The quest to master protoss

This. 100 times this. All the Zerg apologists that say Protoss is so easy have probably never tried to ladder as Protoss and experienced the unforgiving nature of PvZ.

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the late game is too easy for protoss but a SINGLE ling runby will absolutely destroy your entire game even if you canceled third and had a nice lead.

Also i dont understand what is the downside of going 12 pool every game for zerg. It seems it costs almost nothing for zerg and they almost always come out with an eco lead into ravager all-in on 2 bases. Its so rough

You need to overdefend in lower leagues. Like you said, lategame is braindead but the early game requires semi-competence. Just make lots of shield batteries.

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Well, it is an opportunity cost. It is nearly impossible to punish hatch->gas->pool so I prefer that. The nice thing about 12 pool is that you get a faster queen out which makes it not as bad economically as you would expect.

canon rushes hard punish hatch -> gas ->pool and from what im saying everyone and their mother cheeses in high diamond

Only if the cannons finish. Gotta drone pull. And even if they do, only if the hatch finishes. You can still play if you cancel the hatch, especially if you just go rebuild at 3rd. Even on one base, going straight to ravagers can allow you to transition to normalish game.

I’m a protoss master and after playing for 2 years still only kinda know how to punish 12 pools. You basically need to constantly pressure the zerg after holding it. My response is after the 2 zealots and adepts have stopped the lings, you send at least 2 adepts or a zealot and adepts to start killing drones. You then follow with a 3 gate glaives (harstems suggestion) but I find stargate with triple oracle with a nice 3 base immortal push is better and easier to play or triple oracle phoenix.

However if you just sit back and try to grow with the zerg they’ll kill you everytime. I think 12 or 14 pool quietly is a hidden secret as the stronger opener vs protoss right now and it absolutely cuts the protoss playbook by like 90% because of the lack of gas for a while. 16 pool is utter garbage cause you can still fast expand against it and play normally.

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