Whenever I get a PvP I am 4gating or cannoning. This will never beat map hacker cause they just go robo and turtle on their ramp.
If they aren’t map hacking you wanna start hitting them at the ramp to the natural with stalkers, and build a sim city wall in at your gasses that only has 1 way for units to come in or out. This way they cant really kite their way to safety and are forced to stand and fight. I prefer to attack with probes + stalker rather than pull them.
Considering the only Miketelafus i can find was
and the only replay i can find on sc2replaystats was against a 3.8k diamond protoss 3 days ago, I don’t know how real your claim about who your opponents are. If you can actually upload your replays of you playing/beating these D1/Masters to sc2replay stats (they capture MMR up there), it would make your claims more credible, not that I personally care that much whether they are true or not.
PvP, like TvT and ZvZ, can be extremely volatile in the beginning. As you have experienced, 2 Adepts getting into your main is basically a loss unless your opponent really slips up on his macro. The best build order to look up will be Harstem’s video about Blink Stalkers Disruptors. You don’t necessarily need to go into Disruptors, but the build order in that video up to when he takes the 3rd is super standard and safe against almost everything. It can also lead into a 3 base all in or macro game, whatever your preference is. The timing on the first Stalker Warp-in will also let you fend off Oracle and not lose too many probes, if any. Scouting for second Pylon in main is particularly important since that will tell you whether you should be hunting for Proxies with your first 2 Stalkers.
Alternatively, Cannon rushing and 4-gating every game works too, but CR is not going to work that well against someone that knows exactly how to respond against it (especially if he also scouted and has the option to just full wall your Probe out and then Proxy Void Ray you back) and 4 Gate also isn’t that effect against someone that opened 2 Gate Expand since Battery will hold it with ease while he gets a Robo up. If your opponent opted for a 1 gate expand for some reason, especially on maps without a ramp, 4 Gating him is a very good counter play though.
Yeah ofc i will upload when i get near being near masters so you can see i’m not just cheesing. Its weird, because I played at least 20 games on that profile, no idea how you see just one…
I solved this problem many years ago. You always wall on the low ground. Always. 1 gate + stargate + expand. If they go adepts, you simply fully wall off on the low ground with a shield battery. It’s that simple, yet… it’s that big of a deal. And every Toss who plays this game is the biggest moron ever to not realize this. They’re all tied for first. Please don’t join that tie.
You can even show pro gamers this… and walk them through it like a baby… and they’re still going to drool on themselves, act confused, and then go bow before maxpax. We’re not just getting dumber as a society… someone literally stole our brains. There’s nothing there.
So we’ll be seeing you in Katowice showing off this build order in PvP?
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I’m 37-4 on Korea in P vs P. GM MMR. I don’t actively play this game. I’m not trying to be a pro gamer. I beat Chance, on NA, when he was 44-1, ranked first on NA with it. Years ago. It’s been obvious for EONS that it’s the best build. I beat Puck 3 or so times in a row. Like what do you want me to do, as a guy who barely even plays… I could have told you the proxy gateway, fast expand build was the best build in SC 2 in 2014. What would you tell me then? “When will I see you in GSL?” It’s time to grow up.
I reached out to some streamers, even a pro such as Harstem, and told him about the build and that it would become the meta and that maxpax would start doing it, too, cause… that’s what he does. Since then, that did all happen, yet not only will they not give me credit, but a lot of them stopped doing it because they were too stupid to realize you didn’t have to expand ASAP or too sheepish to simply ask me. Too busy trying to ask Max.
When the world gets depopulated, I want you to look back on the SC 2 scene and simply nod your head in understanding.
That’s a really long winded way to say “I can’t/won’t put my money where my mouth is.” To put my position bluntly: Put up or shut up m8.
What on god’s earth are you blabbering about. Put up what? Are you intentionally trying to be stupid? It’s like saying the guy who created the fastest car should be able to win a nascar championship, despite having no interest in racing.
The only reason I even lose any P vs P on NA now is cause… wait for it… people try to play like me now (besides instant leaving vs hacking Maplez). Christ.
Imagine creating the build you guys worshiped and then saying hey guys… I kinda solved P vs P years ago… Sure I’m really just interested in creating builds and I often take years off without playing a single game… but I’ve also gone 37-4 in P vs P, and I’ve beaten the pro gamers I’ve even talked to… more than they’ve beaten me… but… you know… the onus is on me to win a GSL… After all, SC 2 is 100% P vs P…
Where is the onus on them to do anything original/optimal? Where’s the two way street there? Shouldn’t they be the ones coming up with builds?
