The most broken unit in the game

no offense but that is a super bad argument and u dont seem to know what you are talking about tbh.

emp is instant so how exactly would paying attention help?

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Disruptors are stupid. But without them, early roach push just steam rolls Toss. Watch game 1 Trap vs. Solar. Trap got 17+ drones for very little cost. Was supposed to be way ahead. Instead still down 50 supply because of roaches and instant drone replenish. Almost lost again but had some clutch WP pick up micro on his Disruptors. Plus Zerg was attacking into heavily fortified third with battery overcharge cannons and still almost won. When Solar GG’d he was still equal on economy if not slightly ahead and equal in supply.

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im not really sure how they would work without disruptors in pvz but they are completely busted in tvp below a very very high level.

Game is balanced for pros, not for plebs like you that don’t even have control groups XD


i do use control groups stop being mean :sob:

They are too slow to split.

dude really? use ur brain. really think about this. put ur fingers against ur head and focus.

do you you think you can box the tempests and spread them out before a fight?

I love how this thread went from borderline troll whine to a somewhat reasonable discussion of liberators to a somewhat reasonable discussion of disruptors back to the trolling.


To be honest, it’s may be a non-insignificant buff to the tempests.

So protoss players admit they rely heavily on disruptors to be that cancer unit you described above.

Show me a game that a terran was behind upgrades and supply and got ahead like this with liberators and I will read your text.

Edit: in Code S.

I can’t remember the last time I watched GSL or a tournament game. Game/players just don’t interest me enough. Not sure what you’re asking or why. Just saying that libs aren’t the same kinda comeback mechanic that disruptors are?

I don’t get the question, if there is one. I’d like to see alphastar vs alphastar or w/e in this matchup. One of the reasons I hate playing ground based is in longer games vs people with the APM and “smarts,” it’s just non stop lib harass at every base. Guaranteed to lose adv. It doesn’t take long before it’s a lose/lose situation from simply having to make so many stalkers. Let’s not even talk about the endless probe kills and denied mining…

The games I’ve seen since coming back via personal streams, I haven’t seen late game in T vs P yet. That’s probably a good thing for Toss.

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Protoss can’t trade vs heavy maruader medivac compositions without disruptors…just a matter of fact. Mix in ghosts and it’s gg without them.


it might seem that way but why does parting not simply build disruptors every single game without fail if that was true? disruptors are the biggest crutch in the game and can wildly inflate a players mmr if they are used every game. so it may seem impossible to win without them.

No brainer: The Queen

If anything from the game needs to be removed, it’s feardragon. Sorry, just had to get it out…

The point of this topic is how protoss rely heavily on disruptors for comebacks. In the OP he pointed a video of a pro terran 3-2 against a protoss 2-1. The game suddenly went in protoss favour by one or two balls hitting and went down from there.

There is no Terran mechanic that can make that (just a well landed nuke, but the difficult to do so doesn’t even compare), even if you get juicy EMPs, if you are behind in upgrades and in supply against protoss, no way you can push into that and trade well. Where as protoss, because of that said unit, can do so.

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If people weren’t whining about disruptors in this manner, it would be storm. I remember one of the Heroes… won a pro game with ZERO upgrades. Just spammed storm.

I don’t care about upgrades. With Toss, splash is king, as with any race and style that is splash heavy. I just try to max out asap. People really overvalue upgrades. If, for instance, I were to try researching 2 upgrades at once, I would lose SO MANY MORE GAMES, simply due to having too much money tied up in stuff that does nothing for me in the now. Yet, that’s common Terran play.

I’ve been “that guy,” though, that is just like give me a freaking break man. Like any time I would make a forge and then see the other guy had a disruptor… it was like the dude stole 150 minerals from me, whether I needed cannons or not. Can’t wait to see these plus 3 armor units that are far more expensive than a disruptor instantly die to a shot from 5 miles away.

I get it, but at the end of the day… the take away is usually stop being an upgrade noob in the first place. Focus on making the better comp, first and foremost.

You can also lose a lot of games with disruptors where you’re ahead and have no business losing, simply cause… winning still requires you to hit some shots.

In all of my games on ladder, there is one guy who I just shake my head when facing. Epic… off racing Zerg. He’s the only guy on ladder who dodges disruptor shots with Zerg. You can’t even hit a single freaking hydra off creep versus this guy. It’s ridiculous. If everyone were Epic, the disruptor might be tempest level ineffective. I’m not sure if the moral/point here is a get good or just a Epic brag post, but it was on my mind. Weird unit to buff/nerf… and be like yeah… that’s the point where it makes sense/balance.

PS. I’ve tried fastest upgrade builds, just to confirm I’m not 100% crazy. 3-3 fastest possible. “Perfect macro.” It doesn’t matter. You get wrecked just the same as zero zero. Without a good comp, may as well be -5, - 5.

Because Parting has such a stellar micro and multitasking that he can relay in a more reliable playstyle.
For each lucky Disruptor hit there are 5 Disruptor misses. Terrans above 6600MMR are able to counter Disruptors.
This is an issue only for Dia-Master-Low-GM Terrans that lack the ability to play properly their race (I wont mention Bronze/Silver/Gold/Plat because no Protoss is able to use Disruptors without causing more damage to his own army).

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This is actually very true. Toss has the least effective upgrades. Which is kind of balanced out by the shared nature of upgrades and chrono but their upgrades also take longer after nerfs.