Let’s be honest here for a second. Memes & mocking terran crybabies aside, Terran is definitely the hardest race in the game and has been for a long time. The buffs terran is receiving are tremendous (just look at the BC) and that’s indicative of just how underpowered terran was. I like to joke that stimbio micro is easy - a simple stim forward to pound something, then a stim backwards to the safety of tank cover fire - but there is much more that goes on. Stim at the wrong time and your army dies. Stim at the wrong time and your medivacs are drained of energy and your army can’t stim anymore. Stim too many times and your marines are basically paperweights. Metering your stims is incredibly difficult, but let’s not even mention the split and kite micro that we all know so well, nor the medivac lift micro, nor the fact that the terran has to do this in 3 locations at the time time.
They added the BC because Terran was radically harder to play. Nobody could do it except the top koreans. It had an insanely high skill floor although technically when played perfectly it would wreck face. The problem is that nobody can play perfectly enough. A ling counter attack happens and you look away and banelings hit your bio and that’s all it takes for things to fall apart. Thank God blizzard added the BC which drastically simplifies all of this.
I’ve been a huge critic of Terran’s “training wheel” mechanics like mules, supply drops, the ability to lift bases, etc, but let’s be honest, terran needs those due to how incredibly fragile their gameplay is. Terran has to maintain complete control over the game or else it all falls apart in a split second and when that does happen the free mules and never killable bases give terran a small chance at recovery but by far the strongest way to play terran is to never enter a scenario where that can happen.
Since we are coming clean, lets talk about the base setup. I kid you not, the difference between a good base setup and a bad base setup is like night and day. Properly setting up your base restricts enemy movements without restricting yours - you MUST be able to respond to threads like prisms and nyduses WITHOUT DELAY or else you just die (since terrans production is their weakest point). A good base will allow a terran to quickly intercept these units while still obstructing enemy units that do actually get in. That goal is very hard to achieve and makes terran very hard to play especially when you have to place buildings under pressure.
Then there is the weakness of production. Terran for the most part only has one spot on the map that makes units (for zerg every base spread out across the map can produce units). This makes it a MASSIVE vulnerability that you have to protect or die trying.
If that weren’t enough, terran has to use their supply units in order to have a functioning defense, which means their supply and production is super easy to target since it’s literally the thing blocking the enemy from entering your base.
Macro as terran is also bonkers-hard. Terran has to queue up units long before they actually need them - make the wrong units and it’s GG. This is especially hard to do when a protoss can warp in random sets of units and zerg can swing their entire production in a heartbeat. Terrans units have to be overly versatile to compensate for how hard it is to predict future production needs, and frankly they aren’t versatile enough since even top terrans lose games simply by queuing the wrong units.
We like to kid ourselves, but Terran has always been the hardest race to play. This is evident in how Terrans are pushed to lower levels of the ladder and how Terrans are so rare at the tournament level. If not for GODS like Taeja, Innovation and Maru, the race would have ZERO representation at the tournament winning level because it’s so incredibly hard to play.
The worst part of all this are all the poor terran players who know just how real their struggle is in every game they play and are constantly crapped on by the community who basically calls them all trash with statements like “learn to play”. They whined because their suffering was great, and what they received was ridicule and disdain FOR YEARS. Those clowns who’ve been crapping all over terran players aren’t laughing now that terrans have BCs and have been made strong through their years of playing an underpowered race! It’s time for Protoss and Zergs to learn to play for a change!