The most broken unit in the game

I was leaning more towards the damage output of both and how they are similar. But thank you for those details.

Fidget spinner wars is usually what happens in PvP right now.

Show me a game in Code S that siege tanks and widow mines cause the same effect as these disruptors there. It can have the same effect but is way waaaay harder to happen (I don’t see a terran behind in upgrades and army supply crushing a protoss in less than 40 seconds after he pushes into siege line or mine field), and protoss players know that.

Actually I remember a game of parting I guess against Bunny that he got to 4 supply and Bunny got to 32 supply after a failed all in against a siege line. Bunny counterattacked as soon as he could, remember which one won? Yeah.

Edit: army supply

it requires good micro relative to what protoss usually has to do, and requires micro, i dont want to exaggerate and say 4x better for the terran than for protoss.

i think if someone gets outplayed to the rate that they did they should lose the game, spear did beat special because special got outplayed and didnt have a crutch comeback mechanic to make up for him being outplayed.

The same is valid for WM, Libs and some other units. Daddy-Blizzy solved for you the issue of Storm, please cry some more and he (Daddy-Blizzy) will solve the last problem for you
the Disruptor.

Terrans are advised to shut-the f- up because this Disrutor variation is the besr that they can get. The explode-on-contact Disruptor was way better to exterminate terran

ok i will give you widow mines they probably do take more skill to counter than to use but not liberators. you simply right click/dont A-move into them.

Yea, no. Reaver can store up to 10 shots and fire in rapid succession. Disruptor is not.
Spending like 10 minerals to have that power is way more better than Disruptor.
The only balance thing that Reaver in SC1 have is that their attack ai is stupid which is non existence in SC2.
If you do not like Disruptor for how OP it is, then don’t even try to start replacing it with Reaver. Trust me, Reaver is like Disruptor with 10x buff on it.

i doubt its worse than disruptor.

Reaver in BW does not fire in rapid sucession, just one shot in 1 or 2 seconds (and it’s better that way) . For the rest we are on the same page: i would take Reaver over Disruptor any day any time even with the stupid AI.
Reaver had 2 main advantages over Disruptor:

  1. Predictability
  2. Less babysitting.

I think you don’t understand what I meant. I am saying that Reaver is 10 times better than Disruptor and it is a broken unit for SC2.

Yea, considering that the disruptor take forever to shot once, Reaver 1-2s between each attack looks like rapid succession.

No, I don’t think you understand what I am saying: Reaver in SC1 seem balance because of the stupid AI. In Sc2, Stupid AI is almost non-existence so Reaver is way more OP or just plain broken if it ever get release as it is in SC1.

Reaver has way more advantage over Disruptor than the 2 you listed:

  1. Guarantee AoE hit with massive damage.
  2. Not grounded and can be pick up right away after fire the shot.
  3. Have little delay between each attack.

You can’t miss your initial target with Reaver. Why would that be “not worse” than Disruptors?

We have SC2 AI and not BW AI in which the Scarab may just decide to spin in a circle and disappear. Unless we are going to intentionally make them super weak (original BW Scarabs do 100 damage, 25 more with upgrade), or intentionally make Scarab targeting AI a slot machine, I only see Reaver as a strict upgrade from Distuptor as far as consistent AoE damage goes.

because disruptors are the most broken unit sc2 has ever seen.
so brood war must be pretty broken for them to have gotten in.

LUL, that’s pure BS. It has to do with the human tendency to remember the lucky shot that the unit that is defensles and does nothing for 21 seconds is able to do to a terran that is posting in social-media while confronted with Disruptors.
This BS is equivalent (in a smaller scale) with a hypothetical stupid Protoss QQ’ing because once the Nuke wiped 90% of his 200/200 army.

Disruptor is not broken. Deal with it.
It needs the Dual mode in order to gain some more consistency.

noooope not even close why would you even say that.

disruptors are the most brain dead unit in the entire game and allows bad players to get wins they dont deserve, this is true 100% because much like a cheese it requires way more skill to counter than to use.

P is the most breain dead race in the game. when I say that they can defend/attack/and expand. the can litterly do that in PvT

I just played a game were I made marines and sent the boys. they were able to have a 2nd nexus and researching blink. same amount of army supply out and was easily able to defendt it

The game before that the other guy did cannon rush and proxy gatesways. and you know what they still stayed in the game. was able to have their natural down before me and cannons at their natural as well. the practically was able to fail 2 cheese attempts and stay in the game unpunished.

These are the things that I despise about PvT and make it cringe. They should not be ale to get away with defend an all in building their natural first and researching blink. it should be a build order lost. but nope they are toss.

they should not be able to fail cannon rush or gateway proxy and stay in the game.

CRINGE. Is this a balance issue. I don’t think so. Its more of a design issue. PvT is designed for P to get off to an amzaing start. Its designed for them to be ahead.
it is designed for them to be completely safe against all Terran openers.

They have nothing to worry about.

Yet PvT is still over 60%

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yes they can why not just use zealots?

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

zealots destroy marauders.

Reavers would be insane in SC2.

Like widow mines with more range, no setup time and faster attackspeed. Terrans cry out about zealot warp ins. With reaver protoss wouldn’t need to warp in units at all. Just drop a reaver in the base and let it fire two or three shots and the mineral line will be dead.

It also would be pretty brutal to bio since it is the old detonate on contact disruptor but more mobile and with a faster firing speed.

With concussive shell, Marauders kite Zealots to their dead. This is why people facepalm when you said that Zealots counter Marauders. Zealots do not counter Marauder.

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