a fragile self image. It no longer bothers me much there are so many fragile people out there. It is just sad.

I think SC2 is a special case of frustation because it is a game that often isn’t clear of you defeat. What happened at the last battle? Why did you lose? Worse economy? Multitasking? Didn’t micro? Did you scout properly?

All of these questions comes to mind on my losses and yet I don’t know what is the right answer to any of them. Way too many variables.


:joy:, truth. After losing the question keeps coming to mind” is it IMBA or do I suck”. Harstem told us we suck. Then we lose interest to the game as we suck so hard. LOL.

Thanks. Maybe don’t focus on Ranking, just have fun.

I think hes having fun with the you suck thing. It is a game after all. However, its the tilts that bother us because the game isn’t “balanced” but, the its the last thing that we should worry about. having fun should be 1st. learning the game (when to macro/micro) should be 2nd. balance is like 99 or something like that

However, in a game that is supposed to be fun you lose no matter what you do then its not fun any more. and even though balance is the last thing you should worry about those tilts start to bother you after so many games.

Most common in PvT , PvZ experience this is spots. TvZ even experience this to a smaller degree.

however you can have an advantage depending on the match up and that creates all the negative post about this game. And the blizzard team refuses to fix it. and the puppets say pros only pros only. Then a pro comes out and say the same thing everone is thinking. And is immediately discredited. (credited in some cases) for telling the truth.

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it’s never fun losing, it’s about how you get something out of that loss after you pick up that loss. Crying about balance is about the least constructive way to cope.

But it’s always fun.

Don’t focus on rank, focus on improving, polish the areas you are worse or get better at your best style, once you improve, ranks comes easier.

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I think Zs and Ps feel pretty much the same way. No one likes playing P, even Ps!

It comes down to changing your mindset (positive, just a game, focus on self, not caring), changing your reaction (rather than blame balance/opponent just focus next match/improving your gameplay), or taking a break/quitting. This is a very competitive game, and it’s understandable to get salty after taking a heavy loss. Best thing to do is to just take the loss in stride. You don’t want to end up like one of these forum dudes perpetually whining about losses when all they do is ahem stim F2 a move.

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Just don’t lose. Can’t be salty if you don’t lose the game.

You can try…

  • You could try to improve your micro a lot and then fix your macro as you go.
    That way you’ll always have the feeling that you can easily beat their army but just didn’t hit the timings well (easy-to-fix macro mistakes like using a control group or camera location and/or constantly checking your upgrades.

  • Set yourself goals that have nothing to do with winning / loosing.

  • Think about using spreadsheets to write down thoughts and how well you hit timings and supply counts (similar to but far simpler than the cannon-rusher printf).


P.S.: You can always send the replay to Harstem if you feel like something is imba.
(free coaching by a top GM player)