He’s not lying, it really is boring AF to play protoss. I’ve strictly played protoss this season and its hard to improve because your units micro themselves. The only time you’re required to micro slightly is PvP but that is still macro oriented. Since I would win games with Terran based on out microing my opponents I have hit a wall myself. Also since 70% of the games are PvP that is also a factor in not being able to improve.
You didnt Play any matches and there are still no replays…
I mean i really want to admire Your d1 protoss skill but You have to Show me something First
The hardest part of playing Protoss is dealing with adepts in PvP (pylon blocking the ramp) since 2 adepts can shade in at any second and wreck a mineral line. Other than that, Protoss is the clown race.
Actually its one of the biggest Problems of protoss in general. You want to Beat protoss? Kill their eco. They have the least forgiving eco if it gets killed. Losing 150 workers over a whole game as Terran? As clem has shown it no Problem. Losing 40 workers as a zerg due to 1 harassment? No Problem either.
When 2 adepts can end the game then 2 banes and 2 widow mines will absolutely destroy the game
alright i’ve played some games and came to the conclusion that protoss ground units are absolute garbage against zerg. Honestly if they nerf air toss (and they should because MU is favoring protoss by quite a bit right now), they need to buff protoss ground versus zerg specifically.
Protoss ground is extremely technical versus zerg and a single bad force field or positionning mistake means your entire army dies even if your army is supposed to be stronger. Recall takes forever when lings and biles are coming down on your army. The dynamic is very counter-intuitive and sometimes i lose fight i shoudnt be losing because of a very small mistake. It really feels like on equal skill, zerg ground >>>> protoss ground.
So protoss is kinda forced into this gimmicky overpowered airtoss thing.
I would definetly love to see a replay of that but yeah this is like nearly the first sane argument you brought up. I think most protoss would agree that the void meta sucks but going ground outside of being top 10 of pros is just giving your opponent a freewin. In order to have a good matchup for zerg and protoss we have to nerf voids but need to buff ground. You are right.
This is what always gets me when they cry about the one sided interaction of lategame army. Everyone cries about that but at the same time ignore ground zerg vs ground protoss. Neither should be one sided.
im at 8/10 days of 1 win… Its annoying, almost to the point i can finally do my placement
20 charsss
Yes. Protoss ground up till the point they get storm is pretty weak. Ground is only potent if protoss has gotten some damage in and is able to catch the zerg as they redrone. IAC pushes you see after oracle damage or adept damage or something like that . You can’t just macro up with a ground army as you’ll just die (generally speaking. There are some styles where you go 3 colossus, heavy sentry wall off all entrances and slowly macro up to 4-5 bases but they aren’t popular and just not dynamic or good at all). Then there’s also the issue of lurkers which will force the skytoss transition anyway.
The best way to play protoss is to find ways to do early damage and force the zerg to make roaches. If you can force roaches, then you basically can do whatever you want be it ground or air. But if the zerg can skip roaches and be on, then it’s really hard for protoss to fight with a ground army. Just my two cents as a masters player.
My go to protoss build is a light glaive adept attack with a dark shrine follow up and double SG. Zergs must build roaches to hold. I build 8 adepts and take a third. I shade 5 adepts into the main and 3 into the 3rd.the zerg is in chaos and I have 4 DTs walk and snipe the 3rd. I have double stargate void ray for roach defense and an easy carrier storm transition. Works up to 4.5 K mmr. Hard part is mostly keeping adepts alive long enough so that the dts are unopposed killing the zerg but just takes a bit of micro.
Agree. Getting good with disruptors is also an option. Again, if you dont get damage in and especially if they get damage on you (even as little as delaying your third), there is no way you are going to hold the mass roach/rav/whatever even with disruptors. Batteries help but die to biles.
Bottom line is that Ravagers allow zerg to wreck almost anything you have on the ground because biles do a ton of damage and stop forefield. Only hope for a ground army is to slow down Zerg eco so you are on near equal terms and even then you need good splash like disruptors to win a fight.
I’m gonna be honest here and say i’ve tried disruptors and they’re actually really tricky to use. I’ve blown up my zealots several times in games i was supposed to win but threw because of bad disruptor control. Disruptors are insanely powerful but they truly are kinda tricky to use properly. Not as easy as i thought.
Yes, dont forget they are slow as molasses and have a ridiculously long cooldown (like 18+ seconds?). But if you are lucky enough to hit center of mass when they arent paying attention and blowing up like 1000 resources in ravagers in one shot, they seem pretty cool. Or you completely whiff and then they jump on and roll over your army =/. Honestly, probably the worst designed unit in the game, only competition IMO is Swarm Host.
It’s been another 15 days on your very easy quest to master protoss so I decided to bump it again. I’m sure there are others just like me who really want you to succeed and frantically refreshed this thread a bazillion times to get the good news…
Unfortunately while we are still in high expectation of your masterful (though very easy according to yourself) achievement, no news came out . I think one of the reasons might be that you actually have to play ranked games to achieve it. I know this might sound a bit weird but I’m just trying to give you some tips to get it: it’s my helpful side
However since you keep us starving with no news I feel obliged to post the same questions again: Any more experiences, epic tales, heroic victories, tells of grand progress you want to share? Close to Masters? Maybe even GM?
Kind regards
You’ll probably notice by now how easy it is to lose with protoss. When you have the right comp in place, you feel like the most powerful race. Then when you mismicro something, just have the wrong composition, or miss that one pixel in your walloff, you feel like your race sucks.
The quest has changed, now the quest is ‘‘The quest for hoping everybody forget what I said because I don’t want to be exposed’’.
He hasn’t ranked on the account he said he was using.Some day he said he played, I checked, and nope, so he either lied or was using another account. I was interested in knowing the travel, but since it’s a fraud, I’m more interested in the kind of excuses he will make, becuase it’s pretty easy to say that you don’t want to play or you won’t do X thing.
Mike Tefalus? Where do you get these names from?
Honestly im kind of addicted to heroes of the storm lol. Alright ill play some more games tonight.
Dont worry about it, its big dumb dumb
ok so i finished all of my 10 wins per day to get the ranked part unlocked and 3 ranked game which went absoultely terribly. I simply cannot play a single macro game, im getting cheese every single game. Against terran is pretty easy wins but i keep dying to canon rushes and stupid 6 pool into ravager all in and im terrible at holding it. Protoss is extremely technical. I have to admit it, especially in PvZ. The late game is a walk in the park but the early game seems to require a very precise set of build to say safe which i didnt look up at all. Maybe i should try to look into some standard PvZ build because i keep dying in the early game.
I’m suprised because i never had to look up any build orders as terran but it seem to be a necessity to survive the early game against dia1-master3 protoss and zergs.
yes yes, its harder than i thought…