The facts are in, BOOOYYYYS

I never liked MIT anyway. Socorro tech is where it is at. MIT is for chubs. I could never stand being a professor because I can’t stand dealing with troglodytes. All you need to assess the average intelligence of humans is a 5 minute conversation in any subreddit with any topic slightly related to logic or science or mathematics. I mean, I consider people with 130 IQ kinda smart but more dumb really. Now mind you 100 IQ is average and way below 130 and half the people on Earth are dumber than that. I could never, ever, in a million years deal with that in a classroom.

I have an engineering buddy. He’s probably the smartest guy I’ve ever met and, no offense to him, I think he’s pretty dumb. Like, I was crunching the numbers in my head and noticing the CDC’s number of positive tests was way to freaking high to not have loads of false positives. Well, turns out I was right because the CDC reduced the “cycles” of the PCR test from 29 to 28 I believe. Since it is logarithmic it is an absolutely massive change. He was 100% convinced the scamdemic is real. What it really is is a case study in bad science and how easy it is to mislead the public.

Anyway it’s basically impossible for them to prove how many false positives exist or don’t exist unless they do a randomized sampling with different kinds of tests. We’re talking thousands of each kind of test. The tests fail for different reasons and you can extrapolate what the true false positive rate is from the different test results. Well back then they hadn’t done that and were just spamming the same easily available test on repeat while going OMG THE COVID NUMBERS ARE SPIKING! Reality check: false positives blew it out of proportion, causing people to go get tested, which further inflated the false positives.

Anyway they caught onto it (a bit at least) and rolled back the sensitivity of the PCR tests. I was 100% right and he was wrong. It’s just a bit of math involving Baye’s theorem, an exponential function representing the rate of the spread of the virus using the R-not value for covid which is available in papers. Basically even if you assume no lockdowns, no masks, and assume covid can transmit as fast as their highest estimates, it still doesn’t come close to explaining the number of positive tests, ergo false positives.

Those clowns are going to tell you they just want the sensitivity of the test as high as possible so that not a single covid case can slip past the test. In other words that’s code for we’re going to jack the number of false positives through the roof because we want to miss no real cases. FYI, if you had a “test” where you just assumed someone is infected it would have a 100% sensitivity aka it have a 0% of letting any sick person slip through. Well, that’s basically what they did. They jacked the sensitivity of the tests so out of whack it basically just said “Yep, you’ve got ThE ViRuS”.

But the real nail in the coffin was when the numbers started rolling in for who was supposedly dying from covid. The average number of comorbidities was 3 I believe. It’s hard to say covid was what whacked them when they already were dying of 3 other things. Furthermore the average age of death was greater than the average lifespan currently. So the people dying are actually super old who are on the absolute verge already.

Furthermore the vaccine data started rolling in. Do you know how many lives the vaccines claim to save? For one of them it’s like 6 serious infections in 18,000 people. That’s like 0.03%. It doesn’t even claim to save their life, it just claims to prevent “serious” infections. Mind you that can mean you can still get the wu-flu and die from it because it doesn’t take a “serious” case to whack somebody who has 3 other serious conditions.

I like how you actually take the time to explain to me how awesome you are instead of working on the ToE and making millions with crypto and shares. But i guess you have like 1 billion and money isnt important to you. The most important things are getting chicks and internet fame.

Crypto is garbage boss. There’s a reason daddy musk pulled tesla out of crypto. They are creating numbers basically that have 0 real world value and people are buying them and using them to trade while they themselves are worth zilch and are backed by zilch. It’s an unregulated market so massive shareholders can freely commit market manipulation to basically rob people blind en masse (which is exactly what people accused Musk of doing).

If you want to make money, and this is 100% real advice, put it into real estate. Crypto is absolute trash. Basically the way the government hands out free money to make roads causes the infrastructure maintenance bill to exceed the tax revenue. So they offset with increase growth. It’s literally a ponzi scheme. In other words the value of real estate is being artificially inflated by the dumb-dumbs in washington and you can ride that wave to make loads of dough.