Who on earth goes 37-4 in P vs P? One of those losses is even an instant leave. I’ve beaten Harstem. I’ve beaten Neeb at least 5 times in P vs P, while working a full time job. Like… really… you guys are that dead set on trolling/hating on me. That’s really next level. Even for a troll, there has to be a limit somewhere.
h ttps://ibb.co/n6SN0Xg
Disk is one of many “pro gamers” who would mock me for doing this build, and now… they’re like omg… “I don’t know if it’s actually possible to beat this.” Pro gamers don’t know jack about anything other than copying and obsessing over micro. If you want your mind to be dulled, listen to them and adore them, in general.
I’m going to give you a tip I’ve found as a Terran player that offraces as Toss. Switch off your brain. Do really stupid things and think about how you can play as the biggest wanker possible. Think the game is too complex to have your unit composition be only zealots (with stalkers, voids or nix for AA) until 4 bases, think again. Static defence is for noobs? Noobs don’t build 10 cannons at their 3rd or 4th base. Think you can’t cannon rush literally every game? Many GMs do so.
Just balance it out by over defending, it’s what every other Toss player at trash MMR does.
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If you’re going to claim to be better and know better than the pros, then prove it live in a tournie. Short of that, it’s just words.
You know how Neeb plays now? Exactly how I’ve been playing for years and advocating. I’d literally have to be trying to beat myself. That tells anyone with a brain all one needs to know.
Guess what Max does in P vs P now? Let’s not stop there. Last game I saw of Max in a tournament was in P vs Z. Guess what he did. Disruptor void ray build. Oh yeah… I’ve also been doing that build every game for, I dunno, at least 4 years? That is our great genius, right? Wow… talk about 3 strikes and you’re out.
It’s okay. I understand that SC 2 is the epitome of prejudice and misappropriated adoration. In the near future, I will try to teach people these builds, for free, properly… instead of having to watch this sadness… and also try to solve this “can’t do anything that could possibly benefit playa, even if just emotionally!” I understand how scummy and selfish you all are. Let me be tasked with fixing that, too. What’s new.
In his defence, using build orders before pros do isn’t that uncommon if you have a brain. I was doing TY’s proxy 1 rax marauder he did against Bunny 2 years ago. Doesn’t mean I was ever better than TY. It’s more like, it’s not that hard to in one small aspect of the game outdo a pro.
I wondered how the quest was going. It has been like 10 days without a word from our “I will prove how easy it to reach masters with OP-toss (without actually doing it) and hope this post silently fades away in the darkness”- ShiaLaBeouf so I decided to bump it because I am very curious on the progress he has made on his journey.
Any more experiences, epic tales, heroic victories, tells of grand progress you want to share? Close to Masters? Maybe even GM?
Let us know because we are waiting on it. My popcorn storage is full again and it need to be emptied :p.
Your popcorn storage will keep being full, I think he said in some other thread that he didn’t feel the obligation of playing because it’s a game and he already was beating masters (press X to doubt) while playing unranked games until the 10 day ranked unlock system. So basically he played some unranked games, said he was beating masters and that’s all, no proofs, no climbing the ladder.
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no no im gonna do it, im just not gonna rush it in a week. Its boring af and i dont have that much free time since i just started working at a chocolat factory. The fact im gonna do it over a month changes nothing, the amount of game played will be the same. In fact doing this slowly will be even worst because i dont build on what I learn each time. I have time to unlearn everything.
I’m currently diamond 1, which is already much much higher than my terran but sure, i’ll play some games tonight you weirdos <3
Honestly, keep doing this, telling me i wont do it. It keeps me motivated. It’s funny because you guys talk some smack but what will you do when I actually do it (im already on the verge of it) in 50-ish games?
I will hire mariachis and celebrate the event, and if you don’t do it, I will send you mariachis and they will remember you that you didn’t do it.
I still dont see any league you are in 
You can start by posting replays. Its better than nothing.
I’ll play some games tonight and ill try to post them soon… Don’t worry baby girl <3
yayyyyyyyy !!! But now i feel the heat. I really need to do this right 
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