The most broken unit in the game

Terran has two mechanics, tanks or widow mines. Both can have the same effect if you are not watching your army. I was wondering why Spear almost completely stopped making any kind of splash after his attack on the third. He only made the two tanks and then a hand full of widow mines after the first push.

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honestly thought you were talking about storm because well, disruptors are lolz imo

Did you lose your mind from all that whining? Perhaps learn to control better you A mover… just giving bad name to Terrans with your posts based on your F2 play… avilowannabe

At least disruptor gives you some time to react, storm is as instant as EMP why some protoss claim EMP is instant as if they dont have it. it is not like storm is projectile…

Its not a particular unit I can point to but Protoss as a whole is broken
PvT is broken
PvZ is broken
PvP is broken and crap show

What does all these match ups have in common. P. They are poorly designed. Also the only race that can attack/defend/and expand at the same time in all match ups. They cannot be punished you can only catch them off gaurd.

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Cheesetown, dont back down now. We all “know” that chargelots are broken as **** and completely unstoppable. You taught us that remember?

Imagine thinking Spear should beat Trap. :rofl: That’s like saying Prince should beat Maru… I can’t even imagine this forum if that would happen.

Who the heck is Spear? Literally NOBODY knew who he was before this GSL. An obscure player that no one noticed since 2011 losing to the best PvTer on the planet doesn’t mean ANYTHING regarding balance.

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Chargelots have beaten waves and waves and waves of terran players. all the way up to the top 3 or 4 terran players. you know because of all of us terran noobs need to L2P and git gud.

but its not just chargelots. its how the match up plays. Terran is on a clock. win in 7 mins or gg. more times than not P stops it.

Currenlty PvT is over 60%

Didn’t say it was a balanced issue more of a design issue. That match up was as close to a ladder representation as you will get. The way that match up played is the reason the just about every terran despise the PvT match up. its just cringe.

And then the annocers acting like P is not alway up in harvestors. That was disqusting and straight out decieving people that were watching the match up. just cringe.

Yeah man. Chargelots OP. You ever get to diamond as Protoss? Or did you give up? Must have not been massing enough chargelots

I don’t think I ever set a goal to get to diamond with P. but you know what in the limited amount of PvT I have played I am winning 60% of my match ups.

Z does more damage than you would like to admit. the reason that battle mech is now useless agaisnt toss. The only time you dont see mass Z in PvT is win Terran goes thor/hellbat. or they go air.

Other than that in any PvT match up P can spam at least 100 Zs and not be punished for it. The ultimate mineral dump.

So how high did you get and why did you quit?

And again I did not accept any challenges that the forum has brung up. You have me confused with someone else

Maybe… it might have been Shia but I could have sworn you were trying out Toss too. Not a challenge to get to diamond, just trying out Protoss.

Trying out toss. yeah I have done that. and I have done some random. play. and I can curb stomp terran with the best of them. I just prefer to play Terran.
In BW I preferred to play Zerg.

I honestly think this game in its current state would become better or even a little more fun to play if they completely removed some units form the game from every race. Or introduced a clear counter to specific units by each race

however, some people say that this game would be boring in doing so. No one wants to play a vanilla game right. Yet BW seems more popular at it height than SC2. BW would be considered Vanilla compared to SC2. I would rather play BW with the SC2 engine. Blizzard most likely would not do that because it most likely would split the playing base in half if not more people going to BW

Since I primariy play T the game is just not fun. And that is probably my fault for playing T despite the advantages of the other races.

I agree with you. I would prefer BW remaster with quality of life/noob friendly features of SC2 but purists would hate that

I thought they were doing the with the current BW remaster. but it was more of a slight graphics update. More of a cash grab than anything.

The design of the disruptor is the Starcraft II equivalent of a Reaver. The commonality is the emphasis on a ball shot that destroys enemies using great splash damage that is virtually one shot to biological tags, and two shot to some armored or mechanical.

The idea of the disruptor is not the concern, it is the difficulty in counter play against it.

Right now, killing the disruptor will deny any en-route ball shot. So this is good, however, the power of one shot is extremely too much off of one disruptor. Not even one siege tank, in siege mode, can one shot a group of units clumped up.

Likewise, one swipe of a colossus does not burn all units.

The disruptors are essentially mini nukes for the Protoss. Now, to balance this:

Disruptors should have the exact same mobility, but their damage and radius of damage will be adjusted:

  • Whatever damage current disruptors have now, it will be reduced by 50%. However, the radius of the current ball shot of the disruptor will be increased by 50%.
  • In this way, the disruptor is no longer land or bust; but rather a support splash damage shot. Two disruptor shots justifies the death of a multitude of units clumped together, as opposed to a single disruptor shot.

This allows the disruptor to be a zoning unit, and a unit that retains its power to push back the enemy, without being a bling or bust in itself.

The thing that people dont get about the disruptor is that

  1. It actually does require very good micro
  2. It is extremely slow
  3. It has an insane cooldown.
  4. It is immobile when it fires.

So with those things I feel like it can be dealt with. The problem is that you cannot attack into them if there are 4+ because you will just take too much damage. You have to take out another base somewhere else. Once you trade out you can switch to a more air based army and do just fine.

Also attacking them in the open field is waaay better than trying to push into a base, especailly with a ramp and/or choke. If you can get on top of the disruptors while they are lagging behind especially, you can kill them before they even get a shot off.

But yeah its the stupidest unit in the game. Either blows up like 4+ times its cost or dies for free. ><

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This is literally the disruptor in a nutshell.

:scream: :scream: :scream:
One fires once in 21 seconds, the other spends minerals for Scarabs, and fight by himself landing …7-8 shots by that time.

Reaver is more like a Sieged-Tank with a little more mobility…