The best part is anyone can get into it. Anyone can flip old houses. You buy them cheap, renovate, then rent for 10 years after which you then sell. The rent pays off the mortgage for free basically and then you either keep renting or sell. Either or works. You just have to get enough dough in your bank account to start rolling or maybe some physical assets you can take out a loan to leverage against. But you have to be careful and know what you are doing because you can easily end up upside down, unable to finish it, and having to sell it at a loss.

I had a family member buy a house for $220k. It had fire damage. They didn’t have enough dough to finish it so I stepped in and did the labor and shouldered a good bit of the cost. You gotta really pinch those pennies to make it work. Their house just appraised for $270k. That’s after 3 years. They rent it and it pays off the mortgage and gives them a little extra on top.

He still won’t give me 10,000 USD. :frowning:

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yeah i watched a monopoly exploit on that topic

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Monkies gotta dance for their fruit juice. I may not send you $10k but if you’re nice I might send you one of these:

Yes, that’s a zerg symbol on square poplar coasters. I made way too many of them. I bought a big sheet of poplar and made a 25x25 set of these bad boys. I used them as gifts for my numerous sc2 buddies this past Christmas. I’ve got extras coming out of my ears. I can’t sell them, though.

I don’t want a $5 trinket, thanks.

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A set of custom coasters runs you about $300 boss. Man I ought to show you my work table. It is black walnut which really contrasts against the kerrigan outline carved into it. The black walnut just looks great with the zerg greens and purples. I had a freelancer draw up the design. I was having a tough time deciding between her or abathur.

If they’re not saleable they’re $5 m8.


They are worth a heck of a lot more if they aren’t sell able “m8” cuz you can’t get them anywhere. In fact that’s exactly why I made them. I wanted them to have a gift they couldn’t get from anywhere else. That’s a real gift right there.

Hobby projects are fun especially when you can flex your mastery of skills unrelated to your profession. That’s what working on cars always was for me. Yeah it’s great to have a slick 80’s sports car but it really blows peoples minds when you built the whole thing yourself, top to bottom, every nut and bolt, and even fabbed custom parts for it, and did the paint yourself.

The thing that really killed me the most about it was how I couldn’t put a completely custom engine into it. I wanted to design the engine from the ground up and cast it out of aluminum. I decided that was taking things a bit too far so I put modded LS engines into 'em.

I hope you are jealous of me btw. Batzy writes way longer paragraphs for me to impress me.

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Nah, batzy belongs to borne. Neither of us are getting shirtless photos. :frowning:

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Unlike you ladies he doesn’t simp for me. You can take my allegory of Lorelie from ballroom and apply it to BourneKilla. There’s a lot of parallels there. He hates me because I stepped on his toes. Oops, I called him a bigot when he refused to acknowledge valid statistics. Darn it. Now he hates me forever.

You’re not a 5’2 Korean pro Terran, so no I don’t simp for you.

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I have watched a lot of these pawn shop shows and yes,5€ is a fair price.

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Ah huh. What do you want to bet if I post “FREE SC2 COASTERS FOR ANYONE WHO CAN POST THE MOST BIASED BALANCE STATEMENT!” on reddit there would be 10k comments in under a week? But you refused them. That makes you a Lorelie of sorts too.

You know what, I just might do that to spite you. I’ll give them to everyone but you. LOL.

Pic completely unrelated.

The one girl in highschool who didn’t swoon the moment I flexed a bicep. Obviously she was super jelly and masking it with rage.

At least we got a pic of his thumb :drooling_face:

And some worthless 2 bucks coaster.

Keep the salty comments rolling. We’ll see how valuable they are when I do the reddit drawing. Just don’t post anything you’ll regret. :kissing_heart:

Dude do you think we’re actually into you? That’s adorable.

Our resident expert Diogen has valued it at 5€ though.