The facts are in, BOOOYYYYS

Division Matchup Games Wins Losses Protoss Win % Zerg Win %
unranked PvZ 38,767 10,357 9,858 51.23% 48.77%
bronze PvZ 6,036 1,537 1,872 45.09% 54.91%
silver PvZ 15,232 4,036 4,817 45.59% 54.41%
gold PvZ 33,525 9,884 11,295 46.67% 53.33%
platinum PvZ 77,161 25,148 27,129 48.11% 51.89%
diamond PvZ 157,238 62,556 62,184 50.15% 49.85%
master PvZ 70,408 24,550 24,573 49.98% 50.02%
grandmaster PvZ 9,164 3,891 2,866 57.58% 42.42%

This is for all games played in the past year. Cool, now let’s do PvT:

Division Matchup Games Wins Losses Team 1 % Team 2 %
unranked PvT 41,397 11,331 9,974 53.18% 46.82%
bronze PvT 7,643 2,341 1,966 54.35% 45.65%
silver PvT 23,753 7,367 6,639 52.60% 47.40%
gold PvT 45,701 16,020 13,342 54.56% 45.44%
platinum PvT 74,988 27,854 22,241 55.60% 44.40%
diamond PvT 145,393 59,221 54,019 52.30% 47.70%
master PvT 75,858 28,663 25,150 53.26% 46.74%
grandmaster PvT 11,086 4,465 3,903 53.36% 46.64%

Rofl. OK so now let’s do TvZ:

Division Matchup Games Wins Losses Team 1 % Team 2 %
unranked TvZ 40,099 11,094 10,008 52.57% 47.43%
bronze TvZ 6,935 1,843 2,120 46.51% 53.49%
silver TvZ 19,612 5,568 6,095 47.74% 52.26%
gold TvZ 37,899 11,603 12,819 47.51% 52.49%
platinum TvZ 76,588 25,290 25,819 49.48% 50.52%
diamond TvZ 162,935 67,263 61,461 52.25% 47.75%
master TvZ 68,458 23,212 24,326 48.83% 51.17%
grandmaster TvZ 7,204 2,838 2,300 55.24% 44.76%

LMAO. Grandmaster win-rates:

  • Zerg: 44.76% (ZvT) and 42.42% (ZvP).
  • Terran: 46.64% (TvP) and 55.24% (TvZ).
  • Protoss: 53.36% (PvT) and 57.58% (PvZ).

  • Protoss are up +15.16% win-rate compared to Zerg, +6.72 vs Terran.
  • Terran is up +10.48% vs Zerg.
  • Zerg is down -15.16% and -10.48% in both matchups.

In other words, take your current ZvP and ZvT win-rate and add 15% & 10% to each, and that’s your true skill level according to balance. Mine is 76.16% ZvP and 59.48% ZvT. Amazing. Just amazing. I never realized just how trash Zerg is.


so you are 4900 mmr at best with 76.16% ZvP and 59.48% ZvT?

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Did you scare off Goba?

once again, you pull the data out of your as

5 Likes,%202021%20-%20September%2011,%202021


Here is the quote I think I will frame. I will send you a picture once it’s done.

Feeling kinda cute. Might snap a pic and caption it:

This exactly and it’s all he can do. You have to be a real fruitcake to think you can derive the balance from only submitted replays to sc2replaystats. Aligulac has those numbers on a 14-day period every time for GM and the results are quite balanced there.

Typical Batz- trolling

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That’s a nerds dream… protoss-wannabe-good dream to be exact. Dont they portray themselves as this like I ever want to be like this:

I dont like beard, it itches when they even grow, just like how women dont wanna have elsewhere…
I do not like being a hunk

That alone speaks about the insecurity of those.

Yet they think Terrans are some rage kids (avilo has damaged the idea of Terran players so much) but I will let you know, im the Terran that others like and can be magnet for the girls.

And I dont whine over losing with 1 base allin TvP or SCV pull. Because im a war3 player too, I know micro macro and when everyone knows TvP is P broken, it is a fact. I say this objectively. Maybe things vary from ladder to pro level but in ladder it is awful forgiving to play Protoss in TvP.

With that said, I cant say if this is really from upload replays means bat sht. If ranked ftw was working… maybe it would give better stats

Goba has pissed a lot of people… it’s like the flea that will bug you if you don’t squash it. I’ve rarely seen such parasitic behavior from a lot in this community in sc2. Coming, switching sides only to bug you… and write a ton of nonsense. Being an absolute dot and calling actual players (which he is not), streamers and pro players this and that (as long as they are not KingCobra)… So did he pass the silver league

This is the textbook definition of bias. Don’t people willingly submit their replays to that website? And then it gets analyzed or whatever.

Listen to me closely. You are not a statistician. You are not a computer scientist. You don’t have a degree. You are just a rambling buffoon desperately seeking attention for your mental issues. I’m going to ask you this every single time you say something ridiculous - please seek medical help.


Seems like we are correct to complain about TvP xD

Especially since at least 1/2 of Teran wins are due to lucky Widow Mine shot on the Probes. This game should not be about gambling about W<s.

Doesn’t look very Terran-favoured to me outside of GM. Funny.

i don’t understand how ANY of your stats line up, i’m just going to pull ONE example out of the hat here…

GAMES = 38,767 now EVERY game should have 1 winner and 1 loser right? therefor there should be approx 76k wins and or losses right?

then why is there 10.5k wins and 9.8k losses. that barely even = 20k games. the math doesn’t even add up, not even a little…

do not post facts and knowledge the libs and protoss player swill get scared.


Batz isn’t using Aligulac? Strange…wonder why.

Yep, massive systemic imbalance from top to bottom on the ladder.

That’s until you account for how the ladder has the ability to demote/promote people to equalize their win-rate to 50/50. So these are the win-rate differences resulting after a year of the ladder adjusting people’s ranks. Note that Protoss have been skyrocketting in the higher leagues in the past year.

Basically a 15% win-rate in difference easily explains the APM difference in GM. APM has a high correlation with win-rate (0.65) and if you demote the lower skill zergs in GM you end up having only the upper end which are higher in APM. The reverse is true for Protoss. You have master level protoss in GM dragging down the average APM.

In other words APM is a very good indicator of balance and Zerg APM is higher for every league. In other words it can measure balance without being biased by the ladder’s ability to demote/promote people to adjust their win-rates to 50/50.

you didn’t answer me, how does any of the stats line up, the games, wins and losses never add up… how does that work

In all the tables he’s posted, the winrates do in fact add up to 100% left to right.
If you are confused about these numbers:

He pulled them from the bottom of each table. It’s messy, but accurate as far as I can tell on a surface level.

that doesn’t explain thousands of games missing in your data, how did you not pick that up when posting it? literally a huge difference in games played and outcomes in wins and losses… your data looks very off.

I haven’t checked to see if you are correct or not. If you are, it is probably due to a GM vs Masters game. A GM terran vs a Masters protoss will be counted in the GM TvP stats, while not being counted in the GM PvT stats. That would be my guess.

Rofl. My post about making a placard, which quotes the rage of forum posters who spam harassment at me, was removed. Yet another W to add to the stack. Forum posters are so enraged by simple facts like my skill level in sc2 that they will spam harassment at me across multiple platforms, but if I joke about making a placard quoting their harassment and hanging it on my wall they will spam reports on it and the mods will remove it while leaving the harassment up for all to see. Those W’s just keep stacking higher and higher for me.

I’ve got a bunch of nutso paparazzi’s following me around spamming hate at me because I clowned on them or their favorite streamer using meme builds in a video game. It’s batz derangement syndrome. Mods are AWOL - nowhere to be found. It’s a cold, dark and lonely world where monsters are coming out of the floorboards to snuff out the small bit of light that shines on these boards at any and all cost. They think they can win but really all they do is stack my W’s higher and higher. Going to ascend to heaven on a staircase made from the bodies of internet demons slain with logic and facts.

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Looks pretty balanced